McDonald's August Shrinkflation on Reward Points Redemption

For 2500 points redemption, it seems today they changed it so you can only redeem a small McCafe beverage.

In the past it was any size including large, then it was small or medium, now just small. Of which the small is quite small indeed.

I think the small McCafe drink is still the best value redemption, which is up against a hamburger with no cheese, an apple pie or a small fountain drink.

Goodnight, sweet prince.

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  • +11

    A very rare occasion Apple Pie is all I would ever buy from McDonalds. Rest is barely edible to me, nor good value at all. I really don't get how popular they are here especially for the prices.

    There's a huge quality difference with McDonalds in Aus vs anywhere else, whether UK/EU or ME/Asia. It's just not good enough here.

    • +8

      There's a huge quality difference with McDonalds in Aus vs anywhere else, whether UK/EU or ME/Asia. It's just not good enough here.

      I have to say that any McDonald's I've tried anywhere, with the exception of Japan, has all been terrible.

      • +4

        I miss Japan, even the sandwiches at Starbucks were incredibly good.

    • Eh, I quite like it - 90% of the time McDonalds tastes great to me. But I'm also the kind of person who thinks Domino's/Pizza Hut style pizzas taste great as well.

      But to each their own. If you stop eating takeout for a while you may find all takeout tastes bad.

    • +3

      It's overpriced disgusting slop.

    • Mcdonald's Indonesia has the best fried chicken.

  • +4

    So they've moved medium to 3500 points. Luckily I did redeem one yesterday for 2500.

    • Me too! Phew

  • +3

    Looks like I'll be drinking small coffee now…..

  • +3

    +1 for apple pie

  • +2

    Talking Shrinkflation -
    Anyone looked at the size of small yogurt tubs at ColeWorth in recent months.. they are 1/2 the size now…. they were 'acceptable' before, not worth the effort now.

    Back to normal programming.

    • +1

      so now as soon as you open them you are already scraping the dregs off the bottom of the tub!

      • +2

        Theres more stuck to the lid than in the tub….

    • +1

      Anyone looked at the size of small yogurt tubs at ColeWorth in recent months.

      The Petit Miam micro tubs of the 90s are back?

  • +1

    I guess the bright side is that the medium is 3500 points (which is a new tier) instead of 5000 points.

  • +3

    They could at least make the soft drinks small or medium. Seems like McDonald's have forgotten how they started, which was a simple menu, produced freshly and at good value prices.

    If i were McDonald's, I'd look at cutting the menu down.

    • +2

      Agree. Had In and Out for the first time last month, and it was simple, fresh and delicious, and reasonably priced. Even the stores remind you of what the original McDonalds looks like when Michael Keaton goes there in The Founder.

    • +10

      In the past it was any size including large, then it was small or medium, now just small

  • +4

    I severely slowed my going to McDonald's when they took away large coffee redemptions. Looks like I won't go there at all now.

    • +1

      They'll really miss you.

      • +1

        They actually will. I reckon I single-handedly kept my local afloat.

  • +1

    Damn, that'll be the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I don't go often but I've been getting a mcmuffin + reward points coffee most mornings when going into the office. I'd even get the odd maccas meal here and there to top up my points. Enough of a push to motivate me to go full cheapskate mode and get back on the workplace provided instant coffee.

  • +3

    Once upon a time you use to be able to redeem large coffees for 2500 points as well.

  • +2

    Yikes! Looks like McMuffin removed from 5000 points. Unless I’m looking at the wrong time of day. But this is a deal breaker for me.

    • +2

      Nooooooo… :(

    • +1

      I can still see it there under 5000 points.

      • Oh yeah. It’s back! It was definitely missing for at least a couple of weeks. Probably when that egg shortage was on. Hooray! Thanks for finding this.

  • Darn it I should've redeemed a medium coffee for 2500 points earlier in the week!

  • I remember when you could claim a free small coffee, and turn it into a large frappe for free. Good times.

  • I only go to McDonald's because my local have the best coffee and the free medium coffee brought the total cost down. The coffee offers (via app) have dried up too.

    On the plus side, I can now go anywhere else to buy a $6 coffee or $3 ice coffee or choke down a 711 brew.

  • I just wish they would convert points to dollars… but then I suppose people might actually use the points and you can't have that.

  • +2

    not going to lie i am shattered they dont allow you to get a medium, at very least you should be able to be the extra 50cents to get a medium

  • That is ridiculous that now it’s only small for 2500, and not too long after the upped the prices points needed for a large too. I wish they would now change to a credit system like Reds, GYG and Subbers.

  • That's a shame… The occasional kids treat used to score me an occasional large coffee. McD certainly wont miss my business but I'll take the kids elsewhere instead

  • This is a deal breaker for me. A big part of the reason I went to Maccas was to get points I could use to get coffees. The small coffees are just too small to bother with and tbh it's not very good coffee anyway. I won't go out of my way to go there anymore and probably just get the occasional special offer.

  • +1

    Deal-breaker for me. I used McDonald’s for kids’ Happy Meals and picked up a complimentary coffee every now and again. Not any more.

  • +1

    The coffee at 2500 points would get you a monolopu play card.

    Now you need to order a medium at 3500.

  • Bye Maccas app, it was fun while it lasted

    I'm sure they won't care but I've emailed them some McUnhappy feedback to [email protected]

  • I used Maccas when they had their coffee deals a fair bit. My local had reasonable coffee but since they stopped their deals and now I discover this, I’m done.
    I’ve still got over 2500 points but I don’t know if I can be bothered getting enough to get a medium.

  • I really enjoyed getting two monopoly cards with a Large coffee.

  • Also have noticed the coffee deals via app have dried up well and truly.

    Can't recall the last one I had it was that many months ago.

    Latest deal coming in 1st Oct is $1 for a small coffee, but only bc its international coffee day:

    Cmon uncle Ron Ron, give the coffee lovers what they want.

  • Use a burner email address for a $2 medium coffee + $1.50 Large Fries/Sunday Welcome offer

  • +1

    Base redemption now changed from 2500 to 3000 points.

    • Ugh, why even bother..

  • They have put the points up for everything, also, you can only claim 1 free item per order, you used to be able to claim as many items as your points would allow you to buy, i was going to make a post the other day but didnt get around to it

    • I don't know what their game is but with no more coffee offers ($3 coffee etc) I just don't go there three days a week anymore. I won't eat the food which is all they are pushing for me via the app.

      Maybe they are trying to get rid of coffee only orders.

    • If you go there regularly and remember to keep using your points for an extra thing, not a problem.

      But if, like me, you forget these things exist until you get an email saying you have reached the maximum points that whole 'one item per order' becomes a problem. Same story with the Monopoly things that only let you claim one per order.
      For Monopoly physical tickets the person behind the counter was usually pretty quick to ram through a couple of orders… for the online things you have to checkout over and over.

      We tend to get the family bundles which are decent value, but it also makes points mostly useless unless you want one extra fries or something.

      On the last day of the Monopoly thing I took the family to Maccas and ordered every outstanding ticket and redeemed every point, one by one by one. It tickled my sense of humour that they kept calling out numbers and I kept saying "yep, that's me again'… I think I got through about 15 orders (across 5 people).

      I've just got an email saying I'm at max points again so time to cash them all in, although points alone aren't too hard to go through.
      I currently have 44,434 points, so I could order 2 meals with points to spare, which would mean six orders:

      Big Mac - 8,000
      Large Fries - 5,500
      Small Soft Drink - 3,000 (Oddly I can order small/medium/large coffee, but not soft drinks)

      Total - 16,500

      Or 14 bags of cookies @ 3,000 points each!

      I really do wish they let you either burn all the points at once, or better yet just converted them to $$ off your order… but then I suppose more people might actually use them all and we can't have that…

      • I thought points maxed out at 30,000 , has that changed?

        • It's always been about 40,000 - 45,000 for me. It's like it will accept that last transaction which takes you over, but then won't add more points after that.

        • I swear mine was originally 10k, but is now up to 40k.

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