Brand new Harry Potter game launching into PS Plus Free Monthly games for the September line-up.
[PS4, PS5, PS Plus] Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Coming to PS Plus Monthly Games for September @ PlayStation

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Was there actual rules for Quidditch or you just had to be the main character in the movie to win…😅
Harrys only on the team when they win the cup once (Prisoner of Azkaban).
2 of the Gryffindor wins are arguably won despite him being terrible at being a captain (also just in general being the biggest liability for the team).But the rules don't make sense, it's more obvious in the book when Fred & George make the non-sensical bet with Ludo (Ireland wins, but Krum catches the snitch). Also Harry receives no penalty (of any kind) for outright casting a spell at another student during a match! Like wtf, I want duels on brooms if that's allowed.
Expecto Bargainum
"for 30 days after launch at no extra charge"…
Does that mean only playable for 30 days, I wonder? Or just normal claim window.
normal claim window
Very suss. Zero gameplay on YouTube.
I expect you'll be offered a full refund if you feel you overpaid.
Can't refund time.
then don't spend it
Seems kinda good as per recent trailers. We might be pleasantly surprised.
Wait this isn't free to play, Dead in a month lol.