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Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating Wax 473ml $23.03 + Shipping ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Further Price Drop Since Last Deal in June 2024 ($24.38)

-Super hydrophobic and SiO2 polymers deliver water repelling, water sheeting, and chemical resistant protection that can last up to 12 months
-The Hybrid Solutions collection features a sweet fruity fragrance
-Simply spray on a clean dry car, spread and remove with a folded microfiber cloth; for best performance paint should be free of contaminants by using a clay bar or compound prior to application
-Can be used in direct sunlight and on all exterior surfaces including glass, headlights, trim and wheels, not recommended for soft side convertible tops

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +12

    Down to $22.51 at the moment. Buy 2 get 7% further discount

    • Seems like the AU stock got depleted and now is being fulfilled by US

      • +1

        It’s still there. Gotta click in the from other sellers in the listing

  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • Great deal!

  • +13
  • Got it from last deal. Came with 500ml bottle from Amazon UK.

  • Thank you. Didn’t need to spend money but am going to be polishing and waxing my car soon, and have heard this is good.

    • +2

      This stuff is fantastic!

  • +8

    Been taking care of my own cars for a very, very long time. This is by far the best product. Can't believe where we are at vs the old beeswax type wipe on, buff off, buff off again, buff off again, god help you if there's water, buff more. Surprise, it hazed up, buff again.

    None of that here. It goes on, it comes off, and water beads for 6+ months.

  • +2

    Pair it with TW Hybrid Solutions Pro Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash 1.89 Litre - on clearance at SCA for $27 (usually $39.99). Gets decent reviews. Very limited stock.

  • Thanks OP
    Will give this a try

  • Does it protect paint form stone chip? Or just dirt and dust?

    • +15

      "Stone and chip protection" is pure marketing mate. No spray or ultra thin film will protect your paint from that.

    • +1

      @Peteroz Iirc they used to use phrases like "diamond hard" for some waxes in the old days but I doubt even the regularly hyperbolic/absurd sellers on Amazon have ever suggested sealants provide any protection against stone chip.

      If you want limited chip/pinstriping protection then you should investigate vehicle wrapping PPF/vinyl.

      • I also have used these phrases, but not really into vinyl wrapping .

        • I'm guessing he/she/they usually excuse themsleves to go to the loo?

  • $58 at the moment in SCA. I just got one of these, thanks for posting.

  • +1

    Can i use this on windshield or side windows?

    • i use them on side windows- last about 3-6months, on the wind screen it doesnt last long. the wipers are wiping them off, maybe 1 month at most. winter time for me with heaps of rain lately. and my car is always parked outside so it'd probably last heaps longer if its garaged

    • +1

      Im gonna spray on shower screens

      • Bought two, with the 7% off, and same intention, to do shower screens and glass and hopefully make it easier to clean the hardware spots in our awful town water

      • Are you cleaning, preparing the shower screens in any particular way/products??

        • Ive been these sprays since fresh shower screen install.
          I did use a garment steamer to clean it a bit cos thats what i had, not window cleaner/steamer.

          I guess if the shower has been used for a while, definitely a good clean of the soap scum. Dunno what product would be best though.
          In my mind and maybe yr 11 science, vinegar? to battle the soap scum?

    • +1

      Yep, used it on mine and works like a dream. Helps with frost in the winter time too! Used it on my windows and also side mirrors too.

      If I'm not mistaken, you can also use it on your wheels :)

  • How often do you wash your car once you’ve applied this? Should I just wipe off the water beads after it rains?

    • +1

      Never wipe off dust unless you have a white car. It'll leave scratches.
      White cars are awesome at hiding scratches though. I take very little care in how I wash my white car and it always ends up shining up nicely after some ceramic spray without any paint correction. Unfortunately no matter how much I baby my metallic red car the scratches show up instantly 😭 even though I mostly touchless dry using my Ego leaf blower

    • +1

      When it rains, the car usually collects dirt and grime from the road, along with the rain. So it's not good practice to wipe rain beads off.

      If you're car has this product, you can just give your car a quick hose down with plain water which will wash away the rain dust/dirt - then dry it off.

      • +1

        Awesome. Thanks!

  • Do I need it if I already use the Wet and Wax after each car wash?

    • +1

      Nah they're both sealants, it's one or the other.

  • Almost purchased from Supercheap today. Nice one

  • Ordered a couple , hopefully it’s as good as the 303 stuff I used to get at BCF , haven’t got a bcf credit coupon in a while to bring the price on the 303 Marine back to a reasonable level .

    As long as it works on bike plastics I’ll be happy and apparently I will save money..

  • +2

    Ordered a couple because you all hyped me up.

    I ran out a while back so not bhed.

  • How does this compare with Bowdens Happy Ending? Is it worth applying this after using HE (for extra happy endings)?

    • This one is closer to the Bead Machine (which I'd prefer, you can check the Evolved Details tests on youtube).

      Happy Ending is easier / faster to apply but not supposed to stay as long.

  • Just ordered 3 bottles , fantastic stuff , very impressed with the results , if you put it on your windscreen it's like rainx and you don't need to use your wipers when doing freeway speeds.

  • +1

    Btw this stuff goes a long way. There's no need to stockpile. I'd imagine one bottle would last a couple years even with two cars

    • +1

      Well yes it does go a long way but by purchasing 3 bottles I get free shipping and it would have cost me more if I only purchased 2 bottles , I don't have prime so a no brainer for me and I can also give a bottle to my son for his car.

  • +1

    Their graphene flex wax is the superior version of this imo

  • How does this compare to the seal n shine? Has anyone tried both?

    • +1


      This guy tests all 3 (including graphene flex wax) and has followed on with updates after a few weeks at a time so you get real world testing and not torture testing like a lot of channels do (aka when they apply it and then wash it with many chemicals immediately after to "simulate" washes you may do in the future)

      • +1

        Looked at a few of that channel's vids previously and I'm still no wiser.

        Most good reviewers wait for the sealants to cure before doing torture tests, which at least give a solid indication of how well the sealant has bonded to their paint and how well it resists 'environmental' contamination.

        The big thing missing in ALL their tests is a bird-s..t test. Should be standard because bird-s..t (uric acid+) is both highly corrosive (wash off asap) and highly likely to be encountered in most of Au.

  • I already have a ceramic coating - is this still useful?

    • No

      • It is useful.

        • But not for him

          • +3

            @0 0 0: No - it would be: It acts like a sacrificial layer over his ceramic coating and would restore any deterioration in water beading behavior

            • @DV0993: A proper ceramic coat should outlast a DIY job though and if anything the DIY job would be worse and reduce beading

    • Short answer - yes, although it may not be necessary if your ceramic coating is still beading perfectly.

  • Newbie question: how much do I need for a 5 sear SUV? I have no idea about the surface area that one bottle can cover…

    • -1

      A lot.

      If you park in cover, one bottle should last you a year.

    • +1

      Very little of this product is required. There are many variables involved - age/state of your paint, local environment, vehicle's housing, regularity of washing etc - but one bottle should easily cover multiple (3+) applications. Ditto for many sealants.

      Too many varianbles to be definitive but reports vary from 3-6 months before beading effects fade.

      Ideally you should prepare your surface before applying (full clean to remove existing sealants, clay bar decon etc), then do occasional top ups with a finishing product every few washes to maximise protection. In that case one bottle should last a couple of years. The first application will use more product than subsequent top ups.

  • Does this provide UV protection?

  • Is this spray better than this NuFinish Once a Year for fairly good condition paints?

    Big plus on this seems not affecting unpainted plastic trim.

    • Sealants like this are good as they work well on glass, plastics, etc. without leaving a white haze. But you do still need to buff it off to a shine

  • +2

    769ml is $28.52 on Amazon AU, cheaper per ml than the 7% off for 2 bottles of 473ml.
    Bit confusing, 769ml is a ceramic wet wax. 473ml is a ceramic spray coating. Which is easier to apply? Which one works better?

  • It works on Bicycle too.

  • Do I need to use a clay bar after washing? Was going to wash car then apply this.

    • +1

      No you don't need to. Depends how fussy you are. It'll still bead water but it may trap contaminants on the paint.

  • Do people prefer this over the Meguiars hybrid ceramic wax?

    • +1

      TW is far cheaper and probably does a better job overall according to quite a few video reviewers, eg Project Farm, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2lrXVV9kWU. His are extreme tests but search and you'll find more youtube reviews. I've watched quite a few and most suggest TW Hybrid is either better or at least as good as Meg Hybrid so it seems a no brainer to buy the much cheaper product. Both will do the business.

  • My order was supposed to be delivered today, and saw this message on amazon,

    Problem occurred
    Unfortunately, a problem occurred during shipping. If you have not received your package by 26 August, please come back here for an update. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

  • And my order was refunded, item was returned to sender.

    • Are you getting the AU shipment or US shipment?
      Mine still scheduled to arrive on 7 Sept from US. Finger crossed they're not cancelling it.

      • Got it from AU. Got returned most probably due to leaking. I ordered from the USA once I received the refund. Supposed to arrive 7/9 as well

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