Victorian Energy Compare - Not Accepting NMI or Data Upload

I’m trying to perform my six-month ritual of comparing energy providers. However, for some reason, the Victorian Energy Compare website isn’t accepting my meter NMI or smart meter upload file, stating that these sources do not have 12 months of data. I’ve checked the smart meter download file, and it does contain data from 2023-07-31 to 2024-07-31.

I’ve contacted their support but am unsure of their response time. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any tips or tricks would be appreciated!

PS: Yes, I can build my energy profile manually, but I would rather use more accurate approach when I have all data points :(


  • the Victorian Energy Compare website isn’t accepting my meter NMI or smart meter upload file

    The ran out of money and can't pay their internet bill…

    • +1


      But I am afraid this is not true. Their internet is working as they are able to server the website and receive the data upload… perhaps their CPU credits are over and the code responsible for processing data is throwing NotEnoughBuckaroosException.

  • +1

    I did mine a few days ago and it was working. Maybe try again in a day or two.

  • -1

    What is your NMI meter number, name, and address?

      Address: 5XX GEXXXXX ST, SYDNEY NSW 2000

  • LOL.

    Just checked and now current retailer dropdown is not working :(

    Honestly, energy companies hate this website and it will be very sad to see this service dying.

  • It won't be a retailer issue or a Vic Energy Compare issue. It'll be a issue at your distributor and with their data or system. Give it time and it'll come back online I predict.

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