Starting New Small-Business - Which Cost Effective Electricity & Gas Suppliers to Use?

Hi, we are starting a small cafe and trying hard to remain cost-effective.

Our first time into business, starting in Victoria.

If you are in business, can you please confirm which suppliers you use and how can I find the cheapest possible option?

I am looking forward to your input.

Thank You!


  • +5

    I rest my case.

    • thank you, but this can't help since it only works if I have a meter number which I don't.

      • Faster to ask for meter number off the invoices from the property owner?

  • +4

    We are starting a small cafe, and trying hard to remain cost-effective.

    In this economy!? During this cost of living crisis?

    Our first time into business.

    In this economy!? During this cost of living crisis?

    Starting in Victoria.

    In this economy!? During this cost of living crisis?

    I am looking forward to your input.

    Don't do it. Cafe spends are some of the first costs to go! Wait till things pick up.…

    • thanks for your thoughts!

  • Costco. I'm sure a lot of those bought supplies, groceries, cakes, croissant, etc. don't forget to be platinum membership to get 2% cashbacks too.

    • Those Costco muffins stand out like dog balls…. You know its a cafe to skip if you see them on display! Just cheap crap passed off at overpriced cafe prices.

  • +2

    3months later OPs new thread

    "I am bankrupt, suggest me a good lawyer"

  • I think to qualify for a Small Business Electricity/Gas Supply you need to be using x amount of per year. I think Power was like 20,000kwh per year. Anything less was classified as residential.… has the info on the estimated usage etc.

    I run a small business from home and I do not even using anywhere near 20,000kwh a year. I am around the 12,000kwh a year with Solar.

    I don't know how much power a cafe would use, but you would need to meet the threshold.

  • +1

    Don't let the naysayers dissuade you. As long as you have a solid business plan then good luck to you.

    • +1

      yeah I know, thanks but its always good to digest criticism

  • May be worth a little time starting here -

    I assume there's something similar for Gas somewhere out there.

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