• closed

Any suggestion on running the competition?



Closing Date 31/12/2013


Description prize
No. of Prizes 1
Total Prize Pool $25,000.00

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit
Entry Methods n/a
Prerequisites n/a

Hi all!

It was quite an exercise running the previous competition — it was the very first one I've ever run so I wasn't so sure whether it has been executed correctly.

I am looking forward to run a similar competition from the beginning of January (that is next week) for 3 weeks. Same deal — post a deal, and enter into draw. However I would love to hear any suggestion on how I can improve the competition!

Oh! I can almost hear that all of you yelling out "Bigger Prize!!" Surely I would love to give out $25,000 or a brand new car, but too bad I am running this website as a hobby — not as a business nor a charity :) My fund is limited so I'll rule out that one :)

Maybe I'll ask some questions or take some polls instead.

  1. Each deal submitted will give the submitter an extra chance to win prize.
  2. Each submitter has equal chance on winning the prize, regardless the number of deals submitted.

Obviously (1) encourages participation, but also prone to abuse (i.e. someone dumps the entire shopping catalogue).

Here's another one — say I have $150 to give out, should I

  1. 1x $150 voucher
  2. 3x $50 voucher
  3. 1x $50 + 5x $20 vouchers

Do people like bigger prize but less chance, or smaller prize but more chance? What about the type of prizes? From the previous competition the choice is almost half-half on Deals Direct vouchers and PayPal deposit. Fine with those?

Feel free to comment and suggest. If everything is ready, I'll kick in another competition next Monday/Tuesday.

closed Comments

  • I'm quite happy with the prize pool, as I reckon if it was 1x$150, my luck would not have stretched that much to make me winner. $20 is still very good for a consolation prize IMO.
    Paypal works great for me, I don't buy from DD or OO much at all, so vouchers at those stores would really limit me. (BTW, I used my prize to pay for half of a baby playpen, so our babies and I thank you :) )

    Perhaps we could have a comp where the BEST bargain wins? Of course the definition of best is different for everyone, so it would have to be judged by Scotty. Or maybe the person with the most diverse submissions? e.g. submissions from multiple categories, not just electronics for example.

    • I think PayPal is easy for me as well, just that not everyone has PayPal account.

      On the other hand, I might try to work with retailers (DD or OO for example) to sponsor part of the prize, which means bigger prize in exchange of some advertisement. I would hope one would respond next week — finger crossed :)

      There are certainly multiple permutation of ways to run competitions. I will definitely try something different next year. But still, keep the ideas coming!

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