• long running

Baby Jogger City Select Lux Stroller $529 (Was $699, RRP $1295) Delivered / MEL C&C @ Baby Jogger


Dad To Be!! :)

A friend recommended Baby Jogger City Select Lux
He bought a new one back in 2020 for around $900 and later sold on FB Marketplace for $400.
I personally think it very well built and safe.
was looking to buy a used from FB Marketplace but ended up buying new from their website.

Please note it is a discontinued product. Same deal as this (different store front but the same company) — Mod

The following accessories have sold out:

  • second seat adapters
  • second seat kits
  • bench seat
  • child tray
  • belly bar
  • travel bag

Related Stores

The Amazing Baby Company
The Amazing Baby Company


  • +4

    13.79kg is a bit on the high side

  • -1

    Bassinet for newborns is an additional $119 and no longer available in matching Ash colour.

    • -5

      Doesn't need a bassinet it's flat enough. If you're using a capsule it'll be easier to just get a capsule adapter than taking bub in and out

      • Comparing a bassinet and this shows you shouldn't be commenting.. never mind a capsule for constant use is not ideal also…

        • Lolol OK had 2 kids AND this pram but whatever. Even if you are out all day, you'll be taking the baby in and out for feeding and changing so the capsule isn't an issue. And the slight upright position is safer than a flat bassinet after eating. Are you a mum? Coz 7/10 of the ones I speak to say they never use the bassinet anyway so pop off then. I had one (given to me) but never used it

          The seat of this pram goes down low enough to be safe for babies, their heads not going to roll off with a very slight incline. But sure spend your money on something you don't need, enjoy

          You think if you have a sleeping baby in the car capsule, you would wake the baby up just to put in the bassinet? Hahahahaha do you even have kids 😂😂😂

          • -1

            @MeesusEff: Wow you got 2 kids and you spoke to some mums online…. Oh and of course they are specialists… the many downvotes your previous statement made says enough but hey ho. Yes I have kids and yes we used the bassinet for both, no I don’t have this pram. Wife has an uppababy vista v2 and I have a Redsbaby jive 3 and a travel pram the bugaboo butterfly.

            The bassinet we have for both are suitable for overnight sleeping (up to a certain age ofcourse)… is your capsule… nope

            Oh and spend money on something you don’t need? Both the vista and the Redsbaby came with the bassinets…. Sooooo the capsule would have been the extra spend

            • +1

              @quikstix: Serious question: what makes one flat surface "suitable for overnight sleeping" and another flat surface not, other than blind faith in marketing material?

              • @hmmmm: I mean I wasn’t comparing the one flat surface to another in the case above. I was comparing a bassinet to a capsule and saying my bassinets were overnight sleep capable and a capsule isn’t as he said I would need to spend extra on a bassinet. so if we going away for a couple nights if I have a bassinet instead of a capsule I don’t need to bring a portable cot with me (up to a certain age again).

                If we do wanna actually talk about flat surfaces comparing them..The sid factor definitely comes into play, when you yourself for example lie face first into some fabric breathing becomes a bit more difficult vs others it doesn’t due to construction solid vs a woven mesh of sorts etc. we can move our heads when we can’t breathe or it becomes uncomfortable, a baby with no neck control can’t.

                • @quikstix: Uneven inclines are bad for long durations of sleep because they risk reduced air intake. Same reason as why you shouldn't drive long duration without breaks when babies in car seats.

                  People will always say 'my baby is fine and i do it'. But its a game of probabilities. Someone's baby wasn't fine and that's why it was researched and rednose recommendations are formed. (edit: I am agreeing with you )

  • -1

    Anyone know if these can use Uppababy adapters?

  • Have one of these, great pram but very heavy. Smooth and big basket. Luckily I bought all the accessories before it discontinued, but I never used them 😂

    • waste!

      • Unless you adopt a kitten

  • How does this compare to Uppababy?

    • +1

      This is mid range while Uppababy is top

    • +1

      When we were expecting our second one, we decided to get a second hand Uppababy V2. It's on the expensive side and all the mums rave about it.

      We're 8 months into using it. While it is very sturdy and great on all terrains, I think it's the worse design ever. The normal seat always go on the top and the rumble seat (a smaller seat) can only fit on the bottom. If anything, you want your younger one to be closer to you and off the ground. If you setup the bassinet on the top, there's no way to setup the rumble seat to face forward. The bassinet is right in the kid's face if they sit on the bottom.
      If you use 2 seats, you can only set them up to face you. If you set them up to face forward, there's no leg room for the top seat. I'd assume there's no way to setup 2 normal seats to face forward because it'd just be way too big. My older one got super excited that she can sit on the bottom seat, but she couldn't even fit into the rumble seat by 2yo and she's on the shorter percentile.
      For the price we pay even as a second hand, I have nothing but complaints. The wife loves it though for the big basket (but when you setup two seats facing you, there's barely any basket space left). Yeah, it's well built, but the design is just bad and I don't understand why people love it so much. Enlighten me if someone differs in opinion.

      • +1

        We brought babybee duo on a deal for 950. Great sturdy pram so far. It’s a big pram though

      • I'm assuming this entire comment is about the Uppababy Vista? (You only mention 'Uppababy V2'). Those were the exact reasons I didn't go with the Vista when the wife and I were looking to upgrade from the Cruz when we found out we were expecting our 2nd.

        We went with the Baccani (Skippy) Lusso Double pram. The design allows for way more configurations when using a bassinet/seat or 2-seat setup. We also considered the Maxi-Cosi Lila Duo but it didn't have a very big basket capacity which was important for us.

        • We're having out first but we're planning on having more would you buy the best single you can now and upgrade to a better double later?

    • But if you're just having 1 kid, this and Uppababy are targeted for different markets. It's really up to your budget.

    • How does it compare to the Matterbaby?

  • +17

    Congrats to OP. Wishing a safe and easy delivery for mum and bub.

  • I have the ciry select (not lux) that I bought 2nd hand with all the accessories. Good solid pram. Easy to push, pack and setup. Weight hasn't bothered me, wife struggles a little though.

  • +10

    If OK, buy a used one. My wife disagreed so Purchaed a used one first, then gave it to friend and then made him to offer free for me and convinced my wife to use it until we buy the new one. Rest is history

    • +4

      IQ of 9000 right here. Smart!

      • +2

        I had to read this so many times at first I thought it was a low IQ comment but then you said it was high IQ so I was like it's me I'm clearly the one with low IQ one and then it made sense lmao.

  • Had one of these, great pram

  • If someone is looking at a pram system, for what it's worth. If I were choosing at the top end, between what is available now, I'd get the new Cybex gazelle.

  • Can anyone recommend a travel pram for 3month old. Ofcourse for a reasonable price as we already have a normal pram

    • +1

      We had a colugo and it was okay. In hindsight there is a lot to be said for cheap umbrella strollers. Very easy to fold and I didn't care if I lost it or abused it over rough terrain.

    • We've got the babyzen yoyo pram. Bought a second hand one off Facebook marketplace so wasn't too badly priced.

  • +1

    Pretty hilarious how prams are marketed and seemingly convince people about the perceived value, it just seems really excessive. Be interesting if/when i have to select one too lol

    • Kmart pram NOW

    • +1

      Yeah we used $100 Aldi double pram for years with no issue. To each their own I guess.

  • +1

    All I can say is if you love Dyson vacuums, and not everyone does (I don't) you're going to love this stroller.

  • Any pram recommendations for twins?

    • +1

      We are very happy with the Millie + Coup pram

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