This was posted 7 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[SUBS] Kingdom of Planet of The Apes (2024) Streaming @ Disney+


Available to watch now at Disney+

Recent-ish movie that I missed on the cinema. So pretty happy its out now

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Still remember watching Rise of the Planet of the Apes in 2011 at the cinema, these movies are such a good reboot. This one was filmed in NSW, the Helensburgh Tunnel can be seen in it which is pretty neat.

    Apes together strong!

    • +5

      I still remember watching a pirated Video CD copy of Planet of the Apes with Mark Wahlberg back in 2001

      • +14

        You got to hung out with Markie? How lucky

        • +1

          with starring

        • +1

          Yes, they watched movies downstairs while I took Estella Warren up to my room to see my Star Wars doona cover.

    • +2

      Helensburgh Tunnel

      Well I'll be, I go through there everyday and never realise it. Maybe because it's dark? BTW enjoyed the movie👍

    • +1

      Say his words!

    • +2

      yeah watching the aussie bush trees in the background in the movie.

  • Hasnt this been on Amazon for months?

    • +6

      No this one released today

    • +15

      You've commented on a deal like this twice in the last few hours instead of hiding the posts that you don't like. Why are you like this?

    • Weird

  • +1

    Saw this on YouTube for free the other day ,
    actually that was probably was worth posting about … opps ,

  • -7

    where is the bargain?

    • Bro is lost 😅😅😅

    • No bargain here ,
      This is a Notice .
      You are reading OzNotice front page apparently .

  • -1

    I'm not sure why movie releases like your Godzilla post is on ozbargain 😂 I would only recommend you post things if it's actually free and people don't need to pay a subscription or get a massive discount etc. This is just an announcement, might as well just put in the forums

    • +9

      Would you prefer if there was a method for you to hide posts like this in the future so you don't see them again?

      • Nice that there is a work around to turn them off but I would rather have to enable them if u wanted it as they aren’t deals. Just my thoughts from a different perspective

      • Yes that would be more ideal

        • -1

          Well it sure is great that you took the time to read the post and discover this method

  • +3

    terrible movie

    • +4

      Visually great but as a movie not gud.

    • +3

      Main thing is nothing really happens, it's got 10secs of plot to move the series forward.

    • Disney riffing The Jungle Book, it’s getting so it won’t fund anything truly original:

      Now I'm the king of the swingers
      Oh, the jungle VIP
      I've reached the top and had to stop
      And that's what botherin' me
      I wanna be a man, mancub
      And stroll right into town
      And be just like the other men
      I'm tired of monkeyin' around!

      Oh, oobee doo
      I wanna be like you
      I wanna walk like you
      Talk like you, too
      You'll see it's true
      An ape like me
      Can learn to be humen too

      Now here's your part of the deal, cuz
      Lay the secret on me of man's red fire

      Now don't try to kid me, mancub
      I made a deal with you
      What I desire is man's red fire
      To make my dream come true
      Give me the secret, mancub
      Clue me what to do
      Give me the power of man's red flower
      So I can be like you

  • +4

    The series started getting progressively worse, still going to watch it lol

    • Oh jeez i stayed up late to watch it, what a disappointment at the end when the silo was filling up why did the water keep rising up and up when it was the same level as the sea. Bloody stupid

  • +1

    I watched the first 20 mins or so and had to turn it off. It was cringey.

    • +1

      same. bad bad bad movie

    • cringey like most marvel movies since avengers.

  • this is also streaming on stremio :P as well as the new one, in Bluray

  • +1

    Do we need to watch any of the previous films before watching this?

    • +2

      No, it's loosely based on the same characters and same theme, but this isn't a continuation of a previous chapter.

    • please dont watch this and watch the previouses

  • +1

    if its on streaming its probably on the high seas too, might just put this i my backlog of films ill never get around to watch

  • +1

    $7 rental vs $180 yearly subscription.

    Glad I saved $187.

  • -5

    Yay something was released….

  • -4

    All the 21st century POTA movies are shite

  • -2

    The story line is pretty bad, recent years Hollywood writers full of non sense lgbt and race equity.

    • +1

      Yes but they can write off the financial loss against any movie they make that does make money to reduce their tax obligation so it’s all good ,
      and you’re advancing the cause win win .

  • -1

    Not a bargain. It's included as part of the subscription fee, just like every other Disney+ movie.

  • Not a bargain if this is expected as part of your subscription.

  • +1

    This is exactly what you are paying subscription for. Post like these are free marketing, not a deal.
    OzB is not a notification service. Imagine every streamer come here to post their latest inclusion of movie, tv drama, doco, etc.

  • I am quite happy to be "notified". Some of the subscription services have movies and shows that you need to pay extra for eg. Amazon Prime, Fetch etc, so it could be considered a deal when something moves from a paid service to a free one. You could pay for this movie on Prime for the last couple of weeks, so if you were on the fence about purchasing (I was!) and then "notified" that it has moved onto a service where you don't have to pay extra, then it has saved me money and could be considered a bargain. I already subscribe to Disney+ but haven't been looking at it regularly. If it offends you ignore it and don't click on it. I don't click on half the deals here because they don't care for them. Ozbargainers (myself included) tend to be a little OCD. Let it go and enjoy the website. Someone has taken the time to post something to the community that they feel others might benefit from and I have for this one. Thanks OP, I appreciate the effort! 🙂

  • You’d think subscribe to these service get notified by email and when these being featured in the app. why don’t those subscribers turn on more auto-notifications from these services?

      • I still get lots of promotional materials, leaflets, magazines, newspapers in my mail box too. Should we remove every post on woolies, cole, jb hifi, good guys, harvey norman etc?

        The more the merrier.

        • Simple, because they are not paid service unlike subs.

          This is like you paid for electricity and they give you electricity.

          • @Noslee: This is like if the electricity plan you are on suddenly had a 50% off month. As an existing or a prospective customer I would like to know.

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