ASUS AX58U/AX3000 or AX88U?

Hi Fello Ozbargainers,,,

I am looking for a new router to replace my current ASUS AC68U.
I have been really happy with the AC68U but I feel that it's getting a little old (around 10 years)

I would like to upgrade to an ASUS router but unsure whether to go with the AX58u/AX3000 or AX88U?

As per my research,
AX58u/AX3000 offers a better/ more stable firmware
AX88U? has better specs but the firmware could be a little clunky?

Would love your recommendations please.

My "internet" situation:
4 user household, NBN to the premise with a medium demand for both multiple device streaming and gaming.

Also, am I able to mesh any of the above routers to my current AC68U?

In advance, than you.


  • +1

    You can't buy the AX88U locally even if you wanted to. You'll have to import from overseas.

    It is a good router, and it can be flashed with Merlin firmware. The same goes for the AX58

    I've had the AX88U since 2022 but nowadays there are Wifi 7 routers in the same price range.


    Also, am I able to mesh any of the above routers to my current AC68U?

    with ASUS Aimesh yes you can add just about any ASUS branded routers to the network, so long as they advertise Ai mesh compatibility. However, you don't want to create bottlenecks by meshing a fast router to a slower one, especially when you're using a Wifi connection as the dedicated backhaul.

  • GL.INET GL-AX1800 or GL-MT6000 (how much do you want to spend?)

    I wouldn't bother with anything else.

    • +1

      Easy to install OpenWrt on both. OpenWrt is a boon for everyone, from home users to businesses and enterprises.

      • +1

        I just checked the specs and they seem to be quite impressive!
        I will certainly consider, thank you

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    and it can be flashed with Merlin firmware. The same goes for the AX58

    Provided the AX58U is Version 1

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    I have AX3000p and disappointed with it - speed/range/features are great, but I need to restart it at least once a week. Wifi just silently dissapears with cryptic messages in logs, google does not show solution for those log errors. I suspect it's just running out of memory silently. I have ~25 devices connected to the router.
    Also old 2.4GHz devices drop out randomly

  • +2

    Have the AC-88u and it powers through, honestly looking at the specs the AX58U will deal with 99.99% of all loads placed on it.

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