I don't know if it's targeted. But $2 it's cheap.
Last time it was $2, it was very popular.
I don't know if it's targeted. But $2 it's cheap.
Last time it was $2, it was very popular.
I actually have 2 offers on McFlurry. One it's $2 and expires in 2 days. And one more for $2 that expires on 26/9, that's why I wasn't sure if it's targeted.
wouldn't the points you're missing out on without the app outweigh the 50 cents you may have gotten off a mcflurry after 2 months? depends how often you go there I guess
yeah i don't go there enough to try and understand & min-max the point system
$1 = 100 points and there's pretty frequently bonus points on over $x spend. but I would go there once a fortnight probably
@Aldonis: that doesn't really tell me much. what do points get you? i.e. how many points do i need to claim a mcflurry?
@whitepuma: The best value used to be 2500 points for a large McCafe coffee however they've changed it to a small/medium now.
@Aldonis: so spend $50 and get a free mcflurry, or $25 and get a free medium mccafe beverage.
If i frequented mcdonalds i'd take this up, but as i don't i'll stick with stop using the app until better deals arise
The points are virtually worthless, so it's essentially not worth considering doing anything differently just to get points.
For example, 2500 points gets you one hamburger; which would otherwise cost you $2. So, the 50 points that you would get for spending 50 cents gets you one twentieth (5%) of one hamburger.
it depends on how often they go without using the app. if they and their partner were to go once a month and spend $25 between them each time they would have the points to redeem a free mcflurry rather than maybe getting an additional 50 cent discount off of one from not using the app for 2 months
@Aldonis: Nah … a McFlurry 'costs' 5000 points; not 2500 points. In other words, to get a 'free' McFlurry, you would need to spend $50 actual dollars. It's a bit of a joke really, the whole Maccas points thing, because the points are almost totally worthless.
Macca's app is interesting, if you don't shop on it or look at it in a while they offer you better deals to entice you over.
That's not interesting, it's just basic marketing.
excuse me for finding marketing interesting
Hey I wasn't having a go… just saying it's typical capitalism.
Served in non-insulated cardboard container, and spoon that tastes like wood. 😷
and spoon that tastes like wood
We'll you'd hope the wooden spoon you get doesn't taste like anything else.
So don’t eat the spoon
you want them to give it to you in a vacuum sealed zojirushi? stop whinging, Big Plastic
And top the experience off by having it home delivered.
Use 4 separate email addresses and you will get a wide variety of deals….. 3 years since I paid full price for a McD coffee
Great tip. They stopped offering me cheap coffees altogether. Haven't had a coffee offer for months now. I'm not happy about it!
Coffee is the only thing I get with points so a quick cycle through the accounts for a deal and then if nothings available I just use points
Does Maccas no longer do the spin/mix thing before serving a McFlurry? The last 2 times I've bought one, they've basically put the ice cream in, sprinkled the topping on top, and handed it to me. I worked at Maccas when McFlurrys first came out and there was a machine that you had to put the cup under to mix it all up before giving it to the customer.
They've moved away from that long time ago now.
It is tailored for you….Macca's app is interesting, if you don't shop on it or look at it in a while they offer you better deals to entice you over.
When we order Macca's we usually use my phone, as recent as last week it presented me a deal for a $2.50 McFlurry, whilst on my partner's phone (who doesn't usually order for us) it was showing a $2.00 McFlurry.
Sometimes I just uninstall the app for a couple of months to get better deals later down the track.