• expired

nbn 100/20 $71/Month for First 6 Months (First Time Spintel Customers Only, Ongoing $81.95/Month) @ Spintel


Back story: I have been with TPG for almost a decade. They sent me an email a couple of months ago asking if I would like to op-in for a 12months speed upgrade from NBN50 to NBN100. I responded yes, it never came. Tried asking customer support, ended up in their forum and realised they screwed up. Worst part is they decided to ignore their customers. Out of frustration, I went looking for new providers.

My research result: Kogan is the cheapest NBN100 provider at $68.90 for 3 months and $78.90 ongoing. Tried registering online but was asked to call. Some overseas customer service person asked for my driving license detail. Doesn't feel right.

Next cheapest is Spintel at $71.00 for 6 months and $81.95 ongoing. I tried registering and it worked. I did come back to OzBargain to see if there's any referral program and selected AB84's code because it had 0 clicks.

So now I'm here telling every frustrated TPG customers to switch provider

Spintel New Customer Monthly Discount T&Cs

Referral Links

Referral: random (89)

Referrer get monthly $5 off for every referee who signs up to an NBN plan, for as long as the referee stays with SpinTel
Referrer get monthly $1 off for every referee who signs up to a mobile plan, for as long as the referee stays with SpinTel

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closed Comments

  • +2

    went with Tangerine today same plan for $65

    • +1

      Is tangerine good. I thought they were just another Dodo type ISP

      • Dodgy billing practices in my experience with tangerine

        • Same experience. Money hungry.

      • Never had problem with them from past 2 years, Tangerine and More are sister companies.

      • Apart from bad customer service, the connection is bareable and okay for me. Been with Tangerine since Jan. When you open a case, they will respond within a day and close is straight away, thus if you still have related query, you need to open a new one again. Been done that for same query 3 times, annoying. But at the end, it resolved. Just need your extended patience.

    • Ongoing is $84.90

  • +3

    AGL Home Fast nbn 100/20
    $59 a month for 6 months when you have AGL energy and BYO modem.

    • I went with them about a month ago, I was connected a few hours after signing up on a Sunday so I was quite happy with that. Speed is great and so far so good (FTTP)

    • +1

      Ongoing is $89 for AGL energy customers.

  • FYI if you have a TPG supplied TP-Link VR1600v2 modem/router the VoIP section is locked, so it can’t be used with another RSP if you have a home phone number you want port across to the new provider.

    • I used to have a home phone with TPG because I can call overseas for free. Then they changed the rules…

    • +2

      Port your number to Crazytel and forget about dealing with NBN home phone when switching RSP. It’s only a dollar per month for the number + PAYU as long as you have a SIP phone or ATA box (used ones are dirt cheap). $12 a year for a peace of mind, not bad.

      • This sounds awesome enough that I wanna do it, any problems when changing internet service providers? Or is it once you leave it won’t matter what isp you change to, you can just change settings?

        • +1

          It means you’re detaching and porting your number to a dedicated phone provider. Your home phone will have nothing to do with any ISP anymore. You can use the phone on any internet access even when overseas if you want.

    • You can flash the modern with other software to unlock it. Alternatively, if you are lucky enough to have a really on one, you can actually see the PW via some hack. Google it.

  • +2

    Was with spintel for a month of cheap internet about a year ago, left immediately due to slow speeds and frequent downtime. Tried exetel, okay but not great, put up with it for the cheap 6 month offer. Leaptel has been the best of the lower cost options for me so far.

    • Shit. Let's hope they have improved. I hate having to switch again. That's why I look for cheapest ongoing.

      • Hope it works out for you, I'm all for the best value too!

      • A year with a Spintel for now. Have no any problems. Stable 100/20 even at evening.

      • Been with Spintel for two months no issues speed wise. Reliable

    • +1

      I second that, switched from exetel to leaptel and got a stable connection (wfh via vpn)

  • +1

    Now I have to go do my research all over again ;D

  • Pronto is 65 for the same plan.

    • Pronto is 65 for the same plan.

      True, but be aware Pronto only offer CGNAT or a static IP for $5 extra a month. I had to threaten them with the TIO and they gave me a ‘free’ static IP as they don’t offer the ability to opt out of CGNAT at all apart from a static IP.

      No idea if Spintel are the same at all though.

      • Sure. But why do you need a static IP?

        • Accessing a server remotely that won’t work with CGNAT. Also add in the fact there are still plenty of issues with things being behind double NAT.

      • What was the reasoning behind the TIO threat?

        • Simply due to them not even mentioning CGNAT at all. If they want to have that, fine. But advertise it as such as majority of reputable RSP’s do. And outline that it’s an option to have a dynamic IP or pay for a static IP. They didn’t list either in their CIS (or at all on their site from what I could find) as well which made it seem even more dodgy.

          I’ll stick with them for the 6 months promo pricing of the 100/20 plan for $59, then will move elsewhere.

    • +1

      Then $95 ongoing

      • Yes. But there are plenty you can switch to after the initial 6 month discount period.

        • I stayed with TPG for almost a decade. I am one of those stay type unless they piss me off.

        • what do you do once to have exhausted all the new customers deals from all the ISP?

          • @pinkybrain: Most reset after 6 months. Superloop is 12 months.

            Just keep churning.

  • +4

    Leaptel/ superloop/ Aussie broadband have all been great. On a churn and burn loop with all 3 for the deals with no problems.

    • Have you done this twice with all the 3 already? Looking to do same.

      • +1

        I'll restart the loop when they stop honouring my RAF codes and charge me full price 😄I think with Aussie its like 6 months before you can benefit the sign up deals again.

    • -1

      only thing is with changing providers, i didnt have internet for a whole day.
      And then you have to do the manual set up to connect to the internet with the router/modem.

      • I switched from Aussie Broadband to Superloop, and the internet went down for all of 30 seconds.

        • Yeah mine switched over in a minute and all I had to do was turn the nbn modem on and off to fix a high ping issue

  • It was challenging to contact and get me connected to agents. The website chat. Watts app, or phone call… everything was hard. 😔

  • +2

    Suggest consider Leaptel if in the market for a 100/20 plan and are OK to commit to 12 months.

    It's $74.95/month locked in for 12 months which is quite good. At $900/year I could only find Mate and Tangerine that equalled it, and there's hardly a decision to be made between these three. Spintel is $918.

    • I would have no problem committing. If only i knew earlier that I've left $18 on the table… :(

      • what do you mean $18 on the table?

    • Just switched to this deal. Fixed for 12 months is a big bonus

  • if you think TPG has bad customer service.. think again. Boy spintel will rip you a new one, I've got pstd from them I swear have never bad a worse experience ever i would not wish it upon my worse enemies

  • -1

    Beware about their service not providing anywhere close to the advertised speed, even on speed tests. I went with the cheap 25/10 plan. Both download and upload were lower than advertised on speed test. It might not matter much for a 100/20 service. But I just wanted to put it out there.

  • +1

    Spintel is alright. With them for two months now. Speeds are good and consistent (250/25) here in Gold Coast.

    Set up (EERO) was simple, no stress.

    Their customer service is interesting….. live chat and email support is good BUT they are eager to close a ticket. One time i forgot to rate the live chat session and I was emailed asking if my problem was solved. I ignored for two days and they sent another two emails asking to rate the session LOL,

    Churning right now ($79) until December.

  • Have been with then for few years, most time it's ok but seems to be a bit hit and miss lately (note that I'm in WA) I think I will move to leaptel for 75 you get same speed (100/20) for 12mts and ppl have mentioned that it's better.

  • Was with TPG from 2008 up until July last year, been with Spintel for the last 12 months getting better than 50 down and 25 on a 50/20 plan FTTC in southern Sydney

    Haven’t had any issues with reliability of Spintel’s service in those 12 months. As a former long term TPG customer I would rate my experience with Spintel’s customer service as better than with TPG, which both appear to be hosted offshore, presumably in the Phillipines based the accents.

  • I switched from ABB wit last deal …..
    Browsing was very slow until you change DNS to ( own modem )
    Now, not much issues.

  • +2

    What is with this 6 months nonsense? Why does no one reward loyalty? Well I'll keep switching until they learn.

  • Pronto 100/20 65.00 first six months cheaper. Been with the over three months no problems. Use Superloop network.

    • There addresses checker isn't working

  • Currently looking to do the 6 monthly churn from Tangerine Telecom and doing some research today. Why is static IP a $5/m extra for everywhere these days, or in Spintel's case $11/m !!

    • Having to maintain a static IP is genuinely more difficult and expensive for an ISP to provide - it does have a real cost and they should be able to pass that along to the customers that want and need it. But I strongly doubt it costs them $60 a year to implement.

      The ISPs agree that it's something they can charge extra for, and about $5 seems to be what the market will stand. $11 a month is a joke.

      • Dodo provides a static IP free of charge when you ask to opt out CGNAT.

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