I want chino shorts with elastic waistband (w/ drawstring) like below, but neither product is available
I want chino shorts with elastic waistband (w/ drawstring) like below, but neither product is available
Your two year old also** wears shorts like these..
As do many grownups, I have a couple too. They are great.
My son didn't wear much for the first 2 years.
Was that because you were waiting on a deal?
Yes, he had to wait for a deal for me first before I could clothe the little squirt.
Idk why but I had always pictured you as a cargo shorts kind of operator
I am a cargos operator, expanding my arsenal home!
unofrtunately no elastic//drawstring chinos
What is it about the Kmart shorts that makes them different to a pair like this:
I’m not a fashion expert, but isn’t the “chino” element just the non-pleated, flat front with a woven, non-stretchy fabric?
Check again. Except the XS on first link. All other sizes & colours are available when I add to cart.
no size or colourway at all available on mine to add to cart :\
and some odd reason the stock checker for this listing doesnt work https://pasteboard.co/4TtVDmyOoYav.png
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Excellent choice for getting your money's worth at a strip club.
Says available for delivery
Check somewhere like UniQlo
My two year old wears shorts like that.