For my old furry friend :)
Large Dog Pee Pads 60x60cm-40 Count
6-layer Protection
Fast Absorbent
Thicken Pads
Multi-sizes Available
For my old furry friend :)
Large Dog Pee Pads 60x60cm-40 Count
6-layer Protection
Fast Absorbent
Thicken Pads
Multi-sizes Available
As above, $20 for 100 at Kmart.
Same for Target -…
& Bunnings -…?
Reject shop is $24 for 110 -
This is not a deal.
Ou! Thank you, sir. Useful info for me.
Be careful with these if you are using them for a puppy. What you will end up doing is teaching them to wee inside, whereas they should be taught not to wee inside at all.
I get it's a tough balancing act because you don't want them weeing randomly all over the place but this has the potential to do more harm than good.
You should be training the puppy to pee on the pads and every couple of days move them closer to the door. The aim is to get them trained to peeing on the pads outside and then remove them all together.
Once the door is open, they will nearly always pee outside, rather than inside, irrespective of these pads being there or not.
The problem is the door is never open at night, when these things are mainly used. I see no reason to use them during the day at all, assuming you are home with doggo, of course.
Some have no option like myself living in apartment. Had pee pad outside on the balcony whilst a puppy and in the ensuite while sleeping and she learnt to only pee on them when inside.
As long as you take your dog out regularly you shouldn’t have issues. Dogs prefer to pre outside on grass/in nature unless your dogs broken.
I keep a pee pad in the corner of a room over night “just in case” and as long as it’s in the same spot, your dog should know
Yep an apartment is a different ballgame. However, dogs can hold and they should (eventually) learn that they need to hold the whole night and they will be taken outside in the morning.
My dog were trained with these pads, and we had a dedicated area for her to pee which we changed 1-2 times a day.
This meant we didn't need to let my dog outside or have her need to go outside to pee.
I know most don't like that, but it worked for us (we had the area in the laundry) and she never, ever peed outside the pad.
Thanks, slut.
Using the Kmart ones, best product in the world using with bub for nappy changes keeps the change table clean.
Hey all, just a question, are the Amazon pads the same quality as the Kmart/Target/Reject Shop ones?
I wish petbarn still had the XXL ones. Haven't been able to find any as big as those
I wish my dog was still alive.