Hi everyone, I had an initial proof of concept release at the end of last year on Android for Coles discounts only.
After further feedback, I'm excited to announce the general release of the app which is now called SuperMarkit(supermarkit.com.au)
Both iOS and Android are supported and in addition to Coles, Aldi and Woolworths prices are tracked too.
The search has been improved to include expired deals so you can watch over them.
There're definitely more features that could always be added and I've got a few useful ones in the roadmap section at the bottom of the downloads page.(supermarkit.com.au).
I honestly think it's better than all the other apps/tools I've used out there, and I initially made it for my own use.
Would love to hear further feedback from the OzBargain community!
Downloaded on Android. Looking sweet.
Will you be including a paid option to remove ads? Not that they are intrusive but happy to pay a few bucks for adfree experience.