How Does Private School Enrolment Works if Registered Your Child at 3 Different Schools?

Quick question regarding Private School Enrolment in Australia

I have paid $50 x 3 at 3 different school back in 2020 and now been asked to submit information required and attending parents and kid interview.

So how does the process works if I putting in all 3 applications and say I got accepted by all 3, what goes from there? Do I simply tell the other 2 school sorry we have decided not to attend? Or can they actually bill me for wasting their time?

Anyone with experience in that regards?


  • I got accepted by all 3

    Starting to make sense now….

    bill me for wasting their time?

    Regular occurrence?¿

  • +5

    You can always retract your application. That's what the $50 is for

    • Ok i see. Thanks for that

  • +2

    simply tell the other 2 school sorry you have decided not to attend

  • So how does the process works if I putting in all 3 applications and say I got accepted by all 3, what goes from there?

    You pay the non-refundable first term fees to the one you want to go to.

  • Or can they actually bill me for wasting their time?

    Pretty sure they have a waiting list and don't give a hoot what you decide…

    • Actually waiting list these days are a lot shorter due to the crisis of living.

      • Not in Vic.

      • +1

        crisis of living

        It's something we all have to face

  • +1

    Pick the best one and contact the admissions office at the others. This is such a regular occurrence they do not care.

  • The school will make an offer, you can only accept by paying a non-refundable deposit.

    If you don't pay by deadline, the offer lapses.

    • Good to know.

      If a popular school has alot of waiting list, can the student be rejected based on his/her school result? My kid is what I call a B+ student.

  • A school interview also goes both ways. Unless the school is in super demand, they need to sell themselves to you too.

    • Can the school reject the student if the student is simply a B+ student? My kid gets mostly B but sometimes have a A in it. Never had a C as long as I can remember

      • It would depend on the school's stated aims, I think. If they're strictly after academic performance and want their school to rank highly on that basis, then it's possible. But not all schools are like that - acceptance can be based more on teacher's comments than outcome. ie willingness to learn and participate, resilience, respectful non-disruptive behaviour etc.

  • +1

    you get triple the education!

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