• expired

Seagate Exos X18 16TB Hard Drive ST16000NM000J ~$400 Delivered @ Amazon DE via AU


For those looking for a new drive, and not wanting to risk buying through a riskier non-authorized seller this is currently your best option.

I have purchased from sellers with highratings, only to receive fake drives, and not wanting to risk that again, so purchased couple of these, currently scheduled to arrive in Sept 6th. Drawback is this delivery time, but I am happy to wait, and be backed by Amazons return/refund policy.

Pretty close to the Lowest Price its been on CamelCamelCamel
Cheapest branded HDD on amazon based on $/TB right now Diskprices

Purchase using topcashback for an extra 0.5% off ($19.60) TopCashBack

For those, that are open to a bit more risk, EastDigital seems to be the ozbargain favorite. I would avoid anyone else.

the 12TB drives I purchased previously have just seen a price drop. This was delivered in Seagate packaging.
Currently $308 when you buy 2. (after 7% amazon discount)
Works out slightly more expensive per TB then the 16TB drives.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU
Amazon Germany Store
Amazon Germany Store

closed Comments

  • Are these noisy on a Synology NAS ?

    • +32

      Yes, but they'd work better inside a Synology NAS.

    • +2

      My Exos x16 16tb drives are very noisy imho. Compared to my Ironwolf Pros and some white label Hitachi I pulled out of WD Externals.

  • +14

    How is everyone so scared of EastDigital still? Literally hundreds, if not thousands of drives shipped to OzB users via Neology's group buys, plus extra sales after, and now via Neology's store too.

    • -4

      For myself, because it appears they are being deceptive by advertising the drives as new, but with evidence to suggest they are old drives with the SMART data erased.
      I am very anti Seagate anyway due to past experience, but this just makes me even less likely to want to buy from them. They might be good with returns, but there does seem to be a significant number of them, even for Seagate.

      I would look more seriously at them if they were doing the same deals with WD, but even then, I'd like to know the truth about the usage.

      • +4

        What evidence is there that they are refurbed? They state quite clearly these are white label drives and don't come with Seagate warranty, hence the pricing.

        • Seems the poster above is making stuff up

        • Arent they selling like, 4 year old drives?

          "They sold hundreds! thousands!" and yet, 2019/2020 drives?

      • +1

        Where are you getting any of this information from?

      • it appears they are being deceptive by advertising the drives as new, but with evidence to suggest they are old drives with the SMART data erased.

        Evidence ?

        What evidence ?

        If you've got some evidence then let's see it.

    • +1

      Had no issues with mine

      • Nor with mine

    • I purchased 4 drives from a seller off ebay, with great ratings. all 4 turned out to be fake, (really really good fakes, but still fakes) & 1 died within a week.

      took me 2 months+ to sort through paypal escalation. There are so many of these fake ones out there.

      I store data that I dont want to lose on these drives, so I rather pay a bit more and not risk what would happen 1-2 years from now.

      If I need a drive for another purpose, I definetly try EastDigital next time.

      • +2

        what do you mean by fake? how do you fake a hard drive?

        • +6

          Ordered a hard drive and received a floppy disk.

          • @Smigit: Store some porn on it. Will make it hard in no time

        • My guess..
          it was physically a seagate hdd. but they update the firmware and show zero read right and update the serial number. then they resticker it. The challenge is they screwed up the zeros and letter 0s printed on the drive and shown when reading the drive. Also the QR code, did not show a unique code including the serial number. it just went to a site where you can enter the serial number. The authentic drive QR codes will lead you to the seagate size, and the link will contain the serial number. When you typed in the corrected serial number the website shows it having still a year or two or warranty.

          I am curious of the people that bought from East Digital whether the QR codes work? anyone?

          • -1

            @addict: EASTDIGITAL drives are legit, some have checked the serial numbers and Seagete site was showing something about remaining warrenty. I got one while ago but can't remember whether I have checked mine, another one is on the way from thr recent deal. I only checked SMART and some read-write checks.TBH, their packaging is awesome and drives arenwell protected.

            • @bazingaa: +1 for packaging. I kept the box that arrived and am storing some other backup hardrives in it.

            • +1

              @bazingaa: hahahaha how can they be legit when they have a remaining warranty—— you buy new you get warranty (not remaining warranty)..

              • @Retarded Lunatic: That's not how it works for hard drives.

                The manufacturer warranty starts from the manufacture date.
                If you buy a new drive that is two years old, then you'll see two years has also elapsed from the warranty on the manufacturer's warranty checker.
                If you've bought from an official seller, then they'll correct this on production of your invoice, but you can't do this with grey market drives.
                If your drive was designated an OEM drive then the manufacturer won't offer any warranty at all.

                If you don't like this, then feel free to pay double the price for official stock.

                • +1

                  @Nom: i disagree - when i had a problem i just emailed the manufacturer, they asked for my receipt and warranty was from when i purchased it and sent a new one out. thats how simple it was. i bought the drive thru a official seller and they price matched others all in all it was probably $50 more then grey imports. Ive been biten by grey imports before and def stay away for such a low saving and the hassle of warranty, east digital is just that, You cannot compare grey imports with official sellers, they offer different terms and warranty.

                  The other issue's - are they recertified what were they used as beforehand

          • +1

            @addict: Just bought 2 x 12TB drives off them.
            The QR codes work and give correct results.
            I ran disk surface checks on them both for 24 hours and zero errors/issues.
            One of them is now in my NAS - seems fine. The other is a spare in case it's not. :-D

            • @TheMoose: May I ask the date of manufacture printed on the drive?

            • @TheMoose: Thanks for confirming the QR!

              And the ones you ordered are not white label versions right? They have a color label?

              • +1

                @addict: They're white with the green/black Seagate logo. They are the 'enterprise' model.

                • @TheMoose: Thanks appreciate that info..

                  So the ones you got seem authentic.. but perhaps/potentually higher failure rates given the age/reduced warranty status.
                  And if something goes wrong in 1-2years.. we are hoping East Digital is still around and still handles warranty locally. They have been around for a bit now, so perhaps lower risk for this.

                  • +1

                    @addict: Yeah.
                    The WD NAS drive it replaced lasted just on 9 years, so if I get even 1/2 that on this drive I'd be happy.

                    Also why I got 2. In case one was a dud, hopefully the 2nd one isn't so it would work until the 1st was replaced - either under warranty or not.
                    For the price, it's hard to look elsewhere at the moment - $430 for 2 x 12TB "Enterprise" drives is pretty decent.

                    • @TheMoose: Thanks for all this @TheMoose ! I'll take my chances too I guess

    • No Clue. They've been great lol.

  • +1

    As far as I know, Amazon DE is only the importer, not the seller.

    If you go to the Amazon DE site for this product, you'll notice that only three third party sellers are selling these drives, the seller(Fexyshop) having listed price closer to OP's deal has only 61% positive rating. I just hope we are not getting from them. I have never bought anything from Amazon DE, and would love to see OP share your experience in terms of the packaging once they arrive.

    • if you put in a germany post code you get other sellers as well.

      I am not sure how it works, but definetly I will post here. I purchase similar drives from Amazon US through Amazon.com.au and it was a great experience. Seagate packaging and all!

      That being said.. any hint of these being fake and I will be calling amazon up for the return.

      • That being said.. any hint of these being fake

        There are not fake hard drives - this is the wrong terminology.

        There are just hard drives sourced through official channels, and hard drives sourced otherwise.

        From your other posts, it sounds like you want official drives with manufacturer warranty. You need to buy these from an official Australian store like MWave or Scorptec - and you need to pay appropriately. This is the only way to guarantee manufacturer-backed drives.

        If you buy drives from marketplace sellers like Amazon and eBay then you may or may not receive the drives you want - especially if they're sourced from overseas (warranty is usually limited to the official area of sale).
        Even if you do score official drives from Amazon, you could order the same item again tomorrow and receive an OEM drive with no manufacturer warranty depending on how Amazon fulfills your order.

        • By fake, I am saying they are pretending to be not what they are sold as.

          The ones I purchased are stating they are new with full warranty. The ones I recieved from ebay, the labeling and firmwear were falsified.

          If someone is clear about what they are, then I am fine with it.

  • Any suggestions for a decent HD enclosure to slap on to this drive? Please and thank you :-)

    • I dont remember seeing any ones posted in OZB that people went nuts over. So best to look at amazon or similar and find one with higher ratings. I know this may be obvious, but I felt bad because you hadnt got a response here.. haha

      • Aww thanks :-) Appreciate the response nonetheless.

  • mate, you can buy 2 drives from EASTDIGITAL for little more and even do RAID1 if you are not that sure of them :)

    • a couple comments.. if you are forced to use raid on these drives because you are worried, then really the size that you have access to is less depending on the Raid level. So a 16TB on amazon would be more comparible to a higher TB on EastDigital. Also given the higher failure rate, there is a higher chance of multiple drives failing at one time. this also means even with raid your drives are at risk.

      So if you have important data that you are storing. And its worth the extra cash, then why not. Especially if you get a longer warranty, and easier ability to return the drive if needed.

      Similar to what I said below, I dont see any optipn at EAST DIGITAL where I can get 2 drives for a little more.. so you may want to clarify, or provide the link where this is an option.

      • +1

        if you are forced to use raid on these drives because you are worried, then really the size that you have access to is less depending on the Raid level. So a 16TB on amazon would be more comparible to a higher TB on EastDigital.

        This is the case whether you source the drive from Amazon or EastDigital or MWave or anywhere else.
        ALL drives fail - you use backups and RAID to mitigate against these failures. The amount of mitigation you need to do, depends on how important your data is.
        It does not depend on where your drives came from.
        There is no scenario where you scrimp on backups because you think the drive is more reliable. ALL drives fail.

        Also given the higher failure rate

        This is irrelevant - a higher failure rate simply means you need to restore backups more often.

        You need these backups with every drive.

        In addition to this, the failure rate is not related to the source of the drive. You can buy a genuine drive that fails tomorrow, and a no-label OEM drive of unknown origin that runs for 10 years.

        So if you have important data that you are storing.

        Then you need backups.

        Your whole post is implying that drive reliability is important. In fact, it's your backup plan that is important - not your hard drives.

        One more time - ALL drives fail. It may be tomorrow, it maybe next month, or it maybe in 10 years. But your drives will fail, and you have no way of knowing when that will be.

        • @Nom
          Some very good points.

          For me as I said, for less important data, I am happy to give ED a try.

          But I think what most people think of is the short term cost, and do not take into account the added risk. Eg Most are saying these are older drives that ED are selling with less warranty. Therefor one can expect these drives to have a shorter lifespan then what when you buy new. I dont think anyone can argue this is a fact. And if we say that lifespan is 20% less, then this should be considered in the cost. Yes there will be occurences of new drives and these drives lasting either side of each other, but if you look at the data I think it would be clear. Looking how warranty periods apply to these drives also imply this.

          And if a failure happens during the warranty period it would more likely happen for older drives, now there is also a cost of that, not having a drive for a period of time, or just your time in going through the warranty process. vs a new drive which at least you got to use longer before the warranty.

          Now if you then say well also use a higher raid/backup level, which I heard many people attest to on this site, again this is reducing your usuable space or increasing the drives you are purchasing. This can easily add an additional 20% to the cost of buying the drives from ED.

          The only way I feel you can realise this savings, is if you treat it as a new drive, and it lasts as long. Which given the likelyhood, I dont think that will occur for many of the people that buy the drives. So spending on a new drive, may actually be cheaper in the long run.

          So I am pretty sure myself and others will gladly pay more to mitigate this risk.

  • Still waiting on more 20tb hdd sales! My nas full of linux distros is getting full :O

  • -1

    East Digital Sells these for almost half price… This is not a deal imo.

    • -1

      Right now, East Digital sells these for $285 (usually reduced warranty + non authorized seller).

      The amazon one does cost $110 more, so I am not sure where you are getting the half price.

      They do have white label versions and from what I understand (from google research) these are returns or drives that have not met the threshold for some reason, so I dont think these should be compared with the new full version. But still I dont see the half the price version you make reference to.

      Please do share the link if you see a comparible unit for half the price, edit your comment so that its accurate.

      • I got two for 230 each on sale from East Digital.

        Not quite half price, hence why I said almost :)

        • were they recertified or refurbished drives for that price? Because I dont see that price for for new drives for this model posted in the OZB history. Unless I missed it or it was avaiable just for a short period of time and not posted. I see them for $250-$340 historically. The last time it was posted at $310 and got significant upvotes and I dont think it would have if it was usually available for $230. I could be wrong.


  • "only to recieve fake drives"

    i before e…Confirmed fake!

    • haha good pick up..

  • +1

    Hey just to provide an update.. these ended up being white label drives so I have returned them.

    Ordered the 12TB from the US like I have before. Only a little bit more from a $/TB stand point.

    Appologies if any one else has ordered!

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