This was posted 6 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Join Costco Ardeer Warehouse from $65/Year, Enjoy Benefits Now & Your Membership Period Begins on Store Opening @ Costco


From the T&C's seems like you can get a few free months until ardeer opens:
You can collect your card from our Docklands Warehouse located at 381 Footscray Rd, Docklands VIC 3008.
Opening hours
Monday–Wednesday & Friday: 9am-5:30pm
Thursday: 9am-9pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: 10am-5pm
Rest assured that if you decide to sign up early, your membership period will begin when Costco Ardeer opens in Spring 2024.

If you purchase your membership now, you’ll be able to use your card in all warehouses Australia wide. However, your official membership period won’t begin until Costco Ardeer opens. This way, Ardeer residents can make the most of the Costco experience in their home warehouse!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    "opens in Spring 2024."

    So could be this week or end of November ?

  • A friend of mine told me that you can purchase a gift card at the front counter and just use that for entry. Wouldn't that be cheaper than membership?

    This is of course ignoring access to online systems

    • +1

      This is true. We used to do that. No membership needed and its legal.

    • I thought only members can buy gift cards?

      But I get a friend to get me a $20 gift card whenever they go, and use that to go in. Sometimes the cashier lets you not use the card, and pay the full amount on credit/cash but most of the time they’ll make you use the balance first

      • Let me Get this straight, you can use a $20 gift card to get in and Ur still good if the total is a couple hundred?

        May have to get a friend with membership to buy me a couple

        • Yep.. I’ve been doing it for the past couple of years

      • $25 is the min

    • +1

      This "Hack" was published as a deal back in 2023.

      • +3

        Visited a costco today and they have installed a membership scanner at entrance. One can not enter without scanning it. Not sure if it changes anything with gift card entry.

  • +1

    Signed up for this earlier but the expiration date in my account is one year from now so don't know if it gets updated once the store opens or if you have to ask them to correct it.

  • +1

    Oh please, Sir… please allow me pay for you for the privilege of entering your establishment in order to pay you some more to purchase your products.

    f that.

    • +1

      Free delivery just like Amazon prime. Global entry as well

  • Do you have to sign up at Docklands to take advantage of this deal?

  • Hmmm. What does this mean - "This way, Ardeer residents can make the most of the Costco experience in their home warehouse!" ? Does that mean only people who have an Ardeer address will be eligible for the offer ? Has anyone actually joined up and seen a difference to their "start date" ?

    • Think it means people in Ardeer will have a free membership to use at other costcos until the Ardeer Costco opens because that’s when the 1 year will start.

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