This was posted 12 years 3 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Steam Autumn Sale - L.A. Noire $3.74 USD (75% off)


75% off L.A. Noire at Steam for another 2:20 mins.

DLC Bundle is $4.49 USD (75% off). Includes:

  • The Broderick Detective Suit
  • The Sharpshooter Detective Suit
  • The Badge Pursuit Challenge & Button Man Suit
  • “The Naked City" Vice Case
  • "A Slip Of The Tongue" Traffic Case
  • "Nicholson Electroplating" Arson Case
  • "Reefer Madness" Vice Case
  • “The Consul’s Car” Traffic Case

Total $8.23 USD for L.A. Noire + DLC Bundle. Evidence I'm not making stuff up:…

Complete Edition available for $14.99 USD (75% off) also but that works out to be $6.76 USD more!

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closed Comments

  • so it is cheaper to buy la noire and the dlc apart?

    • Yup. :)

      I'll update the post to make it more obvious.

    • L.A Noire: $3.74

      DLC: $4.49



      L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition: $14.99

      • I already own it from another sale and they did the same thing then… strange it is alot better with the DLC

      • "Guides for this game
        Buy L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition - Brady Guide

        Umm isn't that just a guide for the game not including the game or am I confused?

        Comes up:
        "Buy L.A. Noire

        Edit Just realised Im in the euro store lol.

  • I had a look at reviews of this game, apparently it is very linear and it is the protagonist who pieces all the clues together, not you, so I decided against buying it because I didn't believe it was worth $80.

    Can someone who has actually played it tell me if it is worth $8.23?

    edit: the post has been updated that Base+DLC bundle=Complete but cheaper

    • I enjoyed it alot on PS3 very well designed, shame about team bondi…

      Also it is a big download ~14Gb

      • So without knowing anything about me, do you think that I should buy it or not? ;-) Basically, if you didn't already have it but you knew what you know now about how the game is, would you buy it for $8.23

        • +5

          Yes I think it is a great game for ~$8

        • I don't know you but if you need the $8.23 for something like rent, food, bills then maybe give it a skip. If not, $8.23 is pretty good for 30 odd hours of gameplay.

        • Thanks, purchased.

          Damn 28 degrees Mastercard doesn't give me any excuses not to buy in USD. I think it would come out to be $7.93 based on the current Mastercard exchange rate.

        • You'll enjoy it, pretty fun game from a good aussie developer. Probably not work 80 bucks, definitely worth 10.

          The driving between missions is tedious, and you can pretty much skip it completely.

      • My friend Steve worked on this. :(

    • +1

      I am a huge fan of the GTA series and was so excited when this came out thinking it would be similar.

      In my opinion this game blew chunks. Was dead set boring. Paid $80 and played for about 5 hours before giving up. I kept waiting for it to get better and it never did…

  • +1

    Hi, Amazon has the DLC bundle for $2.99, base game for $4.99, so the cheapest way is to buy base game from Steam for $3.49 + DLCs from Amazon for $2.99, so in total $6.48, a saving of $1.75

    • The DLC Bundle from Amazon isn't Steam activated.

    • Is that Steam redeemable? It shows up as "Sorry this item is not available in: Platform: PC Download - Steam DRM Edition: DLC Bundle"

    • Update:
      the Amazon DLCs key is not steam, but maybe GFWL,
      but they do have complete edition steam key for $7.49

  • +5

    Easiest way to do it is to just buy the complete from Amazon for $7.49.…

  • Great price!

  • Just came here to post this but someone beat me to it. Purchased based on trailer alone. Hopefully this is fun.

  • I can't urge you enough, BUY THIS GAME! The PC port isn't the best, but it's playable on DX9 (DX11 update seemed to take a performance hit), The 30+ hour story is incredible and the music is perfect for the time period. The facial capture technology is to this day still unbeatable with perhaps Heavy Rain on PS3 coming close behind.
    I suggest playing the game episodically like a detective TV show series, otherwise it can get a bit repetitive.

  • thanks op!

  • Thanks purchased the Steam redeemable version from Amazon for $7.49.…

  • Damn added to cart just around prior 1 minute of expiry then registered, confirmed email, Paypal login and then the price changed just when I was about to confirm purchase. They should honor it for at least 1 hour to allow people to register and so on to purchase. Oh well guess have to go amazon route now.

  • GTA IV Complete + La Noire Complete + GTA San Andreas [Download]…

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