About 15% off RRP and still very expensive but it is the top of the line Vitamin and comes with 3 extra jugs.
Comes with a 10 year warranty and is basically an investment for a lifetime.
About 15% off RRP and still very expensive but it is the top of the line Vitamin and comes with 3 extra jugs.
Comes with a 10 year warranty and is basically an investment for a lifetime.
Spent far too much on a Vitamix equivalent. 2 in fact since there was this 'vacuum' blender craze also, to stop the content oxidizing or something.
Likewise, they in the garage gathering dust after a recent move.
Bundle includes:
- A3500i Ascent® Series Smart Blender (includes tamper and Ascent® 2.0-litre Low-Profile Container)
- Ascent® 1.4-litre Dry Grains Container
- Ascent® 1.4-litre Wet Container
- Ascent® 1.4-litre Aer Disc Container
- Tamper Holder
- Under Blade Scraper
You could buy all of those separately elsewhere for $1679.87 total.
Where's the deal?
The deal is buying everything separately!
For those interested:
The Tamper Holder and Under Blade Scraper are like ~$50 in total from various places but shipping fee may apply
Thanks for putting this together mate - that's actually a cracker deal for the top of the line.
Assuming one has an expected lifespan of a decade, I guess
any bargain with home insurance if this catches fire ?
haha. imagine that. insurance say. yea we will cover it.. you just need to pay the $1000 excess.
This or a Thermomix?
They're two completely different appliances with completely different use cases. What do you want to do?
i think the point was that they are both items with prices that somehow subvert common sense
I disagree that the thermomix is overpriced. I've got one and it's worth every $$ in my books. The wife and I have demanding jobs and are time-poor + juggling a toddler and a 4 year old. Prepping a weeks worth of meals with different dietary requirements in 3-4 hours makes the thermomix more than worth it (had mine for 3 years now).
I thought so too until I got a Vitamix. Everything you put in just gets blitzed. With other appliances you have intact tomato seeds, bananas that still have bits, etc. With the Vitamix the prep work is minuscule and it is very quick. I went through a few blenders before the Vitamix. I’m 60 and this one may well see me out.
Got a Vitamix for $500 from Myers a couple yrs back. No idea what model but it goes alright. Don't always have to drop $2K
I think the negs are being misused unless someone can show a cheaper deal. If so then show it.
Personally I wouldn’t get this bundle but I do have a Vitamix and they certainly blitz stuff a lot better than any of the blenders I had before that.
Show the links to those prices.
I got one of this mixer before covid from david jones at half price @$7xx, just because its colour was not popular(copper).
It is a amazing blender with tapable button. Top one at the Vitamix brand I reckon.
The Ascent models are basically DRM models. They use some sort of NFC tag to be able to detect what jug is in use and allow programs. This also means if it can't detect the jug, the blender won't work (if you happen to place the jug incorrectly or can't detect the nfc tag? won't work)
The current older model (Explorian) can work without using any detect mode for the jugs so if you want it to work, it will work without worrying about detecting/programs
The Explorian model is about $500 with a free jug (ATL price has been $400 from a few years).
Honestly this is paying too much considering the motors are all pretty much the same except for the new "programs" and detect mode
Should have a lifetime warranty for that price.
At least its assembled in the USA, no doubt from CHINE parts.
I had a smoothie phase, now my blender gathers dust in the cupboard, glad I didn't pay $2000 for it lol.