CelloPark Matraville Charge in Parking in Brisbane?

Hi all, I noticed recently that CelloPark was taking $2 a month from me, and this was separate to the parking charges.

I thought it was just city parking, but it turns out that I had subscribed to the "premium" iMoved service, where they will text me when it's coming up to the end of my parking time.

I really don't remember ever signing up to it, and it's not easy to see if you are subscribed to this service on the CelloPark website.

Has anyone else been stung by this? To check if you are paying it, search for "matraville" on your bank statement. If you have about $1.99 coming out each month, you've subscribed to this junk service.


  • This company sux.

  • Seen complaints about that before for sure, I think in reviews for their app. They never stung me for it though.

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