Help Save My Lawn

Hi All,

I’m a newbie in gardening and I need help with my lawn. Last year when my lawn was thin I spread this lawn seed from Bunnings —>…

Here’s how my lawn looks like after mowing in 4 days.……

This is the worst thing I could do to my lawn. There’s two issues 1. The buffalo grass has been over taken by this weird grass 2. The growth of this grass is phenomenal. It grows like in 2 days. I have to mow the lawn every week and I can’t sustain this due to my recent back injury.

Lastly, from the pictures you can see there’s a lot of clovers all over my lawn. I’ve noticed this is happening across Sydney on every lawn.
How do I get rid of them?


  • +2

    that looks like my lawn..

    • +2

      And looks much better than my lawn.

      • And someone's been walking on my lawn

    • -2

      And what did OP expect from a cheap and cheerful packet of random lawn seed?

  • +4

    How do I get rid of them?


    • -1

      Clover comes out during winter and spring.
      Its normal but not good if you let it take over.

      Spray the clover with this:…

      Then wait for the buffalo to take off when the weather gets warm with regular rain.
      Bufallo grass will naturally take over the lawn during summer if you have manged to remove most of the weeds.

      • +2

        I previously bought this product but the guide states it’s not suitable for Buffalo grass.

  • +10

    Spray Bin-Die to get rid of the clover and other weeds. There is a chance it kills the rye grass too as it is still young. Make sure you mix it exactly as per the instructions and not double strength (stronger is not better and will kill your grass). If you fertilise the lawn you will get less clover and the grass will grow/spread more. Regular mowing also encourages the grass to grow laterally.

    Most likely though you are never going to have a purely buffalo grass lawn again unless you returf.

    • Is this better than Hortico 360 weed killer and roughly how long before the weeds die? Will it need multiple applications?

      • +2

        Hortico 360 is extremely effective but will kill all of the grass too. Bin-Die will not kill the grass and weeds start to die within 24 hours to a week. It can require a second application for some weeds.

      • Hortico 360 concentrate had been discontinued by Yates.

        • +1

          Plenty of other glyphosate concentrates available.

  • +8

    1. The buffalo grass has been over taken by this weird grass

    Rye grass.

    2. The growth of this grass is phenomenal.

    This will be emphasised by the fact that Buffalo grass is dormant in cooler months.

    Lastly, from the pictures you can see there’s a lot of clovers all over my lawn. I’ve noticed this is happening across Sydney on every lawn.
    How do I get rid of them?

    You'll need some broad leaf weedkiller (for example) that is made specifically for Buffalo grass.

    • All this
      Buffalo can come back strong once it warms up

  • +4

    you can see there’s a lot of clovers all over my lawn.

    If you are sick of mowing, kill the grass and let the clovers take over. Bonus is Bees and Butterfly's will be more abundant and you don't have to waste a day every second weekend in summer 'mowing'.

    • I am not sick of mowing. I don’t want to mow every week. I also want to go overseas for few weeks in summer and not come back to see a jungle.
      I got back injury now for which I need to recover.

      • +1

        Then in the summer time you need to spray a lawn growth regulator such as this. Roughly speaking it will double the time between mows. It's not cheap but you don't use much at a time. Need to spray it evenly though.

  • Rye grass - thank you finally I found a name.

    Can I not spray buffalo seeds and overshadow the Rye grass? Is there any other easy way to get rid of them with returf? This Rye grass is 8 months old. Not young I would think.

    I also have several patches of space where I killed all grass as I was trying to kill this Rye grass and clover. How do I replant buffalo grass? Bunnings sells some rolls not sure if they can supply few rolls of turf without me getting them on my car.

    • +2

      It's near impossible to grow buffalo from seed. The only other option apart from returfing would be to hand pluck the rye grass. Put down a pre-emergent to prevent further germination of rye/weeds.

      • Thanks mate. What do you mean by putting down a pre-emergent..? Sorry I’m a newbie in gardening.

        • Something like this. It kills new plants as they germinate but doesn't harm existing plants. It's good for use in buffalo because buffalo spreads by roots rather than by seed. Stops new weeds and rye grass from appearing after you remove the existing ones. It lasts a few months at least.

          • +1

            @donga100: I'm not OP but thanks, wasn't aware of this product. Was using a Yates 12 month killer spray but don't think it was too effective.

          • +1

            @donga100: Thanks a lot mate.

  • I also got weeds and moss growing in between my driveway and side path.
    Should I get this? I’ve used the spray version it smells like strong chemical. It works for sometime but weeds, moss and algae comes back.
    Without breaking the bank what can I buy to clean my driveway and side path.
    The moss and algae is getting dangerous as someone can slip and fall.…

    • +1

      That stuff is useless, it just browns the leaves without killing the plant.

    • moss and algae is due to bad drainage, rake the soil, loose the soil where moss is grown and that will allow grass to overtake that area.

      • Oh no. I can’t do that. I got concrete slabs in an area and in between we have weeds growing. Moss and algae are on part of the lawn and side walk. I can’t rake the soil.

    • +1

      Ryobi pressure cleaner.

  • What product can I use to kill weeds moss and algae at the same time? Of course not planning to use on my buffalo grass.

  • If ita buffalo, get some buffalo safe weed spray. Something like bin-die. Use it now.

    Buffalo hasnt really started growing yet this season, but its not far off. Itll come back strong before you know it, just weed spray and hand weed as appropriate.

  • +2

    Dig it up and replace with Sir walter

    • +1

      Thanks I’ll buy two or three rolls from Bunnings. I’ll dig an inch of soil and just roll the turf or do I need to do anything else?

      • Nope, sir walter is bullet proof

        • If this is your lawn the neighbours must be envy your lawn. It’s beautiful.

          Where can i buy this turf? My local Bunnings sells a meter turf but I don’t know if that’s the same buffalo turf. There’s a sign says a list of buffalo turfs but which one are they selling. I can’t find anyone in the plant section.
          Last week I asked someone at another Bunnings store and he was so rude. He replied it’s just normal buffalo grass. Not even sure the type.

          • +1

            @justanick: Thanks. Here's the front

            Bunnings turf is rubbish, try a landscape yard or turf supplies.

            • +1

              @nocure: This is beautiful. My wife just saw this and flipped. Now she wants our lawn to be like that. Hahahaha

              I just googled few “Turf suppliers around” most of them will only lay down. I need only few rolls to fix my patches. Where can I look into?

    • Cats love it too!

  • +1

    Thank you guys. I just got back from Bunnings and bought the below after your recommendations:

    -Bin-Die safe for Buffalo grass…

    -In a week max I’ll go to Bunnings again to get Sir Walter dig up the soil and lay the grass where I lost buffalo grass.
    Before I start digging do I take out an inch of soil and just roll the turf or do I need to put something else?

  • -3

    Potentially controversial opinion but lawns are overrated.

  • +1

    I planted this rubbish ages ago to fill in some bare patches in my buffalo too. No need to stress though, the buffalo will overrun it eventually without actively trying to kill it. Long term, apply a slow release lawn fertiliser 3x a year, set your mower to the highest setting and mulch mow.

    • Could you please recommend me something to buy with a link from Bunnings? There are so many options and it’s hard for a newbie.

      • +1

        I use this stuff:…

        It's expensive but works well, especially if you mulch mow as you don't lose the nutrients. I only use it once a year now as the lawn is in a good state between using this mulch mowing and cutting it tall

        • Any pics?

        • Thank you mate added to my list to buy.

  • Bin-Die won't kill rye grass, but handy to kill clover and bindies although if you feed and let your buffalo grow tall they will choke out these weeds.

    From the product description:

    "Bin-Die has been formulated especially for use on buffalo lawns. It can also be used on couch, bent, kikuyu, paspalum, fescue and RYE LAWNS"

    • Maybe Buffalo Pro?

    • Bin-Die won't kill rye grass

      It will if the rye is still young. I killed my whole backyard full of it with Bin-Die after 16 weeks of meticulous seeding, watering, and fertilising. Don't think it will work for OP though if the new grass is already 8 months old.

      • I’ll try with BinDie but before I do I’ll give a go to pick up the grass with hand.
        My buffalo grass doesn’t take over these RyeGrass. When I was overseas last Christmas for 4 weeks I was shocked to see the Rye was 5 feet in length and took over the buffalo grass.

  • I've bought the same garbage grass and regret it. Can these grass seeds be used to feed birds?

    • +3

      Just throw it on your neighbours lawn. The opposite of cutting your neighbours grass.

  • Where can I buy Sir Walter 3-4 meters sq max apart from Bunnings? I called Bunnings most around me don’t have it in stock.
    The turf shops are very far and min 30msq.

    Am I looking to lay grass at the wrong time of the year? Bunnings usually have lots in stock.

  • When is a good month to lay buffalo grass?

  • I need help!!

    I’m going to Bunnings to get started on my project to patch the lawn on few dead patches with buffalo grass.
    Could you please check if I have everything I need or going overboard?

  • Any thoughts before I go to Bunnings? Shall I get all the above?

  • I bought turf and tools from Bunnings.

    I have a big question. How many days can I keep the turf in my backyard before laying them on the lawn? The plan was on Sunday but I got to see a friend who’s unwell.
    Mon - Friday are very difficult due to work. Just wondering what’s my time limit before the turf gets bad.

  • Just pull up some Kikuyu runners from people’s lawns or parks and plant it. Even better, mass sow it.

    Problem solved. You will have the best lawn in the neighborhood if you mow regularly because nothing will ever compete with them.

    Don’t bother with high maintenance and weak grass variety.

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