Carsales Dealer Pricing

Long time lurker…first time caller. Thanks for taking my call.

A mate of mine runs a smallish prestige car yard in regional Victoria. Been doing it for about 18 months…tough going. Has about 50 cars in stock…most of them $50k+. He's paying a small fortune to carsales every month - he reckons probably works out at least $300+ per car as he's on a per lead plan.

He doesn't want to change to fix price - if you don't sell the car in 28 days it rolls over and you pay another fee.

Any dealers have any advice on what the best type of arrangement is for a dealer this size?


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  • +13

    Maybe its time to look into another line of work if he isnt turning any profit in 18 months.

    Facebook marketplace seems like another avenue to advertise. Honestly marketplace is my first go to for anything

    • +4

      Tough going and not turning any profit in 18 months can be entirely different things.

      I know farmers who'll say its tough but buy a new car every year and a overseas holiday every year.

      So he might be making something just no where near what he had hoped.

    • -6

      Why is OP asking us "for a friend"

      This is a complete waste of time.

      That friend has NOT asked us for advice
      Furthermore Im sure they know what they are doing.
      They are already advertising on carsales which is the best place to advertise for dealers.
      Possibly they could look at Gumtree as well.
      But Gumtree also has a listing fee for cars now ($19-$99)
      Anyway, thats my advice
      But surely any used car dealer knows all these avenues,

      This is none of OPs business and Im sure thier friend will tell them the same.

      • His mate is OP's alter ego

  • +6

    Try facebook marketplace perhaps.

    • +1

      So many scams on marketplace now

      • +1

        No worse than gumtree with all of those buyers being offshore on a gas rig and need to use a vehicle transport company to collect your pride and joy, all sweetened by a no haggle agreement of what your advertised price was :-)

  • +6

    @spackbace might confirm but I think carsales charge a dealer $200+ per lead (eg a simple phone call that might last 10 seconds to clarify a detail).

    If you want to piss off a dealer (for whatever reason) just harass them via carsales.

    What is the population of this regional town?

    Edit: looks like it's Ballarat.

    I don't think carsales helps regional dealers as carsales make the dealership location so secretive. I'm sure there's plenty in Melbourne's western suburbs who would drive an hour to Ballarat to check out the right car.

    Definitely try marketplace as suggested above. Gumtree is dead in my opinion even though it seems to be just cars these days.

    • +5

      carsales make the dealership location so secretive

      The trick is to look at the pictures for clues. Usually they show the map screen with the location, the dealer logo in the background and the number plate surrounds etc. You can also google search the phone number.

      • +2

        Yes, I've used all those clues in the past. Sometimes they take photos out front of the dealership and you can Google the business next door from the picture. Isn't the phone number given by carsales generic?

        • +1

          On desktop its the dealers actual number, need to type it into google yourself as it is also an image. On the mobile I believe it dials a different number for tracking/privacy purposes.

      • +13

        No, the actual trick is to scroll to the very bottom of the desktop site. Dealer's details always there 😉

        • +1

          I'm always on mobile so that makes sense. Cheers

        • +3

          Bloody Carsales always convert the LMCT to an image so you can't search for it quicker…

        • +1

          Wow very useful, thanks!

        • +1

          I did this before (googled the LMCT to find the direct contact details) and the dealer thanked me for it! 🤣

          This was 5 years ago and he said it was about $40 each message.

    • +1

      Around $90 per lead last I heard, but yeah still a considerable amount

      • What constitutes a lead? Just a click to message / get phone number or something more?

        • +1

          Putting in an enquiry or calling through

          • @spackbace: Wow that's hefty. If you don't mind answering - what sort of conversion rate do you expect on such leads?

    • I don't think carsales helps regional dealers as carsales make the dealership location so secretive

      I looked at a number of cars before buying and many dealers make fairly detailed info of whrre they are (ie: we are located 20 mins NE of capital ETC ETC). So I don’t think this is an issue.

    • +5
      • +4

        Great info. Bloody license to print money for carsales.

        • It is called Monopoly probably Google take most of the money by putting them on top in the search results, but you can join them ASX: CAR, there was a time we had to buy a magazine called Trading Post LOL

      • +3

        $69* per email or
        phone enquiry
        For vehicles priced
        from $8,500 - $69,999

        Nice for Carsales

    • Generally with dealers you can divine enough info from the photos to work out the dealership and call them directly - that's what I have always done to deny Carsales their extortionate dealer fees.

  • +3

    How long does it take him to move each car using carsales? Advertising is all about return on investment, if it's only taking 2 months to move each car then $600 advertising to move a $50k item is actually really good - and that should be built into his budget. If he's had the same car there for 18 months clocking up $300 a month, that's not so good.

    If he only has 50 cars I'd assume he has a per-car strategy on how to move them, what the advertising budget is and where the market is. Car forums, car shows, trying cheap/free methods (gumtree, marketplace, etc), needs to be a mix and he needs to learn the market. Getting into car forums to figure out why people aren't buying them is also important, if they're prestige cars they're not going to appeal to everyone. He might be getting his pricing wrong if it's not moving, not everything is an advertising problem. If people aren't biting off carsales - the site where most people looking for a car go - there's questions to be asked.

  • +4

    Probably one of the worst times in Australian history to be selling up market cars….

    • ^^^ this..

      hes probably selling the right cars at the wrong time and wrong place…

    • +2

      There's still plenty of cashed up people around. No point keeping it in the bank losing value in this inflationary period, may as well enjoy it.

      • -1

        People with cash dont keep the bulk of their money in the bank….

  • +5

    If he's priced to the market, with good photos, he should be moving them.

    Has he even worked in a dealership before? Usually you'd open a yard after working in the industry, building the skills and contacts required to go out on your own

  • +1

    The problem is cars aren’t selling well these days.

    I can find many statements from many car dealers saying how hard it is to move cars right now, a combination of cost of living and high interest rates is making it hard to sell cars.

    The higher value cars are also more likely to be financed as well, so high interest rates makes it even harder than cheaper cars.

    • +3

      “Australian new car sales have continued at a record pace in 2024 with half year deliveries of 632,412 vehicles beating 2018’s record of 605,522, according to the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI).”…

      Lots of cars being sold.

      • +1

        new car sales

        • that wasn’t the comment I was responding to

          • +1

            @dtc: these aren't the droids you are looking for.

      • -1
      • +2

        3 of 4 top new car sales are not cars. More like commercial vehicles

        • All the Ranger/Hilux etc being purchased by businesses and Tradies using the taxpayer funded government handouts.

          That is why they are top sellers

  • +2

    smallish prestige car yard in regional Victoria.

    Your mate would probably have better luck running a mediumish non-prestige car yard in metro Victoria.

  • As a carsales shareholder, I like what they are doing

    • +2

      The thread was killed by the mods but what about the guy that quit his job to develop a competitor to carsales?

      • +2

        Mods were probably carsales shareholders haha /s

      • +1

        Is that what happened? I thought carlisting looked good

        • +2

          Once the URL was unveiled it possibly came across as advertising. I don't really know though.

          There's 1600 cars on there now so a fair effort.

      • I like what the mods are doing

  • +6

    2.5m+ in inventory … no idea what the rent on the yard is, but that's 15k/month in cost of capital … business is probably burning 30k/month in overheads.

    Just going to throw it out there, f*** carsales if you don't think it's worth it. I sell a car/bike every few months, but don't bother listing on carsales/bikes sales these days. Pricing is horrendous.

    Beef up your social media presence. Start a website+instagram that has all your inventory. Keep it up to date - religiously. You'd be surprised how many people appreciate having all the information they need at their fingertips and not having to call the salesperson.

    Start spending $$$ on advertising on fb/instagram/google. Sponsor a local sports team or two.

    • Honestly after doing all that you’re probably cheaper off listing them on carsales…

      • +2

        Nah - "all that" means your building a resilient business, rather than being at the mercy of carsales. Over the medium term you'll reap the rewards.

  • +2

    $50k+ cars in a regional area is the issue

    • Not really. We're not talking 3 people and a few dogs. It is a large area with a very well established prestige market.

    • Plenty of gold rush generational wealth in Ballarat.

  • +1

    One of my friends is a backyard car dealer. He uses a friend's dealership license to minimize the transfer fees. His strategy is high-volume sales. He flips cars for $300 profits but does at least 4-5 cars per week. With new migrants looking for cars, he's been doing really well. But it's a tough gig, with him always on the phone, picking up cars within an hour of being advertised, then selling them on. He enjoys the whole process of haggling, etc. I don't recommend this but am just sharing what I know.

    • Thanks. Yes some enjoy the grind. My mate works on lower volume, higher margin. Can get a bit hit and miss at times.

  • carsales has the highest quality leads - and they know - that's why they can charge that much for leads. I know of businesses that are struggling because they moved away from carsales (but they are not dealerships though)

  • he reckons probably works out at least $300+ per car as he's on a per lead plan.

    That's a few enquiries per car.
    What are the enquiries about? If the enquiries are generally asking for more information, then perhaps he's not putting enough information in the ads. Are the sale prices too high? It'll really help to understand why the leads aren't converting to sales.

  • If you are talking about prestige high end Euro cars located in the sticks which target's a certain demographic

    I think you would be limited to sales compared to city area

  • This is probably one of the worst times to be a used car salesman.

    2019-2022 was gangbusters, now the chickens have come home to roost. Second hand prices are in freefall.

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