Great value in a rough ice cream market.
- Boysenberry Stracciatella
- Hokey Pokey
- Salted caramel
- Awesome foursome - salted caramel, cookie dough, choc, vanilla
- Awesome foursome - groovy gumdrop, choc chip, choc, vanilla
Great value in a rough ice cream market.
I'm thinking it has to do with the import costs. I reckon this is one of the only brands of NZ ice cream you can get here
Aldi has Kapiti… just Devine. their vanilla ice cream uses proper vanilla bean…
How much is it?
Ava Devine?
Half price is actual price
They're trying to help you lose some weight.
To me the value is what I can buy similar ice cream for in Australia. Ice cream prices in Australia in general are a scam.
It's not ice cream it's ice confection
Fair point. Many of us enjoy an ice confection.
Quite sure this is listed as Ice Cream it's stated on the packaging
@Tehcookiemonsta: This is their actual ice cream, they also have a "frozen dessert" but that's in the clear tubs.
Ice cream seems to be cheaper in NZ in general.
No Coles or Woolworths?
Their premium range (what is on sale here) is actually $7.49…
The real scam is posting a link but rendering it as text by adding . before it
I think this is related to an overall trend to have vastly inflated regular prices. The government really needs to crackdown on this practice as its just become to widespread.
In the past were weren't getting these half price deals as the regular prices were only a small premium on what the specials could be.
You just have to look at this…
It costs 2.89 NZD ($2.65), regular price, but here it costs $5 (…)
The real kicker is that these are MADE IN AUSTRALIA, so why should they regularly cost more!
Tim Tams are cheaper in NZ too :)
Moro bars are same. Made in Australia for the last six years, but cheaper in NZ (NZ$1.19, ~$1.09) than here (AU$2.50). At least Moro bars are now available at most Aussie supermarkets.
Thats if you can get any of the flavours here.
None at any local metro stores and only salted caramel at the nearest Woollies.
I say stick to the good old Bulla Creamy Classics
At least they are available at both Woolies and metro stores and regularly on specdial at $5.50
Used to buy heaps of Bulla Creamy Classics - but since the price has gone from $3.75 to $5.50 it's not been on my shopping list.
Judging from other comments, I'll be indulging in some ice-cream during an upcoming NZ visit - yum!
seems premium one is a different (and more expensive) range even in NZ?…
I wouldn’t call it premium. Pretty airy and average tasting really.
True - I took the title from the last post for the same product, which I think comes strait from the product labelling. But yeah it’s not a premium style ice cream.
This is the only NZ ice cream that's readily avaliable here…wish we could get Tip Top, but alas.
The salted caramel one is delicious and worth every cent IMO
I think Aldi's premium ice cream offering is from across the ditch
I think Aldi's premium ice cream offering is from across the ditch
Kapiti Vanilla is very good.
Kapiti Vanilla is awesome
FTFY they use real vanilla bean and you can tell.
Is it better than Connoisseur (half price)
Very average imo. Not worth the discounted price.
Had this a while back and didn’t rate it, Bulla Creamy Classics is $5.5 for 2L at Coles this week and slightly better IMO
Yeah I don't get the hype tbh. I tried it after seeing people gas it up on Ozbargain, but was very disappointed. Ended up sitting in my freezer so long after we tried it I just binned it to make room for some Connosieur. LOL
The salted caramel is as addictive as cocaine.
Premium or not I just love this ice cream. Going to buy two. Thanks for posting OP 😀
I bought a 2L tub of the Much Moore Hokey Pokey flavour the first week Woolworths Australia had it in their freezers during Covid, it wasn’t that great… The ice cream itself was ok and creamy, however I would hardly call it Hokey Pokey when there’s hardly any Hokey Pokey pieces in it, it’s essentially just vanilla ice cream. I expect the product to be loading with hokey pokey pieces, instead companies like this cut corners and cheap out, not realising by doing this I’m a one time customer instead of being a repeat customer, clearly they don’t want my business and money.
I did decide to give Much Moore the benefit of the doubt about a year or so later and bought a 2L tub of the Salted Caramel flavour. Unfortunately it was crap too.
If your fat enough to warrant catering specifically to you as a giant ice cream company I am truly impressed.
@Slippery Fish - No I’m not fat at all. So what you’re saying is that the majority of customers of Much Moore are fat slobs with poor standards who don’t want or deserve a higher quality product?
I'm saying to eat enough for them to take your personal preference into account you would need to eat litteral tons making it impossible not to be fat. No comment on yours a person just that ice cream would kill u
@Slippery Fish: You missed the original point entirely. Firstly Much Moore should already be aware that providing such a small amount of Hokey Pokey pieces in the product is unreasonable and unacceptable to many customers that like this flavour in general (the flavour isn’t owned by their brand), and that their product is lacking.
Secondly, releasing a quality product is what comes first, me having to spend money on the product for them to improve it certainly doesn’t come first and shouldn’t be a requirement for receiving a good quality product, the quality of their product should attract people to spend money on it and they should pride themselves on it being a good product so that I and others come back for more. If I were to continuously spend money on their product when I think it’s a poor quality product, what message is that sending, it would be telling them that I like their product, and that there is no reason to improve it. You’re ideology and philosophy is just poor business.
I would be eating more of the Hokey Pokey flavour if it had more Hokey Pokey pieces in it, in its current form there is hardly any in it. What you’re also implying is that my opinion about the product is not shared by the majority, and therefore if that’s true then it’s little wonder that many people in society get ripped off and settle for lower quality because they are happy to accept it and still buy it anyway. As you can see another member commented about the same thing regarding the low amount of Hokey Pokey pieces in it a little below my post, so I’m definitely not the only one that feels this, and there would be a lot more people out there who do too.
@[Deactivated]: Lol your over thinking it, I made a joke based on a very narrow part of your reply. I think this brand is trash as I like really nice ice cream, connisuer is pretty much my baseline for acceptable 😂
Absolutely crap icecream.
I bought the Hokey Pokey last week, and I was literally eating vanilla icecream. Decided to let it melt down in the sink. When it washed away, I had 17 Hokey Pokey Caramel balls left in the sink.
17 premium hokey pokey balls…
You’d find more specks of gold that are larger if you went to rural NSW and put a shovel of dirt into a pan and washed away the dirt 😝
Would you eat them?
@morse: You could make teeth out of the gold to replace the teeth you lose from eating this sugary rubbish ice cream 😝
Tip Top ice cream is the best. NZ has loads more ice cream brands. Agree the Hokey Pokey should be called “NOT EVEN” Hokey Pokey, but I do miss orange chip, the real goody goody gum drops and jelly tip.
and jelly tip
First time I went to NZ they were my favourite, hope they are still good.
( as a quick takeaway from the dairy etc.)
Yes, the good old dairy!! childhood and teenage days for me.
Boysenberry Stracciatella
Never thought I'd see a berry cheese icecream like that…
I read it 1/2 price match 😂
Boysenberry is rather delicious.
This ice cream is garbage. Has the airy, icy texture of the cheap home brand "iced confections".
Bulla creamy vanilla, which is the same price as this, is 20% cream. This shit is 12% cream. Even at half price, this stuff is a rip off and is best avoided.
The normal Rrp is $4.79 for this in NZ so why is the RRP in Aus $11 then they recon it's half price $5.50 what a scam .