• expired

Digitech Boom Box with Cassette, Bluetooth & AM/FM Radio $59.95 + $8 Delivery ($0 with $99 Spend/ C&C/ In-Store) @ Jaycar


Looks like a clearance model as it has been replaced. Save $26. A similar device online is sub $100 (Amazon au).

Pretty cool to show this off at a party whilst everyone else is fighting to stream music over the only BT connection.


Just like an old style ghetto blaster but with some modern features. Dial up your favourite radio station, reminisce with your old cassette tape collection, stream music via Bluetooth, or play MP3 files from an SD card or USB flash drive. At the push of a button, record the tunes from Bluetooth® or the radio directly to a blank cassette to playback later. The boom box comes complete with a telescopic antenna, volume and bass controls, and a carry handle. For private listening, you can plug in some headphones into the 3.5mm audio jack. Power from 4x D cell batteries (not included) for portable use or use the supplied mains power lead when mains power is available.


  • Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
  • Cassette Playback & Recording
  • USB & SD Card Playback
  • AM/FM/SW Radio
  • 3.5mm Auxiliary Output

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Jaycar Electronics

closed Comments

  • +7

    Review of this model here: https://youtu.be/Qsm7HIYLONo

  • +2

    Same price via their eBay store.


    • +1

      Good place to use any eBay coupons or gift cards :-)

  • +1

    I wonder if you could stream music and record to cassette?? I think that would be pretty cool to make mix tapes and play back the cassettes

    • +1

      OP said you can in the description.

    • +2

      That’s going back to the old school! Personally, I think with Bluetooth tech, it ain’t a boom box. But I guess it’s 2024, plus people would use it.

      • +9

        It's a boomer box.

      • Nothing wrong with Bluetooth, still old school with casette tape. Would’ve been cooler if there was a cd player integrated lol

        • No it wouldn't.

          Boom boxes predated CD's. The CD age was more about discmans and hi-fi. The 'boom box' style players were more rounded and had moved away from the traditional boom box aesthetic.

  • +6

    thanks i needed something for my 50c train ride

    • +3

      You can play 50 Cent with this!

    • Walkman

    • +1

      Please don’t do this on the train, I really really need to rest…

  • Overview
    NOTE: This product has been replaced by XC8245. Click here for the replacement

    That's meant to be a dead link so might as well remove this from the description of this post.

  • cassette??? I'm feeling young again.

    • but can you wear that on your shoulder?

      • +8

        Well, you can't rewind a CD with a pencil.

        • It was the fidget spinner

    • +2

      You mean skip all over the place?

  • +6

    Absolutely shit, had a few of these (under many a different brand name), bought a couple on clearance for a tenner at Kmart a while back.

    Used it to play tapes, record stuff, as a Bluetooth speaker, AMA I'll reply in the morning

    • +8

      What did you have for breakfast?

      • +5

        I don't do breakfast, but the missus doesn't usually get up til about 1045/11ish, I get up whenever the baby does, which today, was 7:07. So far my breakfast has been a few bits of jerky left in a bag from the cinema yesterday, a good swig of OJ, and a can of Pepsi Max. Always Max, never normal Pepsi. I don't do sugary soda, I can handle a normal Coke in a pinch, but normal Pepsi is shit, absolutely awful.

        • There is nothing wrong with ordinary Pepsi. Certainly not my go to but it's in the top ten.

          • @Pootie Tang: Pepsi Blue was God tier, but I was also a kid when it was last here. I bought a couple cans from an importer years ago but it's an unfair comparison due to the crappy water in the country of origin.

            Pepsi Max is the top dog, knowing I'll have about 3 or 4 litres a day, gotta be something you don't get sick of.
            Diet Coke is great, and I love it as a pallette cleanser, but I wouldn't want to drink only that every day.
            Maxi Ice is great for the price when on special, less so these days as it's gone up, but when on sale it's still the cheapest out there coming in at around 80 cents a litre. I'm sober these days, but for what it's worth, Maxi was a fantastic mixer, less caffeine than P Max, but just as much oomph.
            Coke No Sugar is pretty good, preferable to normal Coke, though I do miss Coke Zero, the latest version of Coke No Sugar is a reasonable attempt at knocking off normal Coke.

            Diet Coke caffeine free was fantastic, until they phased it out to make a caff free version of No Sugar, stop promoting the new girl and stick with the woman who's been there faithfully for decades!

            And shout out to the equally hard to find, and now I'm pretty sure completely discontinued, Diet Coke Vanilla. DC was already a bit vanilla, but that extra hit, goddamn, you get that juuuust the right amount of cold and bust it out on a sunny day, hot damn, nothing hits like it.

            Pepsi Samba can (profanity) off. I will never forgive that one. All the other stupid flavours are pretty shit too, the raspberry Pepsi? Crap. Lime P Max was pretty nice but again wouldn't want it all day every day. Creaming Soda Max was about as gross as I expected. The long and short of this really is,

            Pepsi Max is a drink you can have all day every day. Diet Coke slots in nice here and there where you want a change. Maxi Ice is old faithful $2 blowjob when your money's skint. And finally, you have Coke No Sugar for when Coles is sold out of Pepsi Max and you're like ehhhh what else am I gonna do, drink water?

    • +1

      Where exactly is Nukem, how did you get the title of Duke, and is there a Duchess?

      • +3

        Nukem is a state of mind, and I am the master of my domain. There is a Duchess, and their name is Sterling.

        • +1

          Duke would be highly disappointed — blow it out your @$$

      • sighs

    • +3

      Now that I have a solid 20 seconds,

      The player is shit. I took my first one back because the play speed got a bit funked after about 2 months, got a new one. Similar thing happened, had no more stock, so money back. Those were from JB with their little "Flea Market" brand, but it was the same unit. Picked one up from the Post Office a year or so later, used it to make a couple mix tapes for someone, worked fine enough, still in the attic, but an absolute shit player. Got 3 on clearance at Kmart for a tenner maybe 6 months ago. One I used, was fine. Another I gave to a friend who is a massive Swiftie, has all the albums on tape, but didn't have a tape player lol. The third is in it's box in the attic.

      As a Bluetooth speaker, they're all fine, not a great speaker, but fine. As a radio, same story. Tape playing, you're okay, you're fine for if you just want to play an album and move on but, as you'd expect of ALL modern players, the quality is pretty garbage. Recording, which is the main reason I bought all of them, is pretty shit. It's not the worst I've used, BUT, it pales even to a shitty stereo from the hard rubbish 20 years ago, I say that very definitively, as when my dad died a couple years ago and I cleared out all his stuff, I found a blank TDK tape and threw it in a player, one side was a compilation we'd done, the other side was just a straight rip of American Idiot and let me tell you, even almost 20 years on (at that point) the quality was great. Doesn't matter what tapes you use on these players (so DON'T get suckered into buying Sonys, and double don't buy any Type4's bc the player … obviously … can't even use them properly) the sound will be quiet / muted and the quality will be shit. Useable for the sake of making a friend a mixtape in 2024 that they'll listen to once or twice and move on from, but suffice to say when you're printing up that Jcard, I'd print a QR link to a Spotify playlist of the songs with it because you won't want to listen to anything recorded on these shitty boomboxes more than once.

      • +1

        Sounds like this product is a cheap toy and the recording functionality is an inferior novelty. I had my own personal tape player stereo back in the 90's and the quality of mix tapes from the radio was excellent. A 9 year old kid couldn't be happier!

        • +4

          Yeah! It irks me a good deal when you see people ignorantly saying tape is inherently shit, and always has been, based entirely on the crappy players and inferior quality tape they peddle these days.

          20 some odd years ago, even a $2 store stack of half a dozen tapes sounded pretty decent when recorded via your average Joe Blow stereo. In the same way you have people, equally ignorantly, championing vinyl for better masters and whatnot when 9 times out of 10 any modern record is just a digital copy, same as any other medium, pressed to the record. The recording process was entirely different in the day, whether it made a better sound than a CD is really up to personal preference (and in itself, largely stems from early CDs being lesser quality than they would later become), but an album pressed on vinyl from last year has really no shot at sounding any better than the CD master, because it's the same damn master.

          Recording tapes is still fun and still doable on a budget at least, whereas records are insanely priced unless they were too insanely priced that they get cleared for the price they always should have been. The Green Day Dookie anniversary set being the same thing on CD and vinyl, but the vinyl version costing 4 or 5 times the price recently irked me some. Fortunately, I already have the album on tape, CD, and vinyl, but that's another ramble.

          • +1

            @TheDukeOfNukem: I like that you can talk this much about any seemingly any subject and not just spout bullshit :)

          • @TheDukeOfNukem: I grew up with cassette tapes and we only started getting CDs in the late 90s in my household. Cassettes were affordable, didn't get scratched and had reasonable sound quality.

            Early audio CD's from the early to mid 80s probably don't sound the best because they were old analog/vinyl transferred to digital?

            Modern vinyl is way overhyped and overpriced. The prices in JB hi-fi will shock you when you see people paying $80 plus per album. The hipsters started the revival which has strangely been embraced by Gen Z. I have never been nostalgic for the format and sold off my vinyl collection a few years ago.

      • Enjoying all your stories about the stereo, brekky and your wake up times. By the way, do you always get the raw end of the deal in the morning or does she do the late night shift with the baby? We tag team getting up with the kids.

        These types of reproduction radios are always shite. Just looking at it, it reeks of cheap nasty parts and design. This is what gives “cheap Chinese junk” its name. It’s use for a month then landfill. Sad we live in such a world. Wouldn’t like to live near the plastics factory that made the plastic going into this, or the landfill it ends up in, or the factory that made it but que sera sera. My dad has a similar thing from years ago which is a fake reproduction of an antique radio. Again it’s crap to listen to and you can tell it’s a fake.

        I recently bought a good Yamaha double tape deck off someone on Gumtree to play my childhood mix tapes. Really good. It has all the features like Dolby NR, dubbing, etc. Only about $150. Needs an amp of course. With this type of thing, you can look up the type of play/record head it has and upgrade if you want. They came in a number of different grades, but any would be better than the one in this deal.

        • I wouldn't say I have the raw end. She is not a morning person. I'm not either really, but if I ever slept in until like 1030/11ish I'd feel like I wasted the day so at the latest I'd wanna be up by like 9ish anyway. But no, he's 18 months now so it's less so, but whenever he would wake up in the night she would take him. I'd usually go get a bottle from the fridge, pass it, and conk back out if I could. Sometimes he'd be up for a good few hours throughout the night, through which I slept a good deal of the time. I'd take waking up and hanging out in the mornings with the bubba over sitting up at 4am any day of the week.

          I'd have to go hunting, I think it was Techmoan, but if not, then a YouTuber like him, pointed out how pretty well every single tape deck head of the last 15 to 20 years is made in the same factory from the same parts, when you catch on to that, it becomes a matter of buy one from preY2K, or buy whatever is the cheapest, since they're all shit either way.

          Nice! I haven't sat down and listened to an album in full since before the aofrementioned baby popped out 18 months ago (19 now, whoops) outside of the car. And the new car doesn't even have a bloody CD player so I have to rip my discs to the computer, copy to a USB, it's a bit poopoo…but at least I don't have to drive to Ford to get the reset key for the tape deck whenever the battery gets taken out*

          *Okay so we went once and got the code, it got lost somewhere, and then we had to go back, it was only twice, but still, big poo

  • +10

    Unfortunately these reproduction 'boom boxes' are all terrible. The cassette mechanism is often mono and sounds woeful. If you want to play old cassettes you'll have to track down old tape decks and be prepared to change the belts in them.

    • +1

      When I was looking, a few sellers had replaced them before selling. Which I thought was a good idea, most people wouldn’t have the ability/confidence to do it.

  • +3

    I cant show up to the break dance off with this. Ill look worse than raydung.

    • +2

      Maybe you should go enter the Olympics, show us what you got. Without the stereo.

      • +1

        Or not…

      • Ill have four years to train, You really think I will be ready?

  • Looking for a knockout deal on this model instead: https://youtu.be/c0yOAV2pO48?t=76

  • Aldi sell these too… from time to time. I got one. Only ever use it as a radio.

  • +1

    Time to travel in NY sub

      • ?

        • Enjoy the sights and the graffitti as Nelson, photographer Liz Lizard and her family, Michael Musto and Albert Crudo take the subway from Union Square to Coney Island on June 20, 1987

          • @muncan: Why is there so much graffitti? Don't they clean the subway in NYC?

            • @Mr Bob Dobalina: They’re somewhat self-cleaning. Keep flushing more passengers down there like the sewers, she’ll be right.

  • Does anyone know if the USB port allows connection to iPod 1g or my iPod touch clock/dock?

  • +1

    I've got one of these (from ALDI, but they're all the same) - the sound quality is… Not good. Worse than a cheap phone's speaker, just louder. It's just a cool decorative item, I never actually choose to play anything with it.

    I've thought about replacing the speakers and maybe even the DAC, because the looks are awesome and all the features are surprisingly good, but it would cost more than I paid for it. Maybe one day I'll do it.

  • +2

    It's a shame that these all have the same cassette components, as it seems only one company makes these and they're cheap and nasty.

    You can buy a $15 Aliexpress special or a $150 "premium" player, but it's still fundamentally the same.

    If you want anything decent you'll need to buy a vintage tape deck that's been serviced.

  • +1

    No way - it's got auto stop!! Wow. Nice find! Now I can tape my favourite songs off the radio (except I always miss the first few seconds).

  • +2

    "$59" is on the high side for these, # not a deal # even on "clearance" (typical Jaycar)

    I've Also got the $49 Aldi version but in a cool red colour, (paid $39) This one is identical (checked out in store)

    Overall it's terrible. Tinny, mid-heavy harsh sound and way smaller than you might initially think. (I considered modding it like Nukkels but only plays mp3, not FLAC or WAV)

    Do not buy this to record - the quality is atrocious (permanent magnet erase / DC Bias for anybody who cares)

  • I like the aesthetics but shame it's a dud. Someone from china should run a few off the product line with better audio components.

  • No BT but I'll keep rockin my old National for radio
    Like this one, "vintage" 7 years ago

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