Win 1 of 3 Melbourne Show Prize Packs Valued at $7,954 Total from Highpoint Shopping Centre [Prize Needs to Be Picked-up]

Entry Requirements
Want to win the ultimate show day experience?
We've partnered up with The Melbourne Royal Show to celebrate 60 years of the iconic animal nursey and put together the Ultimate VIP Giveaway with a share of prizes valued at over $8,000!
We'll be selecting 3 winners on the 16th of September with each receiving one of the prizes below respectively:
4 x 11 Day Passes
2 x One Day Parking Permits
1 x $250 Showbag Voucher
1 x $250 Rides Voucher
1 x $250 Food & Beverage Voucher
1 x $1,000 Highpoint Gift Card
2 x 11 Day Passes
1 x One Day Parking Permits
1 x $100 Showbag Voucher
1 x $100 Rides Voucher
1 x $100 Food & Beverage Voucher
4 x 11 Day Passes
2 x One Day Parking Permits
1 x $100 Showbag Voucher
1 x $100 Rides Voucher
1 x $100 Food & Beverage Voucher
Simply subscribe below for your chance to WIN the ultimate show day experience. Terms and conditions apply.
Pick up prize from Highpoint Shopping Centre, Customer Service Desk