[Short dated Past Best Before Date - BB 15/07/24]
Seems that VB Xtra isnt performing so well. 90 cans for $99 is still a pretty good deal (cheaper with membership) - $12.95 delivery to brisbane metro
[Short dated Past Best Before Date - BB 15/07/24]
Seems that VB Xtra isnt performing so well. 90 cans for $99 is still a pretty good deal (cheaper with membership) - $12.95 delivery to brisbane metro
Could you imagine drinking out of date VB?
Could you imagine drinking VB?
Apparently you're not aware of the difference between short dated and out of code.
Im very aware thanks, expired goods cannot be sold
It's not "short dated" then it's "past best before" (which was there ever a best for VB lmao).
Seriously - type in VB Xtra into Google. For 10 packs:
$28 at BWS
$25 at Dan Murphy's
$26 at Liquorland
$25 at First Choice
$57 for 24 bottles at Coles Online
I think this deal is for 90 cans
. Ie. 3 cases of 30? That's the way I read it
@pennypincher98: It's 90 cans not 30.
I mainly negged because of OP's refusal to correct the description to 'Past Best Before'
@werdplaya58: Lol turns out I'm the one with VB brain 🤣
Holy shit 90 cans of this is a death sentence to your taste buds.
wow, all these rage like a political debate based on rushed reading - or misinformation or missed information.
How am I reading it wrong?
What is VB Xtra?
Higher alcohol in a smaller tin
A bogans wet dream
Because it is expired so I am assuming the alcohol will be lowered to normal?
That’s not how it works
Just when i thought VB couldnt taste any worse
The vx actually tastes a fair bit better than VB
Less of the disgusting yeasty aftertaste
i think the decimal point should be to the left
Eeew brother
Nothing “craft” about this. These guys should stick to more unique beers rather than selling something you can pick up at BWS.
Something amusing I came across recently: https://www.betootaadvocate.com/uncategorized/vb-goes-underc…
that is a fun story. Even 10yrs ago the Betoota Advocate were pumping out great fake news.
It seems to me they haven't been selling it…
I just see;
- 250ml cans
- expired
- VB
I heard VB is like a fine wine, it only gets better with age…
That's not short dated. That's expired.
Seems cheaper at almost everywhere else too.