Help with an obscure fact about 'My Kitchen Rules' please ...

Dear OzBers,

Once again I appeal to you kind people for help with an obscure fact/detail, this time pertaining to the TV show 'My Kitchen Rules'.

Specifically, I want to know which episode it was in (i.e., which pair was cooking, and/or episode number) that Manu stated during the judging (or thereabouts):

'You can see stress on a plate, but you can also see happiness'.

I'm pretty sure it was in the most recent season (2023?). If anyone can recall this obscure detail, I would be much obliged.



  • +9

    According to ChatGPT: Manu Feildel made the comment, "You can see stress on a plate, but you can also see happiness," in Season 8, Episode 23 of My Kitchen Rules

  • More detail: In Season 8, Episode 23 of My Kitchen Rules, the episode was part of the "Instant Restaurant" phase of the competition. The episode featured the teams of Lisa and John and Erin and Stacey. Manu Feildel made the comment, "You can see stress on a plate, but you can also see happiness," in reference to the food prepared by the contestants. He was addressing Erin and Stacey's meal. Manu's remark was a reflection on how the emotions and state of mind of the cooks can be reflected in the presentation and quality of the dishes they serve. This commentary highlighted the connection between a chef's emotional state and their culinary output.

  • so your the person who watches it?…

    • +16


  • +10

    I needed to redeem myself for stupidly quoting from ChatGPT, so I trawled through Season 13 Episode 2, Sonia & Marcus, Manu's dessert course commentary, time stamp 1:01:43.

    • So ur chatgtp response was wrong?

      • Yes, ChatGPT returned non-factual information. I didn't realise this was a thing… but I've now updated the chatbot with the alternative facts.
        Manu Feildel made the comment "You can see stress on a plate, but you can also see happiness" in Season 13, Episode 2 of "My Kitchen Rules." This episode featured Sonia and Marcus.

        • Yes, ChatGPT returned non-factual information.

          Alternative facts

    • Re:

      '… so I trawled through Season 13 Episode 2, Sonia & Marcus, Manu's dessert course commentary, time stamp 1:01:43.'

      Can I have the link to that please?

      Is it on YouTube, or elsewhere?

  • +6

    So now you have your answer are you going to tell us why you was looking for it?

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