is the newer version with USB C. Have one already, need this for office area.
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is the newer version with USB C. Have one already, need this for office area.
Plz select $10 coupon and go to checkout to see the discounted price.
Mine did something weird like that. I wouldn't get another
Most chargers with type c port seemed to have this problem, at least my cygnett and anker both do.
Oh I see :(
Thought it was isolated to this.
Both my Heymix and my Philips chargers do it too.
PD renegotiation.
Correct. When a new device is plugged in the charger renegotiates across all ports causing a temporary disconnect. Similar behaviour occurs when a device finishes charging.
The only solution I'm aware of is separate chargers :-(.
I hate it. This forces me to use independent chargers for HomePod, Echo, BroadLink and etc which needs ongoing power supply…
Does it turn off 240v outlets as well?
That would be a total dealbreaker
Imagine your desktop turning off middle of work.
do they make this one in black? I can't stand white power boards. I bought some other brand like creatmor or something ages back, but it had an awful capacitor whine even with nothing plugged in, so I sent it back. All my black usb-A xiaomi ones have been chugging along happily for years though.
"Multiple Protections - Short-circuit protection / Over-current protection / Static Protection / Surge protection."
Will this protect consoles from being fried in thunderstorm?
The "Surge protection" here maybe may just be a false advertisement.
They says "Protection: Overload Protection, Overcurrent Protection" in additional details. That's probably what it's really capable of, which is what its Chinese counterpart claims.
not sure but can confirm if I plug in a hair dryer it will trip the power switch and turn off
Lightning protection needs something on an entirely different level than a dinky little power strip.
How long is the cable on this?
It's in the listing. Additional Details section.
This is the way.
ah thanks - I tried to do my due diligence to avoid this, but maybe I missed it on phone screen. It was in Product description section. Couldn't find an Additional Details section, only Additional Information, which didn't include this info. Was too slow anyway! but thanks, will look more closely next time.
It says it has safety shutters - does this mean if you plug in a 2 prong us or AU plug you cannot do it?
Chinese plug meaning the pins aren't insulated. May be a concern in some circumstances such as if you have children.
Is this actually an issue? I can understand the risk but do children get hurt by this?
Entirely possible. I remember one of my brothers always doing unexpected crap with power cords, power sockets. Electrocuted and burnt tip of his finger at least once i recall.
To be fair, situation not much different as an adult. But is qualified to do so now lol.
Try it out yourself.
This should give you a fair idea as to whether insulated pins improve safety. Obviously, don't do this but hopefully that illustrates one of the reasons why insulated pins were introduced.
"Obviously, don't do this"
Damn, I was following the instructions from top to bottom. Should've read this part first.
Yeah no doubt they improve safety, my parents place have heaps of plugs without this insulation.
It seems mad that this is not standard in China or the US though if it was high risk
There's a reason why it's a requirement or a Standard, something happened.
Your choice, your risk.
Not just your risk if you're a parent/carer.
yeah I understand, I'm reading that there were a number of fatalities / incidents prior to 2000 so they mandated it by 2005
I wonder if a little bit of heat shrink would work
It would work until it gets torn off with repeated insertions, or stuck into the holes in a mains socket.
Just replace the plug end with an ADR type. It's super simple.…
Take your pick.
I bought a bunch of these while i was in thailand, with the chinese / aussie plug. Charging from USB-C is fast very great, only negative is If you plug in anything close to 1200-1500w like a blender, toaster, microwave etc it will pop the safety switch so these arent good for those type of devices
Not certified for use or sale in Australia. If that matters to you, non insulated pins. this is a Chinese board.
Where to select $10 coupon? Please advise. Thanks
No coupon for me - looks expired
Same…missed out I guess
Damn, miss out. I was looking for one for travel.
Does this model still have the upside down wall plug?
Anyone knows whether power will be cut off for 1-2 secs when a new device plugged in?