The Camera Man Has Arrived

The Camera Man has arrived from Whirlpool to Oz Bargain to see what all of the fuss is about!


  • +3

    Good night.

  • oh hi the camera man, am I supposed to know who you are??

    hah jokes (don’t know who you are but it doesn’t matter). but I do have some questions for you stranger.

    so with the current cyberattack situation that’s going on. does that mean we can’t even buy things for cash tomorrow if the store system was connected to the internet?

    about to open and finish the bottom of my bottle of gin for Friday night/sat morning and I am wondering if that is a bad idea. because indeed if the internet also goes down soon and everything turns to shit and I can’t get access to foods I won’t have the choice of getting hammered Saturday evening/sun morning.

    also hope I can get some food otherwise all I have is a few packs of instant noodles and protein bars to survive until Monday.

  • -8

    I am the Camera Man from Whirlpool, cash only at this stage for a lot of places, and some places like my local KFC are even closed completely.

    • hmm someone did tell me some stores are not even trading (I assume like KFC?).

      cash is not a severe problem at the moment (don’t need to join queue at bank) but maybe the smart move is to make it stretch. instead of a nice takeout meal I should focus on rice/pasta and instant noodles.

  • Why did you name yourself "The Camera Man"? Do you sell cameras or are you an expert in cameras? Or both? Or neither?

    • Neither. I am just a man with a camera.

      • Are you a professional photographer?

        • +2

          my work has been broadcast on major tv news bulletins so i guess you could say that, are you a ghost?

          • +3

            @The Camera Man: Oooh, got any examples? And no I am not.

          • @The Camera Man:

            are you a ghost

            You could say they are a professional ghost in the same was you are a professional cameraman with your non-existent portfolio.

  • What is a “camera man from whirlpool”?

    Do you sell cameras or know so much about cameras you have come to spread your knowledge of such devices?

    And btw, Ozbargin is much more fun then Whirlpool, I’ve been on whirlpool but I always keep on coming back to OzB.


    • what makes Oz bargain more fun than whirlpool?

  • +1

    Finally coming out from behind the bushes to introduce yourself here?

    • i am brand new here

    • Watch for the red and blue flashing lights due to someone loitering behind the bushes.

  • What's whirlpool?¿

    • +3

      In general, a bit of a cesspit.

    • a highly-moderated version of Oz Bargain.

      • Are you suggesting mods are stoned?

      • Got to love the wrong answer.

        whirlpool is a forum web site for tech forums. It is not web site that is just for bargains, there are some posts on bargains but for tech stuff and they are not the most common posts.

  • Welcome Bro!

  • ok seems to gone quiet now.

    here’s some videos I’m watching to help keep the doomsday anxiety away.

    I finished that gin and counted my paper moneys I had $250 left.

  • -5

    People be reporting posts for no reason now

  • Are you a big deal in Whirlpool?

    • +9

      I would say so

      Status: In the penalty box

      • So, you are saying that the move was more out of necessity than it was out of curiosity?

      • -1

        the moderators moderated me excessively in my opinion.

  • +4

    I gather, since you came from whirlpool to ozbargain, that you have suffered a $100k income drop?

    • +2

      Might be time for OP to fire up their LPG falcon in that case…

      • +4

        Is it back from Uncle Ian's already?

        • +3

          Yeah, uncle Ian says the 10 year tank inspection certificate is for pussies.

          • @Muzeeb: Uncle Ian sounds like a bonza bloke.

            • +1

              @mapax: YOLO attitude, dart hanging off the bottom lip while checking the fuel line.

    • it seems everyone over on whirlpool earns a six figure salary.

  • +1

    Wow, didn't realise Whirlpool was still running.

    • +5

      People still go there to find a good ISP, and we are here for $3 cash back on $30000 gift card.

      • +4


      • +1

        People still go there to find a good ISP, and we are here for $3 cash back on $30000 gift card.

        And then start a thread saying they've been ripped off as it didn't track.

    • Whirlpool activity seems to be decreasing with every waking hour.

      • Surprises Scotty hasn't acquired Whirlpool yet. Can't be worth more than a 2014 Rav4 with a cracked windscreen by now.

        • With or without kayak racks?

  • +4

    happy youre here, now how about post a deal

  • +1

    Welcome aboard.
    Looking forward to some deals. Preferably, camera themed.

  • Welcome!

    As an introductory, I recommend you read through the Epic Threads in case you hear terms like 'Broden' or 'bonut' being thown around.

  • +1
  • Do you make blue movies?

  • Do you know chairman?

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