Country Flag Being Displayed Next to My Username for Votes

G'day all,
I've noticed today that when I tap on "votes" button for a comment it shows people who have voted in the list that pops up, but all of a sudden there is a country flag displayed right at the end of the time stamp. I then went to check some of my past votes for comments and posts and they were all good.
But then again I noticed a country flag appears under certain other ozb users as well.

I've attached one of such votes of mine and from another user for reference.

Just could not figure out where it is coming from and how do I get rid of it as I have no association with that flag or anything to do with it. If anyone or perhaps a moderator is aware of this, please let know what is going on :)



  • Are you using a VPN?

    • Nope. Closest thing I have for a VPN is private relay on iOS and that is only on mobile safari.

      • +6

        iCloud Private Relay is just Apple's own jargon for "VPN", passing through iCloud's WARP VPN.

        • Okay thank you @scotty. So basically if IP is outside of Australia (which was a result of private relay's handling of traffic), a country flag is shown.

          • +7

            @kaleidoscope: Country resolution for the VPN IP address is a bit wonky. For quick resolution we are using the free MaxMind database, and your Cloudflare IP address is resolved to be from Mexico. However MaxMind's own demo (which uses their paid solution) is resolving correctly as Australia with "iCloud Private Relay" as ISP.

            We might look at some alternatives if the inaccuracy is causing frequent issues.

        • +1

          Best thing Apple has ever done. Forces all websites to adapt to VPNs.

    • Yes, but who owns America's politicians? Recent official campaign funding information showed a certain lobby group had spent $34 million to ensure the two sitting New York candidates at the upcoming election who had voted against that lobby group's interest lost their primaries, and will be replaced with candidates who will vote for that lobby group's interests. Between that lobby group and the arms industry lobby, there are few politicians in Washington who aren't bought.

      At least Washington doesn't buy our politicians. It just that here there are lots of people who are advisers and in key positions in the military and security organisations whose jobs date back to the Cold War and still think that way and are loyal to Washington. When certain key organisations develop a certain culture, people with the same ideas are the ones who are promoted to key positions to replace ones with those ideas who are leaving, and people with different ideas don't join the organisation, and if they do they don't get promoted. Its not outright corruption like in America, where people are bought, it is just organisational culture. Canberra is owned because it is full of people who believe it needs to be.

      • -4

        LOL. I suppose Marles & Dutton have both had serendipitous Epiphanies.
        When a country whose politicians are bought out, controls our destiny, I'd say that your point highlights my point, and the reality of Dorkus.
        No intelligent person would willingly swallow the Porkus koolaid, without a reward, cold war or not.

    • +2

      Damn I thought you'd gone.

  • The MAGA crowd gonna come for you now

    • oops 🫣

  • +1

    No habla espanol

  • -2
  • can i have a bucket next to my name instead of a flag

  • Xrayed Giraffe!!!

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