Europcar NZ Claiming We Did Not Return Ford Ranger with Full Bars of Fuel


  • Rented car
  • Europcar say only 7/8 bars of fuel, even though we refilled just before dropping car back
  • Matter of principle because we go to the effort to make sure there is a petrol station nearby the return lot and balancing this with the return flight without being late.
  • Told Europcar most likely error with the fuel gauge on the Ford Ranger.

Rented heaps of cars on travel before without any issues and always return the car with a full tank of fuel before handing it back to the lot. Always a bit of a juggle to top up the car before handing back and making it to the airport on time.

On this occasion we rented a Ford Ranger in New Zealand from Europcar. Topped up 5L circa $10 to max before giving the car back to the lot (1km from the airport), before this we had also refilled the whole tank in town and just spend the day in town then to the airport. 8/8 Bars on the Ranger when given back. Didn't think to take a picture of the fuel gauge as never had any issues before.

One month later we get an invoice from Europcar with an extra $50 for 10L. I showed Europcar the 2 fuel purchases on the day and I just get template replies back saying it is policy to return the car back with full fuel.

I'm annoyed because this is based on principle as we go to the difficulty of planning and making sure to refill without being late for the plane. The effort to argue is probably not worth the $50.

Europcar claim the level was only 7/8 bars. I explained to them this was mostly an error with the fuel gauge of the Ford Ranger which is a common problem on the second restart of the car, and only gets reset once you refill it again. This is the only reason I could come up with.

Obviously if someone tried to refill the car, they would not get anything in, and they obviously didn't refill 10L into the car and just do an estimate by estimating 80L tank and only 7 bars in the tank.


  • +6

    Thanks for the story. You're arguing with customer support whom basically have a computer that says fuel not full, so it's not full. They're not going to do anything else about it.

    Good lesson to always do the return inspection and get a signed off piece of paper to say all OK, before you head off to the airport check-in.

    • +1

      OP can diisdpute the "unauthorised" charge with thier credit card company

  • -1

    TLDR you didn’t fill till it clicked

    • +2

      I clicked 3 times till it started to bubble out.

      • +4

        Maybe that last bar bubbled out

        • Lol

      • -4

        Diesel foams up, so you need to wait a minute or two, and then fill it again.

        You didnt fill it up.

        • +4

          Having owned multiple diesel cars, i've never had to standa round for a couple of minutes to finish filling it up. A couple of seconds maybe but minutes is extreme

      • Did you lift the hose? My mom says you got to lift the hose to get the free drizzle of gas.

  • +5

    These car rental companies are not known to be honest and your situation is almost impossible to argue. It may not be right, but the best thing to do is to just drop it (ie, save the time and effort!) and factor that $50 in as part of the total cost of the rental.

  • +10

    Ranger Danger comes in all forms.

    • +6

      The good part is it probably saved me $80k from buying one of these. I'm so glad I cancelled my initial order - not sure why it's so popular considering the only benefit I see over normal use is the smoother ride due to the suspension but it drives like a boat.
      Think I'll just put it was a $50 deduction towards the $80k saved.

      • +5

        good on ya for saving 80k especially on a vehicle where one fuel bar leaks out.

      • Can't say I've ever seen the 7/8ths fuel bar issue in a buyer's guide warning against buying a Ranger… but glad this is now on public record to save others their $80k too…

    • +1

      Ranger Danger comes in all forms.

      • +2

        That's an irate redhead.

  • +5

    Show them the photo of the fuel gauge that you took at drop off with the kms and fuel level…

    • Took photos of the outside because the car had so much previous damage and was pretty dirty when they gave it to me so I was pretty preoccupied with that.

      I stopped taking gauge pictures years ago because I've never had any issues. Probably start the paranoia all again now.

      • -5

        I stopped taking gauge pictures years ago because I've never had any issues

        I've never had issues with my car insurance for decades, but I do keep paying it every year…

        How much does it cost you to take a picture of dashboard?

        • +2

          Nothing. But i've been trying not to live a life of paranoia and excessive worry about small things. I have a friend who spends 10 minutes going around the car taking full blown 4K video, after travelling with that person never again.

          • +2


            But i've been trying not to live a life of paranoia and excessive worry about small things.

            That's why I take the photo… No need for paranoia and worry with peace of mind…

        • +3

          How much does it cost you to take a picture of dashboard?

          1% battery.

      • We look forward to your next post about a car collision/no insurance

  • +2

    You should have km travelled on your invoice. Calculate the average fuel consumption for your rental period and see if this is within the ballpark for a Ranger.

  • +6


    • yeah i used to too. I'm guessing a lot of people do it then, I always thought I was being super paranoia and I saw some people go way overboard with their paranoia so i try to lessen the extent that I need to go ocd on some things these days.

      thanks europcar. trauma +1 ^__^

      • A video of the dash and panels would take about 30 seconds and cover you for 99% of problems that could arise. Not paranoid at all to do that.

    • Yes, always do too.

  • Curious why you went eurocar instead of Avis or hertz?

    • they always happen to have the car i want.

      • fair enough. good luck

  • +2

    charge back

    when i was in europe in 2017 Europcar tried to charge me for parking in Austria, when I paid for it

  • 10l exactly? Or did you round it for the story? I find it hard to believe they put exactly 10l in. It sounds like they just made up a number.

    • +1

      I do not believe they even attempted to put fuel in - if they had, they would realise. But their normal process would be to just charge the bar instead of refilling.

      But I assume they would just give it to the next customer saying 7/8 full.

      They saw the bars were 7/8 full. Full tank is 80L, so charged 10L's.

      In reality, that first bar would probably be only 5L.

      • +1

        As above somewhere, hows the l/100km for your trip usage? If youve got a receipt for YYY litres and only went ZZZ km and thats average for the vehicle use that argument. Sounds like theyre just trying it on.

      • In reality, shouldn't that first bar be less than 1L since you already filled it?

    • Lol they wouldn't have actually filled it up. They would have guestimated it based on the bars. They would then have rented it out as full and got the next renter to bring it back full. In effect Europcar wouldn't have had any loss whatsoever, they're just rorting the customer as rental companies always do. Similar to how if you dent a car they charge you the full excess, don't get it repaired, and often try and blame it on the next person and get them to pay the excess too.

  • +1

    That's why you should always take a picture of the odometer and fuel before you drive off and after you've given it back.

    This has saved me many times.

  • +2

    Chargeback with your credit card. They may just drop the case.

  • +1

    Gees just go to any Ford Ranger (plenty of knobs have them for some reason) which has a full tank and ask the owner can you take a pic of the fuel gauge and viola send them the pic, case closed…

    Europcar have not heard about them for years looks like they are making a comeback for you know what..

  • +7

    Ok, it happened to me earlier too.

    So I believe you have a fuel docket that you had to top up. On that docket, you highlight the time and location.

    Advise them that you have to top up the tank at this place. If you think I have short filled by 10 liters means I have to drive 100km before dropping. This is not justifiable and they will close the matter.

    I had this issue with Europcar and Thrifty and managed to close this BS money grabbing.

  • was it diesel, and do you normally drive/fill up a diesel car?

  • i agree.
    add up all the liters you filled up and compare it with the km traveled vs the a Ranger average fuel consumption…this will show that you didn't need the 10L they claimed.

    edit: this was a reply to Darayus

  • Consider lesson learnt. Always take photos of the car when you return, including dashboard showing odometer reading and fuel level.

    • Yes take photos or video before you take it and after you return it.

  • +1

    I always take a photo of the fuel gauge.

    Europcar NZ is a bit of a problem lately. Their frontline staff on the desk/pickup will tell you that the EV can just be dropped off, doesn't need to be recharged but not on empty so they can get it to their chargers. (Frontline staff are usually good at offering a charge voucher when it is well below full).

    Meanwhile their customer service wants it at 80% or more. Found this out when they emailed to say they'd gracisouly "waived" recharge fee - even though the email chaim was kicked off because the front desk had put in a claim for me to get a $30 charge voucher because the car was under 70% charged on pickup.

  • get the receipt for filling up the hire car with fuel.

    It might say xx litres of fuel and time and date stamped. then comapre to drop off time

  • Look up the reviews and see if anyone else has this problem. If it's a scammer they probably just get used to doing this.

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