85 Inch TV for Bedroom Suggestions

Looking for an 85 inch tv for bedroom
Ideally around 3k

Everyone talks about OLED but looking for other options also heard the Samsung frame is not bad



  • +28

    Don’t put a tv in the bedroom. The end.

    • +3

      Maybe bedroom is 7m long?

    • Why?

      • +2

        Because bedroom is for sleeping etc watch tv in the lounge room.

        • +1

          Etc. ? Watching tv can be an etc. lol

          Some people like to watch a little tv in bed before going to sleep. Not having to be in the lounge, than get up and go to bed.

          I’m assuming all these people so against a TV in the bedroom sit glued to their phone in bed.

    • +6

      Especially an 85" One !!!

      • every inch counts

  • +1

    How big is the room? Honestly, 85? If it’s big and long sure…… but don’t spend big for the bedroom.

    I’ve got a 55 in our room and it’s big enough.

    Whilst people also neg against a TV in the bedroom, I think it’s fine. It’s nice to have another TV to use when the kids are using the main lounge. Sometimes you need another room in a small house with a TV. I’ve got a small one in the WFH office but it isn’t a weekend watcher or anything.

    • +2

      Give the kids a tablet and send them to their room like any normal parent …

      • Sometimes my daughter is over her tablet and wants something on the TV. Kids need a bit of variety.

    • +1

      If it’s big and long sure…

      Maybe that's how the missus likes it!

    • -1

      Agreed - 40"-55" is sufficient for a bed room.
      Anything else is a waste of money

      • -1

        Did you know, the further away from a TV you are, the smaller it appears?

        A 85” TV 7m away actually appears smaller than a 55” that is 4m away. Wouldn’t it be a good idea for OP to size the TV based on viewing position?

  • +8

    85 inches in a bedroom , that sounds dangerous ☠️☠️☠️

    • +1

      Was waiting for the first innuendo comment haha

  • It’s 7m long so that’s why the bigger size
    My wife actually wanted the bigger tv due to distance and a big wall

    • +1

      What about a projector then? Would be easy to blackout a bedroom. Get some smart bulbs and adjust to them to preset that makes the room visible but doesn't interfere with the projector image.

      • Can a projector use the bedroom ceiling for the screen? I think I have the perfect solution for my house anyway.

        • Yes, if the throw distance is enough for the lens (this information is listed in the specs) you can just put a projector on its side at the foot of your bed.

  • +2

    ….should’ve gone to specsavers….

  • What are you watching?? 🤔

  • +1

    No more than 12 inches needs to be in the bedroom

  • +1

    Perhaps look at alternative ways to mount the tv

    Ceiling motorised bracket

    Floor rising motorised bracket

  • +1

    Samsung the frame is a horrible tv if you want to use it for watching tv.

    Sony X90L is what you want.

    • +1

      They apparently already have an 85" x90l

    • Yes have that tv already and is a great watch

    • Why is the Frame TV horrible for watching TV?

      • Weak electronics inside. You’re paying for the fancy frame, not for picture quality.

  • Put a 85 inch mirror on the ceiling instead.

    • +1

      Not into reality tv

      • It will shock you.

    • +1

      fkn what?

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