- Find Same Products, Cheaper?

Is there a tool out there that can find the same item on AliExpress, but cheaper? Most of it is sold by multiple sellers, and the price can be $20 to $145 for the exact item…

Example: $20.86
Different seller: $145.16


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  • +2

    That is the same listing. It looks like you're comparing the first option (PVC) with the second option (Upgraded)

    Regardless, I haven't heard of any tool that can do what you want. There are some tricks though. Like searching through google "Lightbox aliexpress", or adding the item to your cart and then removing (sometimes makes cheaper options appear in the "Related" tab)

  • +2

    If you're on desktop you can use Google's "reverse image search" or Google lens if you're on your phone.
    Here's one of Lens's results.…

    • +4

      The AliExpress app will let you search by image too.

      • +3

        I use the internal image search in app as it works best.

        Though the same listings as noted do have multiple price points and ymmv.

        • +1

          Yeah the listings are no different to eBay. They can have different 'colors' of the product on the same listing as seen in OP's listing which makes sense.

          Color: 20cm PVC Version
          Color: 30cm PVC Version
          Color: 25cm Black Version
          Color: 30cm Green Version
          Color: 30cm Black Version
          Color: 40cm Black Version
          Color: 40cm Upgraded

          • @Clear: Other sellers will have a listing for a CPU+Motherboard+RAM for $50 and when you open it the default selection is "CPU Cooler only", you have to pick "motherboard+cpu+ram package" and its like $250. Same listing abuse as eBay but just comes with the nature of the marketplace I guess.

  • +2

    OP, both of your URLs are identical:

    Different seller:

    for the exact item

    Nope, different items: the $20 one is small, the $145 one is much larger and has variable lighting

    sold by multiple sellers

    Nope, same seller

  • +2

    I'm pretty good at finding cheaper of the same product and my friends are always telling me that I'm a tool, does that count?

  • best way is to scroll down to "You may also like" and search there.

    or add the item to your cart, and then Aliexpress will start suggesting similar items.

    • I find they reuse the stock photos between listings since it’s all drop shipped. Get the AliExpress app on your phone and save a few pictures from the listing you’re looking at then go to the search and press search by image and you should find the other listings for it.

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