Subscription auto renews for those who jumped on this deal
Blinkist Subscription - Don't Forget to Cancel Auto Renewel
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We've been trying to cancel JV for years. They/them are like mushrooms after the rain :-)
And Duolingo, Spotify Turkey coming up in August,
Subscription auto renews for those who jumped on this deal
Don't forget to cancel the auto renew.
scroll down the page and you will see Cancel Subscription option
Have been waiting for a new deal on another free year!!Just cancel every subscription you ever sign up to immediately after you sign up for the first time unless you have a very good reason not to. 99% of subscriptions (even trials) will still give you the full duration of the period you've signed-up for. And then when it expires you don't pay again until you actually need it (and hopefully find another deal in the process). There is almost never a reason to leave auto-renew on unless you've scored a good deal that lasts for a certain number of renewals. Companies always make it easy for you to give them more of your money later.