How to Find Good Dentist


Would someone be able to find a good dentist in nsw?

Would going a rich area, help find better quality dentist

Thinking of going VAUCLUSE 2030 nsw or something?


  • Can refer you to my dentist in Greenacre. She is abit aggressive with clean/scale but ita worth it

    • When it comes to plaque build up you might as well get it done nice and proper rather than deal with periodontal issue where it builds up in areas a normal dentist can’t address and it hurts a hell of a lot more and way more blood (ask me how I know)

      • Yeah, my gums and teeth were sore for 1 week when i did my regular visit last month

        • Did u mean gum and teeth sore for 1 week after clean and scale?

          • @ATTS: It felt like that. Even though i do my regular checkups every 6 months, she wanted to really make sure there was no pockets below the gum. It felt like the deep clean i had done 15 years ago (as i had bad teeth hygeine then and due to that i have some gum recession), but all my xrays show that the bone is stable now.
            Luckily i have a high pain thresold

            Ill be looking at gum pinhole surgery to address my gum recession at some stage but dont need it yet as i dont have any teeth sensitivity currently

            • @easternculture: Thanks for the insight

              When u say pockets you mean the space you can see when u have receding gums?

              So when u say bad teeth hygiene did u mean not brushing twice a day? Also what age u had developed receding gum ? And what is it like living with RG?

              So did u bone get worse than improve back? If so how did u achieve that?

              • @ATTS: Pockets are small spaces surrounding teeth that can get filled with bacteria and plaque and cause gum disease.

                I never used to brush or floss. Then when i was in my 20s, i noticed some gum areas that looked dark. So i went to the dentist and my journey began. Now i brush and floss twice a day and visit the dentist twice a year. It nay cost a bit if you dont gave PHI, but its worth it on the long term if you want to keep your teeth when your old.

                RG is not an issue. Mainly cosmetic as it makes your teeth look longer but also may expose the sensitive part of teeth and cauae pain with hot/cold food and when brusing.

                Bone does not grow back unless they inject a graft of osteocytes AFAIK. The dentist will take xrays yearly and make sure that the bone is stable and is not getting any worse.

                The most valuable lesson i learned is

                • Always use a soft tooth brush.
                • Brush your gums too gently to remove all the bacteria that accumilates.
                • Floss the teeth you want to keep
                • @easternculture: Thanks for explaining!

                  Just curious did u lose any teeth

                  I see re RG

                  Thanks for tip!

                • @easternculture: Was it due to laziness?

                  Did u also have bad breath?

                  Also were u ever paranoid about bad breath?

                  • @ATTS: Yeah laziness. Yes i remember people used to sometimes tell me inhad bad breath but usually thats the first sign you have gum disease

                    Also were u ever paranoid about bad breath
                    I used to try and smell my own breath

                    • @easternculture: Oh i never had bad breath

                      But for some reason being paranoid about it esp when i notice on other people

                      Is there a way to tell on yourself though? Besides from other people telling you

                      So if dont have bad breath probs dont have gum disease?

                      • @ATTS: Not necessarily. You can still have pockets developing under your gum. Only way to find out is a dentist assessment, OPG and xrays

                        • @easternculture: Thanks for explaining!

                          Hmm just curious what u think of allon4 procedure

                          And is it likely what age to have lost teeth when elderly?

                          • @ATTS: Not aware of this procedure.
                            Ive seen an 85 year old with their own teeth so depends on your demtal hygeine and genetics.

                            But if you have really poor dental hygeine, expect to have a few missing teeth before 40 . And if you have severe bone loss from advanced gum disease, implants become more complicated as they need health bone to for the implant anchors

                    • @easternculture: When i notice other people bad breath, it smells like poo for some reason

      • Is peridontal issue like gum disease?

        Haha i ask, howd you know?

        What area is where a dentist cant address?

        So u mean th3 clean and scale hurts more?

        • -1

          You need to find one who does AIRFLOW® Guided Biofilm Therapy

        • +1
          1. Yes exactly gum disease

          2. My dentist tried to take it easy on me as I’m a wuss for dental work , didn’t clean deep enough imo

          3. The pockets under the visible gum line and other hard to reach places

          4. Yes it is way more sore when it’s deep work especially when swelling and other decay sets in. I had my jaw numbed in 4 quadrants and my pain was still like 7/10 in my bottom jaw Had to get really numbed.

          • @Jimothy Wongingtons: 1 oh is gum disease common. Did u get it from smoking aswell?

            2 wqs it not a deep enough clean because he took it easy?

            3 thanks

            4 thanks for insight. Was ur decay from smoking?

            • @ATTS:

              1. i dont smoke
              2. yeah - there were a few pockets especially in-between the 2nd and 3rd last bottom were access was REALLY tight - and she said leave it…turned out it ended up getting REALLY bad with build up and decay… that was REALLY sore to get addressed…like jumping out of my skin.
          • +1

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: Mate of mine hates the dentist, she found a dentist who drugs her up and she barely has a clue what's going on.

            That said, maybe I should say "dentist" rather than dentist. I have no confirmation it's not a drug dealer who has a side gig in dental work.

    • Thanks

    • Which wqs urs btw?

      • What's wqs mean

  • Word of mouth.

    I've found the health fund dental centres to want to do too much work.

    • Thanks

    • +1

      Bupa was great at that, I had insurance and used their dental when I worked there, out of pocket was nothing but damned if I didn't get an xray every 6 months and some kind of royal cleaning that seemed to cost twice what my partner's regular dentist did.

      • Yep, I was concerned about unneeded fillings. I know it's subjective but it seems to be a common story.

        • I was told I needed multiple fillings. I didn't go to the dentist for a long time and then my current dentist recommended one filling
        • A friend with a dentist overseas was told they needed 3 fillings when they visited Bupa dental
        • My parents always seemed to be getting work done at their health care provider's dentist.
    • +1

      Word of mouth.

      don’t you think the use of mouths to find good dentists is extremely biased and bigoted?

      • How does one avoid being bigoted and biased in when recommending a dentist?

        • by not using your mouth.

          • @harshbdmmaster718: Weird nitpick. I am going to use Word of Mouth even more to recommend dentists now.

            • @ihfree: then you must have some teeth laundering operation going on with your dentist which is why you continue to refer to them as “the good dentist”.

              should write a movie script about your true story. not joking I think it would be a hit in Hollywood niche A24 category.

              • @harshbdmmaster718: You should do it. Get some of those weird outfits you posted the other day - maybe they could be tooth fairies.

                • @ihfree:

                  maybe they could be tooth fairies.

                  ngl that actually sounds like a good idea. I don’t wear those outfits btw just wanted ozb’s opinion on them.

                  so the good dentist conspiracy with gimp suit tooth fairy creatures who are the secret race of fairies fighting against black dentistry. 👼🏽🧚‍♂️

  • Google reviews? Ask your family and friends ?

    • -4

      What should i type in google for good dentist?

      • Click on google maps, search for Tooth fairy, then you will see the list with ratings near your area.

    • Anything particular i should look out for in reviews?

      Also should ilook for dentist with only 4/5 star reviews and none 1 star?

  • Ask the tooth fairy

  • -2

    I’m getting on board with the forum responses now.

    there is a guy on the street corner once a week he just yells out “GET YA GOOD DENTISTS HERE! THE BEST DENTISTS IN TOWN FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!

  • Some clinics are better ran the others. Some will give first rate dentistry even to patients on government vouchers. Other dentists will be a little less thorough even after you give them a lot of money.

    • Just curious what is gov vouchers?

      Yeah just want a good place

      • Government runs dental clinics for poor people and children, but sometimes the waiting list gets too long so they will instead give you a voucher to see a private dentist for essential work.

        • Oh thats nice of them

  • +1

    Dentist here.

    Which area are you in? I might be able to recommend someone.

    General rule of thumb ask the local Facebook group or friends and family for recommendations.

    Dentist recommended is even better.

    Good luck!

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