Consequences of Speeding Ticket Not Paid When on International Driving License

Hi all,

One of my friend got a speeding ticket 8 years back when he came on visitors visa on his driving license from his country. but he didn't pay and ignored. Any idea if it effects if he apply for visitor / transit visa .


  • +44

    Needs an update post for a good laugh

  • +79

    On arrival he'll get free accommodation and return airfare.

    • +6

      that's a good deal

    • +3

      Any proof on that happening over a traffic ticket?

    • +1

      At the Villawood?
      That would come with free meals too.

      • Free healthcare, dental and pharmaceuticals too at penitentiaries. I hear you get widescreen TVs and XBoxes/Playstations/Nintendo consoles to pass the time as well. Only drawback is no open internet access.

        Temping, perhaps engaging in a little shoplifting or light white collar crime will sort out my financial problems.

  • +58

    Character assessment for visa will fail and he will be assassinated in his home country

    • +6

      That escalated quickly..

    • -2

      he will be assassinated in his home country

      Lol… ASIO/ASIS are a bunch of pencil pushers that couldn't find t*ts in a strip club. They leave the big boy jobs for the CIA's SAD/SAC.

      • that's what they want you to think

      • -1

        All the people who would tell you otherwise are already dead

    • Will OP do the kill confirm?

  • +14

    Depends on how fast they were going. If it was a criminal offence, they're probably not going to get back in.

    You can check fine details online via the various state government bodies. Probably a good time to pay it and get it cleared up first. Dunno if not paying it for 8 years turns into a criminal offence though. But likely it's a state issue and immigration is a federal issue. I'd highly recommend they sort out the fine before driving a car though, if the state cops pull them over they're going to be in for some fun.

  • +3

    My friend from overseas recently came here. He has been visiting Melbourne almost once every year. One day he told me during one of his earlier trips, when he rented a car he got booked for accidentally crossing red light camera when it was just turned red. He never paid it and he said he immediately either closed his credit card account OR disconnected it from his rental car profile.

    Considering he managed to come here since then (and I saw him 2 months ago), I'd say if you don't make it into a habit and have a rental car, you'd probably be okay.

    I hope this answers OP's question but by no means am I encouraging this. I have no comment about the brutality of VIC's traffic law especially speed.

    • +6

      I hope this answers OP's question but by no means am I encouraging this. I have no comment about the brutality of VIC's traffic law especially speed.

      Nice save.

    • +3

      Your 'friend', sounds like a fine example of people we should be letting into the country.

      Running red lights, avoiding the fine at all costs. No wonder this country has turned to sh!t.

      • +8

        I will be honest be you. I didn't like what he did but it was once off, harmless (like any one of us could have committed it accidentally) and knowing that VIC kept bailing murderers for killing doctors (VIC residents would know what I am talking about), I think he can be forgiven. Again, not condoning what he did but this is the question that OP was asking for and I happen to have heard the exact real life experience recently.

          • +1

            @JimmyF: To clarify (perhaps, I was too loose with the word "running off", apologies), it was not running OFF red lights, it was a misjudged braking which exceeded the two sensor loop causing the camera to flash.

            I won't comment on the closing of credit card. I was in a listening mode at that time so wasn't in an inquisitive mood as such.

            But I won't call it out either. You don't always have to sacrifice friendship by vehemently disagreeing with them. After all, if you really think about it, what would taking a high moral horse do to me anyway. Not like I am going to be thanked by Vic Govt or perhaps even by this community but I do value our friendship. Of course, I told him not to do it again (he's got 3 kids so not a good example you know…)

            • -8


              it was not running OFF red lights, it was a misjudged braking which exceeded the two sensor loop causing the camera to flash.

              If they got a red light camera fine, then they went through the intersection and didn't just 'misjudge' the line. There is a reason the camera flashes twice to verify if you overshot the line or went through the intersection.

              But I won't call it out either. You don't always have to sacrifice friendship by vehemently disagreeing with them

              Why? So you're afraid to upset your friend by telling them they have done the wrong thing? LOL So if they had mistreated their partner, you would also say nothing as you wouldn't want to upset them. How about if they steal something?

              After all, if you really think about it, what would taking a high moral horse do to me anyway.

              Morally what they did is wrong, morally you not saying that isn't ok is wrong. You have now validated what they have done as being ok.

              but I do value our friendship

              Let's hope they don't run a red light again and hit someone or even you.

        • +7

          I didn't like what he did but it was once off, harmless

          Running a red is pretty high up there on the dangerous list imho

          • -8

            @trapper: I love seeing how people justify their actions…… Oh they didn't mean it…. Oh that's great to hear Jimmy mean to mow down that kid in the street and kill them, but they did do that, so yeah.

        • +3

          The unwillingness to take responsibility is a greater indictment on his character than actually running the red. As for "bailing out murderers," well that has no bearing on the actions of your friend. If the state didn't let out violent offenders, would the act of your friend be any less cowardly and irresponsible? Neither should be forgiven, regardless of the fact that the state is slack on justice.

          • -1


            The unwillingness to take responsibility is a greater indictment on his character than actually running the red

            Yep thats the point everyone misses…. What a character who runs a light, then cancels all credit cards and flees the country just so they don't have to pay the fine!

            Then their 'friend' sticking up for their actions as you wouldn't want to hurt their feelings. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        • Running a red light is not harmless. It’s dangerous.

          The term ‘running’ suggests it was done on purpose and this is not like ‘any one of us’.

          The later dodging of the fine goes to help inform Australia of someone’s character.

      • +3

        With all the problems happening globally right now… you're criticisng Australia for not enforcing rental car offenders? Hmm okay.

        • -7

          Its a driving offence, not a rental offence…… But yeah, even more so using your view, if you have someone willing to break the law and not pay the fine etc, even more reason to keep them 'globally' isn't it?

          • +1

            @JimmyF: Just stop.

            • -2

              @PleasureMe: why? If they don't have to stop at a stop sign, why should I stop posting!

              • @JimmyF: Because you don’t seem to have your priorities right.

                • -2


                  Because you don’t seem to have your priorities right.

                  Oh Boo hoo, and what priorities don't you think I have right?

                  So in your view, we should have overseas people coming to our country, breaking our laws then running away not paying fines?

                  Sounds amazing people to have here, no wonder the country has turned to a pile of sh!t when the locals won't call out the BS actions either. Wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings now would we.

                  • @JimmyF: I like your enthusiasm on calling out this issue. You just need to channel this enthusiasm towards bigger issues if we want to make greater headway as a society. That’s probably too much to bite, so would rather focus on a relatively smaller issue, load it with utmost importance, and then feel good about it, thinking that we’ve done our bit to correct the society.

                    I’m not saying that you’re wrong—in fact, you’re right in your argument—but that you seem to be trying to fix the sink while the house is burning.

                    • @afayd:

                      You just need to channel this enthusiasm towards bigger issues if we want to make greater headway as a society

                      Sometimes bigger issues are fixed by fixing the smaller issues. Start correcting the small behaviour issues and the bigger ones fix themselves.

                      I’m not saying that you’re wrong—in fact, you’re right in your argument—but that you seem to be trying to fix the sink while the house is burning.

                      Gotta start somewhere. Everyone seems to be happy to stand by and watch the house burn!

  • Should be ok as long as they had a seatbelt nasty letters incoming 🤔

    • +14

      but what if they had a shoulder injury?

  • -6

    Consequences of Speeding Ticket Not Paid


  • Makes the Transport Minister cry every time.

  • +6

    They will be waiting for your friend at the airport.

  • +5

    Big welcome party next time he visits

    Balloons, cake and bubba

  • +4

    Are they a bikie back in their home country?

  • +7

    When driving on a international driving licence you still accumulate demerit points as normal for traffic offences. The drmerit points are added once the offence is finalised in law, that is, either paid, convicted in court, or forwarded to the appropriate State revenue authority becsuse of non payment. Once you reach the prescribed limit for your licence then your authority to drive in that state on your international licence is withdrawn for the appropriate length of time according to the total demerit points you have accumulated (normally 3 months). If you are caught driving during that withdrawal of authority period you will be charged with suspended licence offence and have to attend court. The offence is actually driving whilst your authority to drive has been withdrawn.
    Your authority to drive on your international driving licence is also automatically withdrawn once you become a permanent resident of the state. If you are on a visa with no expiry date then you are classed as a perment resident and must obtain a local licence within a certain period, most states 3 months. If you continue to drive on your international driving licence after that time you will be charged with unlicensed driving and have to attend court.
    If your visa has an expiry date you can continue to drive on your international driving licence as you are classed as a temporary resident.
    As far as entering the country again if you have not paid your outstanding fines you may find that there is a record of the unpaid fine being outstanding at immigration check depending if the state revenue system is linked into the immigration system, most are. You may be barred from entering the country until the oustanding fine is resolved. I have heard that you can also be prevented from leaving the country until oustanding fines are paid judtbyhe same as outstanding child support can bar you ftom leaving. SOURCE, 30 years enforcement experience

    • SOURCE, 30 years enforcement experience

      As what - that covers a lot of possibilities?

      • Does it matter?

        • +3


          He may have been eg a State fisheries inspector, in which case it gives him no more credibility to answer the question than anyone else.

    • +1

      You may be barred from entering the country until the oustanding fine is resolved

      ‘may’. This is the best you can do with 30 years ‘enforcement experience’ ?

  • Most likely they will be denied a visa or at worst, when they arrive in Australia, customs will stop them and put them on the first flight back to where they came from.

  • +1

    One fine isn't usually a problem.

    Serious fine defaulters will find it catches up with them when they [try to] come back.

  • If the person don’t plan on coming back it’s OK. HOWEVER WHEN START APPLYING etc, ALL forms will ask if he has committed any thing etc. That’s when problem starts.

    • [entering the US] "are you, or have you ever been, a terrorist"

      hmm - lemme think - there was that one time … yeah maybe - tick !

      • I once terrorised my neighbour’s son because he was being an annoying little brat and now I am banned from entering the USA.

  • +2

    Should be that if you try to come back in and you have any outstanding fines, you have to pay them on the spot and sent back to your home country.

    Come to our country, abide by our rules. If you decide to skip out then you shouldn't be allowed back in.

  • +6

    but he didn't pay and ignored

    We don't want him. Tell him not to come back.

    • Totally agree if i visited another country i would obey their rules and pay any fines if i received any.

  • -1

    Send your friend to the UK.
    They have re started their convict programme.
    Eventually entitles your friend to a free trip.

  • I believe nothing will happen as the offence is only a fine, there's no arrest warrant or anything out for you mate. Australia is a federal state —your friend broke state or territory law, but the second time around, this could be a problem.

    Having said that, if your friend get to visit here, please update the thread as a deal/hack :)

  • +1

    My thoughts - I would reapply for an international drivers license but either add a middle name or drop a middle name and have use a relatives address. Also after asking what the fine was for - act worried - I would just claim to have never received the fine and act shocked and apologise immediately ask how to go about fixing the problem

    • Or just say: ‘no engles’.

  • My BIL came to Melbourne from US in 2019 and got caught on a tram without a valid ticket. He gave them his details (gave my address as he was staying with me) and up to last year, we were still getting reminders to pay the fine

  • One of my friend's relatives got a letter of demand at his overseas residential address. I think they paid so not sure of the outcome of not paying.

  • +4

    Lots of virtue signaling here, how nice and fuzzy …

    Now, when an Australian with an Australian drivers license commits "similar crimes" overseas and then leave without paying all the fines, will she/he deserve to be equally ostracized, condemn?

    Say an Australian driving in Bangladesh … or Syria …or Bolivia … or (God forbidden) Russsia … ???

    Big horrendous crime too or just not really important at all …

    • -1

      The Russian cops are gigachads and will do whatever they want to enforce

  • +6

    Actually Zero. My American BIL has steadfastly refused to pay a ticket for a number of years and has re-visited Australia numerous times despite letters to his home US address with threats. WA can't even transfer Demerit Points to Victoria so I doubt the state authorities can do anything about federal matters.

  • -2

    Yeah, visa will/should be declined- traffic fines are actually a criminal penalty. Therefore he has an outstanding criminal complaint against him.

    Or he may well be denied entry until the fine is paid, which also has happened too.

    • +2

      Source: "Trust me bro"

  • It depends on which country he comes from. Certain countries have mutual arrangements for enforcement, while others do not.

    Specify which country and we can provide taylored response.

  • Speeding is fine but running a red light / no seatbelt is not great.

  • If he ever applies for Australian citizenship, even if it’s 30 years from now, the Australian government will find out that he has outstanding unpaid fines.

  • Probably nothing straight away unless for some reason authorities ask to see their ID while here (run another red and get pulled over?). They would have a background history of the individual I imagine.

    I once got a ticket in Cook Islands for “riding abreast”, there was no way I was risking getting banned from a foreign country for a fine, so I paid the fine, then framed it at home.

  • Interesting one. I visited Japan seven years ago and noticed nobody seemed to follow the speed limits on the highways. I just kept to the average of what everybody else was doing. I've often wondered if I was flashed (if they do that there like they do in Australia), whether it would incur me any penalty given I'm not a local.

    Never heard anything about it, so I presume I was all good. But it's an interesting scenario.

  • Joe Biden will attack him

  • -1

    YAY more trash coming into the country, not respecting our local laws or customers.

    • +1

      A lot of our traffic laws and speed limits are archaic so I don't blame people not repsecting them.

  • Nothing will happen.

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