Refurbished Dyson from eBay - Does It Come in Retail Box

Hi all, curious to know if anyone has ever purchased a refurbished Dyson fan from eBay? Will they be in the retail box? Looking to purchase one for my friend's house warming and obviously would love to have proper package.


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  • +2

    Will they be in the retail box?

    You need to ask the seller, not random people on forums…

    • Your lucky it comes in a box at all

  • I believe it doesn't come in the proper package.

  • You are really have to worry the box at all as you are buying a refurbished one anyway, not new.

  • Guess you don't want to make it obvious to your friend the Dyson is second hand?

  • Make sure you ask all these questions and sus everything out before clicking the buy button. Some people just use things for many years and give them a wipe and list as "refurbished"

  • I believe they come in plain/brown box (assuming you are purchasing from the official Dyson eBay Store).

    • Last new dyson I purchased also came in a brown box from eBay

  • +1

    Not a close friend huh?

  • +1

    I believe they come in a brown paper bag.

    • And priced at three fiddy

  • Plain brown box if purchased from official Dyson site.

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