Cheapest price I've seen. Store had plenty of stock in the bargain bins.
Sennheiser HD201 Headphones $18 in Store at HN Castle Hill

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Step aside Sennheiser, I see the best headphones in the world back there!
How could you miss that!?
how could you miss #sarcasm?
Thought I wouldn't need it.
if you want a laugh look up soul by ludacris - there is even tim tebow or usain bolt edition!
Not another Beats fan D;
I wish they had this in other stores, my set just broke 2 days ago.
Lol. I see what you did there blopb.
Good deal. I'd love to get a pair if this deal was at a local HN. My wireless Sony's (which is currently being exchanged) hisses at loud volumes. I'd use the wireless when I'm walking around my room but when I'm sitting, these would be better.
I got mine for $23.15 couple of months back and can say the sound quality is pretty good considering its low price.
Just note though, the cable is VERY long and the headset has a bit of a problem coping with high volumes.
I used a pair for years and never had a problem with going too loud for the set.
I'd say if you're maxing the volume out you'd be doing some pretty bad damage to your eardrums.
I was there too today an saw them when picking up the iPod with the free Apple TV
The best headphones you will find for this price range.
The best closed headphones you will find for this price range. The KSC-75 by Koss wipe the floor with these.
Never tried them to be honest, maybe they are, either way you don't deserve down votes for a differing opinion.
I guess I did come off as snarky - sorry to all offended!
Maybe I can put it in a nicer way; I've tried both fairly rigorously and the KSC-75 are amazingly better, but are useless in any environment that requires quiet (work/library/classroom) or where outside noises will hurt the listening (airplane/bus/train), where the closed HD-201s will excel.
Also people with larger heads will find the HD-201s unbearably uncomfortable, they're not like normal on-ears where they rest on the entirety of your ear (like Alessandro MS-1s) - they dig right into specific parts of your ear. I know when my dad gave me his pair for a few days as a loaner, I could only wear them for 15-20 minutes at a time before getting this searing pain in my ear cartilage.
For what it's worth, I've got a pretty big head, and I've used the HD201's for half a decade with no comfort issues.
Love these, use them everyday, best $35 I spent (years ago now)
Severely DISAGREE.
There is so much wrong with the HD201's (the only reason they keep getting peddled is because they have Sennheiser plastered all over them):
Narrow oval instead of circular ear cup shape. Great if you have cat-like ears that just fold back. Otherwise for humans and particularly humans with big ears, there just isn't enough clearance, particularly for the top of your ear so they end up squashing the cartilage of your ear, making them uncomfortable for extended periods of time.
Shit-house construction. Go read the Amazon reviews. A pretty much universally-regarded fault. The headband is very prone to cracking because of the brittle plastic used and because the ear cups are connected to the headband on stupid pivoting joints (unlike virtually every other monitor headphone which has FIXED joints) they are not very durable. They also make getting a good "seal" on your ear to reduce background noise harder because they sit unevenly.
Horrible tinny sound, heavy distortion with highs and almost no lows. I mean no bass; forget the whole "natural sound" vs "studio sound"/"you listen to too much Techno" argument that audiohpiles have, these drivers are physically incapable of going below 20Khz.
Everything I listen to with them sounds like someone has fiddled with the treble setting on my Audio panel. I guess they may tolerable for movies, the dialogue does come across crisp and very clear, but for anything else that veers either towards the low or high frequencies of the spectrum, it just can't do it.Crap noise isolation. They use some kind of imitation leather as the padding instead of the usual budget headphone velvet-coated padding stuff, which to me doesn't seal an ear quite as well because it's incredibly soft. It's also more prone to tears, rips, smudges, etc.
The HD201's are so tinny and have such poor isolation they really aren't worth the price even at $10.
I expected so much more from these things given the way everyone raved and raved hysterically on WP and a few other places about them.
I would at least recommend you go for the HD202's.I got a pair of HD201's when Bing had a clearance on them and I have to tell you that my bottom-of-the-barrel, 5-year old, knock-around Philips SHP2000 (which are thoroughly el-cheapo) blow them out of the friggin' water. Literally like the difference between night and day. And these are ancient and have been bashed senseless over the years.
And those are even cheaper in construction than the HD201's.Honestly… do not be fooled by badge-marketing; these are horrible, horrible headphones.
great price for these headphones!
damn it, want to try one, anywhere else I can price match this?
Is this deal available at other HN store as well? or is it just this particular store?
Great price.
I've had these but you'd have to pay me $18 to wear these ugly things around in public. I'm all for sennheiser but these are super generic, great for home desktop use. Picked these up for $25 at my local HN some time a year ago!
Don't care what I look like when I am on my crappy bus going to work - anything that gives me great sound and blocks out all the coughing and sneezing from the dirty sick people squashed up next to me is AOK in my book! This will be my 3rd pair…
is this Australia-wide?
if you go into your local store and ask them to pricematch the castle hill HN store they will. depending if you get a nice salesman. just smile and wave :)
went to the local store @ chadstone. they had them in stock but wouldnt sell it to me for $18… only $49. booo
Got mine at Castle Hill. Around 15 of them left in the bin.
Success. Price matched at Harvey Norman fountain gate.
When to castle Hill and bought the last 3. Thanks OP
Hi everyone I just got the last set at Harvey Norman castle hill. At this stage they are not getting more. Jb hi fi at castle hill has them for $37 minus 20% discount on offer today till 9pm
online price still is $49.95. $18 is good