• expired

Free Scotch 3M Restickable Mounting Tabs - (FB like)


From facebook page:

Ever wondered how to use Scotch Restickables mounting tabs? Ever wanted to give it a try? Well here's your chance.

Simply play our Scotch Restickables Defying Gravity game to learn the different usages of the mounting tabs and claim a FREE sample from us! You can even stand a chance to win $150 simply by registering ;)

Click on link below to join! Yes it is that easy! All the best and have fun!

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Registered for sample thanks.

    Is something that requires playing a game a freebie though? Don't read further if you don't like spoilers.

    To save people time, the todo list goes on the blackboard, the Hello Earth sign goes on the porthole, the birthday balloon goes on the clipboard, the baby photo goes in the space between the existing photos and the portrait of a couple goes on the mantelpiece or what looks like one.

  • +1

    Great spotting dogart! I love 3M stuff, especially when it's free! :)

    • +1

      Free is the best kind of bargain!

  • +9

    Free Scotch (Yippee!)
    3M (Oh…)

    • +1

      My exact thoughts lol

  • +7

    You can skip the Facebook nonsense and just go to http://go.3m.com/restickable-au

    • got an error on submission

      • I got a error also.

  • +4

    I didn't get mine from the last deal.

  • +4

    I just read "free scotch"…. massively disappointing!!

    • Me. Too.

  • +7

    signed up for 3m samples a few times never received anything

    • +1

      same, i signed up for the free 3M Post-it samples on the 6th of August, never got a thing.

    • same :|

    • Me too…

  • Hope the samples come cause that game was a waste of time!

  • +1

    I initially read this as "free Scotch", damn. Still grabbed the deal, thanks!

  • -4

    Do they really send u 3metres of this?? Even at shop only a bit not 3m! This is hecktic freebee

    • +5

      3M is the company that makes Scotch products.

    • +2


  • +3

    I've never received any of my 3M freebies… they just took my details those jerks!

    • +2

      Now that I come to think of it neither have I

    • +1

      I should neg 3M to warn others.

    • +1

      Agreed, nothing against the OP but 3M has yet to come through with the goods.

      • +1

        Same here. Signed up for two of them in the past and got nothing out of it.

  • +9

    I will neg 3M because I and many others have not received the last promotion.

    • +1

      Same for me.

  • I did get the Command hangers from that promotion though by the time it arrived I had forgotten about it. I didn't apply for the Post-It notes. And I haven't had any advertising from 3M but I use a different mail address for promos anyway.

    • +3

      cos its a flash based game.

  • Direct link didn't work so I had to play the stupid Facebook game. I don't get how placing 5 random items in space makes me want this product but hey, I'll wait and see if I ever get them in the mail.

  • -1

    T&C says it closes once 10,000 requests have been received.
    Hope they let people know when it reaches 10,000 by closing registrations.
    If they don't, maybe that was why people didn't get previous promotions ?

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