[iOS, Android] Free: Teach Your Monster to Read: Phonics & Reading Game $0 @ Apple App Store, Google Play



The game is rigorous and works with any phonics scheme so it’s perfect for use in school and at home. It’s developed in collaboration with leading academics at the University of Roehampton and has been approved by the UK government as part of the Hungry Little Minds campaign.

This educational app is commonly used in preschool, primary school, kindergarten and first grade as an interactive teaching resource.

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Google Play
Teach Your Monster to Read
Teach Your Monster to Read


  • +9

    For anyone who wants to get this for their AxM (Apple Business Manager / Apple School Manager):
    * App ID is id828392046
    * Bundle ID: com.teachyourmonstertoread.tm1

    Usage: Use App ID to search for the app in AxM. Use the Bundle ID to allow / block the app in your MDM.

  • My 4 year old loves it.
    The difficulty curve kinda goes a bit hard though as they progress.

    • That's what you'd want out of this yeah?

      • a more gradual curve

        eg it goes from single letters/ sounds, to two letter sounds /words, my 4 year old did very well with assistance through 1 letter sounds, but the double letters or words obviously throw him, even with help atm.

        i mean, its a free app - what more can you ask for. so i upvote it anyway.

  • -3

    Teach Your Monster to Read

    My Monsters learnt to read using books from the library…

    • +1

      Yes we all know you love your local libary.

      • -1

        Yep, and it's free !!!

  • +1

    It's a fun app. Kids love it

    • -1

      Not all kids.

  • Is there normally a cost to this?

    • +2

      Normally $15 - Only free till Wednesday Sept 11th

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