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[XSX, PC] Hell Let Loose - Ultimate Edition $59.97 @ Xbox



Featuring sweeping maps, the battlefield is divided up into large capture sectors – allowing for emergent and constantly unique gameplay that pits two forces of fifty players in a fight to the death across fields, bridges, forests and towns. The first theater of war is the sleepy Norman town of St Marie Du Mont on D-Day 1944 in northern France during Operation Overlord. It features a stunning and detailed 1:1 scale battlefield recreated from archival reference material and satellite photography.
Key Features

Huge battles – 100 players per game, 50 per team.

Coordinate – Win through teamwork, tactics and communication.

A new metagame – Capture sectors and resources to beat your enemy into submission.

Combined arms – Over 20 different player-controlled vehicles and deployed weapons.

Epic theater of war – Do battle across 1:1 scale, huge maps.

More than shooting – Supply, capture and building systems.

Experience history – Historically accurate arsenal with realistic weapon behavior.

A modern engine – Developed for Unreal Engine 4.

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  • How is this? I was a massive Battlefield fan until the latest game…sucked. Is this a decent replacement?

    • +2

      I've not played it yet but I've seen in previous threads that it has a big learning curve and that communication is essential. So I'm guessing harder than battlefield?

    • It's a step towards military simulation while still maintaining some more accessible mechanics, as opposed to the 'hardcore milsims' that end up being so serious they forget video games are meant to be fun.
      HLL is (imo) much better than Battlefield. It's a natural next step.

    • This is my favourite game on PC . It's (profanity) intense.

      It like if battlefield didn't go tso shit but without planes to fly.
      The spiritual successor to BF1942

  • +2

    It's not necessarily more difficult but you're right that finding a squad that communicates is absolutely key. HLL can be an absolute snooze-fest when playing with a silent/non-cooperative squad and no commander running the show.

    • +2

      Exactly correct, but a good squad and commander feels truly amazing even if your side loses..

    • +1

      Note to anybody who wants to play, join up with a discord server and get involved with the community. It's a great game by itself but what makes this game so much more fun playing with consistently good players who communicate.

  • +1

    Spot on this game is absolute cr@p if you don't have a good team and squad.

    You can only spawn on bases put down by your squad leader, they can put down outposts and garrisons.
    They require supplies put down by a support character or dropped by commander to create a garrison which lets the whole team spawn, the outpost will only let squad members spawn on it.

    The commander needs supplies which is generated by the engineers who place down supply stations.
    This lets the commander call in tanks for crews, bombing runs, spotting planes and other things my favourite is the carpet bomber what a sound and sight!

    Tactics is huge and your squad needs to follow orders from command otherwise you will just be overrun, loose and normally quickly.
    You can only take a base that is the next in line, you cannot just run to the enemies back base take it and start overrunning them from behind as well.
    Sometimes your squad will be sent on a mission behind enemy lines to create a forward garrison for spawning, you just have to suck it up and run for 5+ minutes to get to the location and get the base up.

    Slower movement than battlefield and in line with more of a WW2 feel.

    Absolutely love the game and if you choose to get it hopefully the above will help slightly, this is just a brief run down of some important things to get you going.

  • +3

    Oh BTW the base version of this game is currently free on Game Pass

    • There is only 1 version. With just some minor DLC uniforms

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