Sunglasses Recommendation for Male

Hey OzBargain fam, can someone explain to me what’s the deal with sunglasses in Australia?

For example, if I go to Sunglasses Hut, Bailey Nelson and so on and buy Ray-Bans or Versace any other fashion brand for that matter - am I really getting different quality glasses?

Or are they just rolled off from one factory with a different logo?

I have wondered it for a while just wanted to know. Also, I’m in the market for new sunnies and thinking where the $200- $400 tag is worth it.

Ps. No offence if you are from the companies listed.


  • +2

    Just regular sunnies or you need prescription? Zenni is my go to for prescription now

    • +1

      Cheers, just regular sunnies.

      • -1

        You can specify no prescription in the glass and choose your own frame, glass thickness and the colour tint you like. Biggest challenge is getting a frame that fits well, best to measure a pair that fit you well and match it with the offerings online. Certainly will be cheaper than fashion brands and the quality of the glass will be excellent.

        With 'fake' sunglasses there is a risk that the tint causes your pupils to be open while being hit with high amounts of UV light. Whatever you get make sure they have real polarised lenses

        • they don't need to be polarised, they just need a real UV rating

          • @Jackson: Not sure what point you are making here.
            Can you have a real UV rating in glasses that are not polarised?

            • +4

              @greatlamp: yes you can, polarisation has nothing to do with blocking UV light, the blocking happens due to a special UV absorbtion coating. If it has this coating, it will block UV, if it doesn't it wont.

              Polarisation does block reflected light, which is typically not UV light. It's handy when you are fishing/at the beach, and light is reflecting off water, or driving where it might be reflective off other cars

    • Regular?

      Plenty of cheap polarized sunnies on ebay (like under $10)

      I've bought some from there and find they are very good.

      Ive always favoured polarized sunnies as they filter out the glare.

      So great for driving, beach etc

    • +6

      Either way you can’t go past Maui Jim for optical quality imho.

    • I've been trying to work out where I have heard of Zenni, and I just realised they are the sponsor of the "Professor of Rock". He's a funny bloke that guy, somewhere between click bait and light infotainment

  • +8

    They all come from the same place. Go in, try them on, grab the code and shop online. Just be wary of scam sites.

    Luxottica own most glasses production.

    • +1

      Ok knew it. They all look like they come from the same factory. Thanks for the confirmation.

      • +1

        Ok knew it. They all look like they come from the same factory. Thanks for the confirmation.

        • +2

          never realised they, luxottica took over essilor.

          they are an absolute behemouth now.

          literally just raised $2B euro of bonds from investors at 3%, jesus.

          As a corporation of this size, they are on nearly 9% profit margin which is absolutely enormous when you're that large.

          $100B EURO market cap too.

          never would have thought the EU would allow such a massive merger, guess it's OK if it's internal italy and france…

  • +12

    Can someone explain to me what’s the deal with sunglasses in Australia ?

    You mean worldwide?

    Luxottica owns all the famous brands. Their market power and dominance has allowed it to charge price markups of up to 1000%(

    Butler said he recently visited factories in China where many glasses for the U.S. market are manufactured. Improved technology has made prices even lower than what Dahan recalled.

    “You can get amazingly good frames, with a Warby Parker level of quality, for $4 to $8,” Butler said. “For $15, you can get designer-quality frames, like what you’d get from Prada.”

    And lenses? “You can buy absolutely first-quality lenses for $1.25 apiece,” Butler said.

    Yet those same frames and lenses might sell in the United States for $800.

    Butler laughed. “I know,” he said. “It’s ridiculous. It’s a complete rip-off.”…

    • +3

      What a scam. One day I will start a sunglass company and won’t sell out- but maybe it’s like the simpsons and they will send hired goons after you.

      • +3

        You need a good list of celebrities, and movies to endorse it plus a good marketing budget. it's a fashion accessory or just get this… or similar.

      • +3

        like the simpsons and they will send hired goons after you.

        Buy him out, boys!

      • +1

        There's plenty of cheaper sunglass brands out there that Luxottica doesn't own. The reason the other smaller ones can't squash Lux despite having lower prices, is because Lux doesnt just sell Sunglasses, they sell lifestyle and branding. You would have to spend millions in marketing to get that branding.

      • Due to this reason I've been using $10 ones from Paddy's Markets as they're marked to meet AusNz standards with cat.3 UV protection and the shopkeeper said the markings are genuine. Now I'm worried about their authenticity after reading comments here.
        Are shops at the markets like Paddy's Markets and QVM regulated and inspected by whatever body responsible to execute Australian Standards ?

        Of course they look cool , I mean 10 bucks great glasses, £¥¢€ the eyes, it's just another body part not a camera lens !


    I have a pair of Le Specs and they've lasted for over three years now, even after receiving a flogging. I like their styles, too.

    Most sunnies seem to be around the $70-$90 mark, too.

    • Thanks brother will check it out 👏🏼

  • +3

    BP Service station sunnys for $25 work well.

    • +6

      Shell Express and get an extra 10c/ltr off your fuel

  • +1
    • -2

      Dangerous to wear at sunset or sunrise if driving…

      • What about at night time?

        • +6

          What about at night time?

          Is that you Corey ?(

    • The "SD/HD" style slider puts me off.

  • +6

    serengeti sunglasses

    • +2

      This! Serengeti Maestrale’s. Lens quality is brilliant.

    • Very happy with my serengeti's. Build quality is a step above the ray bans I used to buy

  • +12…

    I use cancer council sunglasses I got from a popular ozbargain deal for less than $50. They were polarised and offered good UV protection. The cancer council sunnies deals are pretty popular around here.

    • I bought 2 pairs of aviators from them and both had the nose pieces fall off on the first or second wear. I still wear them without the nose pieces, lenses are fine, but they weren't even worht returning as there was a lot of hoops to jump through

  • +5

    cancer council sunnies are fine, great sunnies for a good price

  • +1

    I like uv wraps from Bunnings , a little pricey but I felt still made well, looks good, and meets whatever prescribed as/nzs standard applies

    • a little pricey

      $30 ish aren't they?

      I like the prosafe glasses from Blackwood's too, about the same price for polarised safety glasses.

      Bolle are great, but a bit pricey for polarised, about $90

  • +1

    Alternatives include Maui Jim or Julbo, although Julbo's styles are an acquired taste.

  • +2

    Pit Vipers(

  • +3

    Maui Jim and Persol are my favourites. But Cancer Council have good styles and lenses, and for sport/running Goodr are not bad for $30-$40 a pair. Just make sure you get polarised lenses.

    • +1

      everyone recommending polarised lenses but no one mentioning the fact that if you want to look at LCD screens while wearing them they are a pain in the backside. Especially if you are driving and expect to see a console

  • I wear and like look at their history and design DNA

  • +1

    JohnnyShades are pretty good and well priced with pretty quick shipping. The only big brand I know of that has good frames for men that's not owned by Luxottica is Maui Jim, and their sunnies are excellent albeit expensive.

    SunglassHut is Luxottica's retail arm - yes, they are owned by Luxottica. So is OPSM.

  • +3

    Tinted safety glasses are much cheaper, although not as fashionable.

    • +1

      Some of the more expensive safety glasses look pretty good imo (bolle). Very style dependant as they have to fully surround the eyes. Some are even polarised

      Even Oakley has a safety section

    • +2

      Just wrap black/grey cellophane around your head. Even cheaper.

    • +1

      They are shatterproof at the expense of being prone to scratches. Similar to the terrible non sapphire glass that casio and seiko love using.

  • Havent had to pay for years provided by boss. But i must be tight $20 is all i imagine i would pay.

  • The wrap around ones - that make you look like a thug, bikie or police man.

    Or seriously - Serengeti.

  • Goodr are my go to. Polarized under $50. Good enough for me, cheap enough to not worry about trashing them.

  • What Ive done in the past is pick the sunglasses I like and buy replicas. i.e. glasses worth $500 for $50. Plenty of websites on google. But then…. go to sunglassfix and buy replacement lenses which are high quality and replace the lenses.

    • Do the replacement lenses always fit ok in replicas?

      • +1

        yep always.

  • I bought a pair of Randolph Engineering before they cost as much as they do now and no regrets.

    Maui Jim make some really nice stuff too.

    Both are expensive, but not owned by Luxottica, so a little more justification to the higher price.

    • Maui jim are owned by one of the other big overpriced conglomerates. Not much better than luxottica

      • Yes, they were bought out a few years ago. One can tell from the change in the protective hardcover case that come with the sunglasses.

  • -2


    • don't know why you're being downvoted.

      i get mine from there. Yeah they look cheap, but i don't don't GAF if they get scratched or dropped or whatever, no need to baby them like I did with more expsive ones I used to have (which got lost).

      • +1

        Probably concern about the lenses filtering out UV properly.

        • yeah i get that and i can only say 'try it out' - it's fine, and like $10.

          Luxotica is absolutely ripping us off.

          • @smartProverble: But you can't detect whether or not the lenses are filtering out UV.

      • Yep. Its all made in the same place. Just different branding.

  • +4

    Maui Jims. Best you can get.


    i bought a couple of pairs from here a year or so ago.
    they were fine.

    can provide a referral but it is no longer in the OzBargain list.

    • How much was delivery?

      I believe this is the brand I bought a pair of when I was visiting the States a few years ago, and pleasantly surprised with them.

  • look like good value and good reviews… i think they will be my next port of call

  • +1

    Maui Jims for driving and cancer council sunnies for everything else .
    Sunglass Hut used to do do half price vouchers for Father’s Day .
    MJ’s with glass lenses were great value then ,
    Just remember all rimless MJ’s are plastic lenses .

  • +3

    For me Maui Jim. Their lenses are fantastic. I used them for driving/riding. Disgusted at myself for getting a pair of Rayban Caravan for flying but Maui Jim doesn’t do non polarised otherwise I would use them for flying too!

    They have lifetime warranty. I’ve broken the temples 9-12 times now I’ve lost count.( cause I leave them on the car seat and then sat on them)

    Everytime, I emailed Maui Jim in French Forest and they’ve sent out a temple replacement.

    Oh did I mention their the lenses are fantastic?

    • If you want the fantastic lenses without polarised, check out Oakley sunnies with Prizm. They come in both polar and non polar.

      Similar colour tech as Maui (which is what people like about them)

      • Glass lenses ?

        • Not all Maui's are glass. And the optical clarity of glass is barely noticeable if at all

    • My polarised sunglasses are bad for driving too - colourful glares on the 15inch touchscreen.

  • Which ones work better for ozbargainers? Polarised or UV protection?

  • +1
  • Check out Goodr. Sporting/running focus, lots of funky options, may not have the style you're after but their quality is great and pricing is sharp.

  • $2 polarised sunglasses off Temu. Can buy 20 of them delivered for like $50 and have them everywhere.

    • Do they still have that annoying minimum delivery amount?

      • +1

        yep $40 minimum lol

  • +3

    Spotters sunglasses (Australian made). Had my Arctic copper halide chromatics for 24 years.

    Never go out without them.

    They look like new. Frames work like new. They cost $300 24 years ago and still cost $300. My all time favourite purchase.

    Bought a backup pair in case they stop making them.

    Nothing comes close to the clarity of vision these give under any light conditions. Though Serengeti come close.

  • Rey Bens

    For that peace of mind that it won't mean anything if i scratch / drop / lose them, because they are cheap as F and look authentic. Protects eyes just the same.

    • Do they protect you from UWU light?

      • No, but they do protect your eyes from UV light.

  • Made in Sydney and the frames are made out of recycled plastic bottles.

    I have the Palm Beach model and find them to be quite comfortable and sturdy.

    Before that I had some from BaileyNelson but the thin frames were too prone to bending/breaking.

  • +2

    Good Citizens.

    I bought a couple of pairs a few years ago and they are super tough, comfy, and look slightly better/different from your usual Rayban style.

    • Made in Sydney by father & (young) sons business
    • 100% recycled plastic
    • Repairable and customisable design
    • Prescription, UV or Polarised lenses
    • Good price (not cheapest, but not crazy exxy)
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