This is such a good buy! Friend of mine works at this IGA and told me about it, I tried it and it taste like any other vodka,
190-194 Liverpool Rd
NSW 2136
02 9715 3684
NOTE: This offer is ONLY available at IGA Enfield.
This is such a good buy! Friend of mine works at this IGA and told me about it, I tried it and it taste like any other vodka,
190-194 Liverpool Rd
NSW 2136
02 9715 3684
NOTE: This offer is ONLY available at IGA Enfield.
20% alcohol
"Divas Vodkat is made from grapes, allowing it to be priced as a fortified wine, yet showing more of the characteristics of vodka."
So is not that cheap for a Wine!
Buy a bag of skittles also and make skittles vodka
oh my god
thats less than the excise on the vodka
someone is losing a lot of money on that one
The last time I drank cheap vodka I ended up buried chest deep in sand. However, you cannot argue with cheap booze.
Umm yeah you can, afterwards of course lol
If you have enough cheap booze, you can argue with anything (including a bottle of cheap booze) ;)
You just won't win. My drunk mate once spent 45 min trying to convince a tree to join the Socialist party at uni. His arguments were good, if a little slurred - tree still won.
Ethanol in spirits is taxed at $75.17 a litre so presuming that these are 700ml bottles @ 37% alcohol then the producer has paid $19.46 in excise alone.
Take into account GST and the total tax on each of these $10 bottles is approximately $20.37.
Interesting link: "DIVAS is 100% Australian made from real Australian wine grapes, allowing it to be priced as fortified wine"…
According to this fortified wine up to 22% is in fact immune from excise. I've tasted Ciroc Vodka which is also grape based, it tasted more like vodka than brandy. All in all this seems like a rather ingenious way to sell neutral spirits without paying excessive tax.
Similar to these malibu ripoffs .. Wine based 21.5% alc/vol.…
And this one too, 21% 750mL….
It's not bad, surprisingly.
Yeah they're ok.. until the following day! I was thinking of the one 1st choice stocks (grunters), but I deduce now the wipeout brand & dan's have my mindshare.
Normal price $11.99… even that's a bargain!
My liver is not ready
Before you guys freak out, it is more like fortified wine than vodka but still tastes like vodka. About 20% alcohol I think. Still pretty cheap, but not comparable to vodka. In fact, nowhere on the bottle does it say vodka at all.
That manager is certainly stretching the truth with that sign.
A comment from the site below states 22%
Perhaps… but they certainly package it like vodka, and even the graphics/naming are similarly stylised.
Going by their twitter page this is the normal price for 2. Or $12 for 1.
Available at any other iga's?
No just at iga enfield
Misleading, not vodka.
Domo knows all!
"the latest wine making technology (patent applied) allows this unique product to be priced as fortified wine allowing exceptional margin for retailers, yet delivering sensational value for money for the consumers"
"the latest wine making technology (patent applied)"
I'm sure it's just brandy made vodka style; i.e. wine sent on multiple passes through a reflux still (instead of a pot still) til it's about 95% alcohol, water it down and then pour it straight into the bottle without oaking.
People in South Eastern Europe have been making it for generations so good luck enforcing your patent.
I'm not drinking expert but I drank heaps of expensive vodka at a party once and it didn't really have a distinct taste to it…
I don't understand why people like this stuff other than to get drunk and forget everything?
Not Vodka :( is that false advertising?
Looks like it would be if you were in Belarusian, Polish, Russian, Lithuanian, the EU and the United States. Couldn't find anything for Australia though…
I think you're reading too deep in the Wiki, you really only need to read the first 5 words: "Vodka is a distilled beverage"
This is not a distilled beverage. It's not Vodka.
The Euro regulation is about distilling from used mash and calling it Vodka. Whereas this stuff isn't even a distilled spirit.
It is false advertising to promote this as Vodka. Or to use the Australian term for that, misleading and deceptive conduct.
The AB Hotel in glebe is selling these even cheaper.
I saw it at two for $16.99
this is NOT vodka - rather a cheap imitation of it (as others have said, it's made from grapes, so is more like a port/sherry etc)
If you have a look at the wikipedia link above there is a bit of debate in Europe about what should be considered Vodka, parts of North Europe are pushing for grains and potato only; where as southern European countries are trying to stop that as they use grape (as this product does).
Replied to wrong post - Comment removed.
Meh, gets the job done.
How many standard drinks in a bottle?
You don't even need google to help you for this one mate.. It's called mathematics but if you have trouble, use a calculator :)
I can only do electrical maths, not alcohol :P
Lol finger + live exposed cable = ZAP!
Where else do they carry this?
Just found some for around $25 for 2 bottles at the Bottle-o in Pascoe Vale. It is 12.2 standard drinks in one bottle.
it not a bad drink. i wish we had iga near me
I'd imagine this would give you really bad hangovers? Is it actually distilled or just made like beer/wine?
I work in a bottle shop and drink divas all the time. My boss told me that it will be in all the local liquor stores at 2 for $20 in December. It does give you a hangover if you drink those two bottles yourself though. I think divas is heaps better than Smirnoff.
I might have to take your word for it as I drink neither of those. Though if someone can verify if 2@$20 price match is available from bottle shops? Dan M. +Grays Wines so far have not carried "Divas VKat", but I have not tried smaller stores.
that is a ridiculous price - wowaweewa