This was posted 6 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Fujifilm 200 36EX 35mm Colour Camera Film $16.51 Delivered ($14 Each for 4) @ digiDirect eBay


Edit note: Updated new code with less saving, clarified some naming mistakes, added more details. No effect on the nature of this great deal.

Just got into film photography and spotted this deal. Price can be further reduced to $14 each if buy 4 or more.

Although its title states "C200" but the image and MPN in digiDirect's product page both indicate this is actually “Fuji 200” made in USA, which is widely known as the same as (in fact, manufactured by) Kodak Gold 200. Ted’s Camera has the exact same listing with the same MPN but the correct title.

Code only works for 2 transactions max. per user. If you don’t find it working check if your eBay account already used it for two transactions this month.

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closed Comments

  • +19

    I should buy this just to sniff the canister. You know, for nostalgia

    • +3

      i remember the days going to a kodak centre with my mum to get the rolls processed

      • +1

        Processed in under 24 hours!

        • +4

          Rich guy^

        • +7

          24 hours? 1 hour processing was where it was at

            • +10

              @Lizard Spock: Those were the days when a million dollars was real money and not small mortgage

          • @Gunnar: pretty sure k-mart would get it done in 20 min :D

            • +2

              @kungfuman: former 1 hour photolab associate here. ama jk.. i forgot pretty much everything but still remember it could be under 20 min. still remember how pissed off customers got when the machines (never our fault :D) ate the negative while processing.

              • @StephBlanks: I wonder why they continue to call themselves photolab. When it's just a Fujifilm machine that develops the film and prints the photos. The advance ones can do at least 10 rolls per hour.

                • @skillet: couldn't agree more. i remember the days i was in the actual dark room/lab to develop my own b&w film and print my own photos

      • I used to get my nudes developed like this, until I found out they check them as they print them. Sorry 'bout that girl who works at the photo lab.

    • +3

      I remember filling the canisters with vinegar and bicarb soda, and watching the lid fly into the air.

      Good times, as a bored kid.

      • I'd do the same, but I would put it lid down. Same with Kinder surprise eggs.

  • Just got into film photography

    The 1950’s are calling and asking what this fandangled Internet Ozforum thing is.

    • +22

      You there! Fill it up with petroleum distillate and re-vulcanize my tires, post haste!

      • +3

        Beep-beep! Out of my way! I'm a motorist.

        • +1

          Not to worry, I have an ace up my sleeve

        • +1

          That's some nice reckless driving Mr B.

    • +19

      My wife and I are fully digital - Spotify, streaming, photography etc. My 21yo son is listening to vinyl and tapes and shooting 35mm.

      Go figure.

    • do you mean penpals?

  • +5

    I'm 14 and what is this?

  • Remember paying $4 for this at Red Dot?
    (although tbf, it was probably the 24 exposure role.)

  • +2

    I believe these are just Gold 200 now? Would happily be corrected though.

    • That’s what I think too, and many in the community.

  • +3

    Op, any deals on Betamax?

  • +2

    Reddit doesn't think the quality is great (possibly rebadged Kodak 400) but Universal Store has OneShot film for $10 if you want some cheap film to play with…

    • Ikigai Film Lab confirms it’s practically Kodak Gold 200. But their manufacturer data sheets suggest otherwise. In my experience you can mix them and use as the same unless you push/pull aggressively in post-develop?

      • +1

        But their manufacturer data sheets suggest otherwise. In my experience you can mix them and use as the same unless you push/pull aggressively in post-develop?

        Pushed or pulled film needs to be processed in dip and dunk to change to development time.

        Mini lab machines can't do that.

    • +3

      Keep in mind that is 24 exposure though. I find 36 exposure works out better value when you consider the development cost:

      $15 film + $15 development / 36 = $0.83 per shot

      $10 film + $15 development / 24 = $1.04 per shot

      • its even cheaper if u can dev n scan your self at home
        is about 3.5-4.5 per roll (depends on chem u use)

        • Do you develop film yourself? What chems do you use??

  • Good for ya party point and shoots w/ flash!

  • Maybe I SHOULD get a Pentax 17 after all

    • I was quite excited until they announced the price…

      • +1

        its actually cheap

        back in the days olympus pen will cost $1500 (in todays money)

  • i usually got the kodak ones.

  • +2

    Keep your colour film, I’ll stick to my Fomapan

  • Nice to see film prices coming down

  • these were 5 bucks back in the day

    • +4

      didnt you make like 50c/h back in the day

    • Can’t spell “inflationism” without “film” :p

  • Can you add how many megapixels this has?

    • +2

      The megapixels for film are limited only by your eyesight

      • No it's more, standard film has higher resolution than 4k.

    • I did real estate photograph back in 90s. I used Agfa Ultra 25 ISO. Most amazing colour film on the market.

  • Where do you get these developed anonymously (asking for a friend)?

    • alot if film labs still active in capital city around aus

      or u can dev at home ur self is not that hard

  • +1

    Thanks, there are some good B&W options there too

    I love shooting B&W on film, but not so keen on colour. Plus it's easy to develop at home

    • +2

      B&W develop at home as most labs won't take it. I use good old Rodinol,.

      • Is that true? I think there are still plenty of places that do it.

        I hope so as I gave up all of my developing gear a couple of years ago. I wasn't even sure if you could get genuine Rodinal any more. Even there mention of the name is legendary in the field. Do you still do much?

        I have a few films which are undeveloped from my Mamiya RZ67. There simply isn't a better way to make beautiful pics if you ask me

        • +1

          I need to get back into it, but mainly use it for my RB67 and Mamiya 645.

  • Any good sales on the 400?

    • +1

      Fujicolor 400 Also on digiDirect eBay.

      Buying 4 or more with the code brings it down to $13.6 a roll.

  • Amazon UK advertised this as C200 with the old packaging. When this re-badged Kodak 200 showed up instead I got a refund… free film!

    • Good for you! I’m quite sure Fujifilm is only selling their branding on both 200 and 400, which are essentially Gold 200 and Ultramax 400.

      Also interestingly, they recently launched production of C200 & C400 in China. But if you look closer, it’s made in USA, and the manufacture is, of course, …

  • +1

    Code not working anymore? and yes i havent used the code before

    • Presumably expired but there’s another code for 8% off. I’ll update shortly.

  • WOW!

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