[Hack] Added Piece of Grilled Chicken to a Quarter Pounder Deluxe Burger for Free @ McDonald's (via App or Kiosk)


While browsing options for the new Quarter Pounder range, I noticed in the customisation section of the Quarter Pounder Deluxe you can add a piece of grilled chicken without any extra fee. Double the protein! Try it out before they fix it. Confirmed working on both the app and self-serve kiosk.

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  • +54

    The same customisation can be done in the DoorDash app for no extra cost. In fact, you can remove the beef and it takes $3.20 off the order so you can make yourself a cheap chicken deluxe burger!

    • legend!

    • Where was this post YESTERDAY!! Dammit!

    • When I do this it deducts $3.20 as you said, but then at checkout it reverts to the non-discounted rate for some reason.

  • weird mix , but good score

  • +5

    3 QPD bugers + 10 nuggets = $19.87 delivered at doordash thanks

    • how can you just order the burger by itself? it force me to order in meal

      • +1

        Right at the bottom of the menu there is individual items.

      • +1

        Scroll down to the bottom where there is "individual items"

        • 1.3$ extra for the same burger from the mac app, is it normal?

          • +1

            @pkxo1989: possibly the maccas app uses dynamic pricing but doordash does not

          • +1

            @pkxo1989: 20 to 30 percent mark up is quite normal for everything on ubereats, doordash and menulog. Plus the 12 percent service fee. Plus delivery fee.

            No fees if pickup but still the markup.

            Best to use the doordash 30 percent or more discount with pickup. Usually cheaper than Instore price.

            • +1

              @kdmeir: Maccas app also marks up prices for delivery, but I agree with everything else you said :).

            • @kdmeir: do have the pick up option for mine, so sad

          • @pkxo1989: mac prices Also vary by the store as well

    • +3

      Don't forget to also add these for free

      • Extra Pickkles
      • Extra Ketchup
      • Extra Mustard
      • Extra Salt & Pepper
      • Extra Steamed Buns
      • +5

        FYI steamed bun isn’t a extra - it just changes the bun to be steamed like the filet o fish. Some people prefer it over a toasted bun

        • That would be such a tiny bun for this burger

          • @Pinchy: Oops, could’ve worded it better.
            Bun will stay the same etc for this quarter pounder bun. It will just be steamed

        • You learn something new everyday! Cheers QP.

      • +4

        Steamed hams?

      • Wow, never knew! All those extra pickles I've been missing out on :-(

    • How do you get it down to $19.87? The total for 3 QPD is $28 for me.

      • +1

        Remove beef

  • +1

    Can we add bacon & call it a McFarmhouse?

    • Old McDonalds, surely

      • Old Mcdonalds is when you find a ~6 month old chicken nugget still in perfect condition under your kids car seat.

  • -1

    Looks like a glitch on the new customisation function. The grilled chicken add-on is $3.

  • +3

    Eating them now. This is by far the nicest burger I've had from mcd in years. The chicken is real meat.

  • You can also add up to 5 pickles for free. The default is 2 pickles :(

  • -5


  • "grilled"


  • Wonder what the calories would be when swapping the beef for chicken? Chasing that summer bod….

    • +1

      And as we all know, summer bodies are acquired by eating McDonalds

  • Remember when they used to sell honey packets except you could add it onto any order (up to 10 packets) for free? Now those were days 🥵

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