This was posted 6 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Weet-Bix Bites Coco Crunch, Apricot, Crunchy Honey, Wild Berry Cereal 500g $4 Each (Was $6) @ Woolworths

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Packaging says New! Weet-Bix Bites Coco Crunch $4 @ Woolworths (was $6)

This one can be eaten with milk or without milk as snack on the go (packaging says). These are packed with wholegrains, fibre, protein, iron, folate, vitamin B1, B2 & B3.

Good taste in my opinion. I have tried these without milk and also with milk. This is what Weet-Bix should be since they have released the original Weet-Bix in my opinion. Other people had said to me that they don't like the OG Weet-Bix. Certain people put sugar on it, but long time ago I tried the OG Weet-Bix with chocolate milk sold in Coles.

I prefer this Weet-Bix Bites Coco Crunch or the other variant Weet-Bix Bites Honey Crunch. Another variant is Weet-Bix Bites Wild Berry. All these Bites are $4 at Woolworths at the moment. Coles sells these at $6 normal price. It's only a matter of time Coles will sell these at $3 half price :P

I think these Bites are good replacements for snack bars and chocolate (neoleo approved 😄). If you think chocolate bars are expensive even at half price $3 for around 170g, these Bites are good for snacking without milk too. These $4 Bites for 500g are cheaper than chocolate bars or snack bars. Don't blame me if you get addicted to these Bites ;-)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Coles did have them for $3 the other week.

    • Also Weet-Bix Bites Coco Crunch? I didn't notice this.

      • +1


  • They're the bomb. So good. Yes Coles and Woolworths did have them at $3 last few weeks but $4 is still good. I'd buy again

    • Yes I agree (neoleo approved).

  • +1

    These and the berry without milk = 11/10. Much better than with milk imo.

    • Milk adds softness and goes down smoothly

      • I don't need soft I have teeth. But each to their own.

    • 11 out of 10? Incredible 😂

  • +1

    these are good, stocked up a couple of weeks ago at half price. got a few boxes of each flavour. i prefer either of the fruit ones over the coco or honey.

  • Today when I was shopping in Woolworths, I convinced a family with kids to grab Weet-Bix Bites Coco Crunch ;-) Is it sweet? I said yes …

    They put back Milo Cereal at normal price $8.8 lol. They said that they don't like Weet-Bix previously, but I convinced them to try Weet-Bix Bites Coco Crunch at $4 :)

    The OG Weet-Bix does not taste good. People have to put sugar or fruits or chocolate milk like myself long time ago …

    • "The OG Weet-Bix does not taste good. People have to put sugar or fruits or chocolate milk like myself long time ago …"
      Each to their own
      Ways I eat Weet-Bix;
      Straight out of box
      Smeared with Vegemite (with or without butter)
      Milk and sugar
      Milk, sugar and thickened cream
      These three above with milk can be cold or microwaved
      Milk and peaches

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