This was posted 8 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim $24 + $4 Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store/ $65 Order) @ Big W

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13 Sentinels Aegis Rim for $24 at Big W.

Based on the online results, looks to be stock in plenty of stores.

Available or delivery, or pick up in store.

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closed Comments

  • +21

    Don't forget 10% off with code XJUL2024 😉
    I think you don't need to have Everyday Extra.
    Just make sure you are signed in to your Everyday Account.

    • Forgot to use the code. Can I cancel my order online, and reorder it? Or I can only put a new order and return the 1st order?

      • I didn’t pick up an order from BigW click and collect for about 2 weeks and they auto refunded and cancelled the order. Not sure if this will help lol

    • So they charge for this but it’s actually available to everyone?

  • Dang. If only I didn't already have it on PS4.

  • +1

    Wow, that's a steal

  • +4

    So weird to see this deal given the game came out in April 2022 and has been basically impossible to buy a new Aus version for as long as I've known the game exists

    • +3

      It was like with Hollow knight. There was no AUS copies in stock at any retailers and suddenly JBHifi had all this stock come out of the blue

    • Agree and seems like lots of store has it. Wondering if this is error.

      • +8

        I picked up a copy in-store (Winston Hills, NSW) a few days ago. I did not post the deal then, as I checked online and it wasn't listed on the Big W website at the time.

        Assumed at the time it was just old stock they found out the back, but now that I can see it online, decided to post the deal as it looks like it is widely available.

        Could be a re-release, I guess.

        • Thanks for confirming!

        • Atlus is known to re-print games due to demand, so I guess this is what happened. It doesn't normally happen for AUS PAL games though.

          Thankfully they didn't re-print the PS4 AUS copy otherwise RIP to the ~$90 I paid for it a few years ago.

          • @Pandaroo: I thought Sega handled the publishing duties in the non-Japan regions, it does have the Sega logo on the back cover.

            And given the other cheap Sega published Nintendo Switch games at Big W - Sega Mega Drive Classics, Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania, Samba de Amigo Party Central are at the $24.00 price point as well.

            Regardless, it's a great price for some Switch games especially something as well regarded as 13 Sentinels. It's pretty decent promotion at this price point.

            • @SonicsBlue: You could be right there, I didn't look too much into it.
              Looks like they have been re-printed anyway which is great for those who want to play them.
              I don't even own a Switch yet but am considering picking up at least 13 Sentinels.

      • +1

        My C&C order was ready within minutes at my local store. Going to collect over the weekend.

      • +1

        Confirming I got my copy locally so it’s not an error

    • So annoying I paid over 100 for a copy from EB when it vanished everywhere else the week it came out

  • Come on Amazon!

    • +1

      No stock at Amazon for AU Release.

  • Is there much other than chat simulation to this?

    • +6

      it's 50% turn-based/RTS with unit management with RPG mechanics (stats, weapons, equipment, upgrades) and 50% visual novel with minimum exploration.

      I'm not really a fan of visual novels but the gameplay and story got me hooked. It's definitely up there in terms of VNs especially when the plot starts to unravel and come together towards the latter half.

      At first it's confusiung and all over the place but if you hang in there and pay attention to the story and characters - the pay off is excellent.

      • I'd go as far as to say I hate visual novels. Which is weird as I love stories. I hated danganronpa and Phoenix Wright. Buy I like other types of gameplay where there is more to do

        • +2

          In that case you are not going to enjoy it if you hate danganrompa and phoenix wright

    • +2

      There's a whole RTS-ish section to the game that you can choose to do at any time

  • +3

    This is a great deal

  • +1

    I think I paid more for a download version on the store a few months back, bargain (still haven't played it lol)

  • Any thoughts on this game? I'll look up some reviews but curious on an ozbargainer's take

    • Not much of a take but I'm buying because it's by Vanillaware who recently released Unicorn Overlord this year and that game was fun for me. I'm hoping this is something similar that they made in the past. Various online communities seem to vouch for Vanillaware, and Atlus in general have been publishing pretty good titles as of late.

      • +1

        Absolutely loved 13 sentinels. I haven't finished UO yet, have about 60 hours but it just hasn't grabbed me like their previous games.

        The gameplay is actually a little similar though, it also has a mix of real time and turn based unit positioning. Both games are quite easy even on their hardest settings.

    • +1

      Visual Novel with breaks of Turn Based/Real-Time Strategy. Story was quite engaging and there is a ton of backstory and reading as well.

      Definitely worth the purchase and Sakurai (smash creator) recommends it too.

    • Great presentation, and actually unexpectedly excellent story that keeps stacking up ridiculous twists and complications and then actually manages to have them all make a surprising amount of sense by the end. (Takes a while to really get going though.)

      I personally enjoyed the semi-realtime strategy game. It’s not perfect and not something I’d want to play too frequently, but the gameplay is refreshingly unique. Play on the hardest difficulty if you want to do more than breeze through it (difficulty can be changed at any time).

  • +1

    Thanks OP, always wanted to try this out but was waiting for it to drop to a reasonable price :)

  • +2

    Does anyone know if the Japanese audio is available as an option on this version?

    • +5

      It is. That's how I played because I am a heathen.

      The dub is pretty solid though

      • Can you have English subs on with Japanese audio?

        • +2

          It's in English text and Japanese Audio or English Audio

  • Nice find, got 1 thank you.

  • +1

    Good game at good price!

  • None left in Gungahlin act

  • Any performance issues on switch? Contemplating dipping in again for portability.

    • +1

      Pretty sure the performace is better than the PS4, it's a great port. It does chug a bit on a couple of missions where things get hectic.

      • that actually seems to be the general feedback from a quick browse on reddit threads.

  • +1

    About $20.50 with 10% off code and 5% gift card

    • What’s the code?
      Edit: XJUL2024

      Re ordered.

      • Did u put another order ? Or u mange to cancel one?

  • Thanks OP. Great deal

  • +1

    Purchased. Hope the partner likes it! No idea what I bought!

    • If the story seems too slow or too opaque at first, try to push on because it’ll quite likely hook you later with one of the other characters.

  • Cant add to cart anymore

    • +1

      I just purchased again, cause I forgot the code.

      • Its wierd when i checkout as guest it worked, but when i signed in it glitched out or something

      • works for me

    • If it is cc, you have to select a store which has stock.

  • -1

    managed one event don't know what this game is

  • I saw this online last night. Given the price point and plethora of code in box games that Big W likes to have - I can confirm that that this copy of 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim does contain a physical cartridge.

    Physically went in to the Warringah Mall store today and bought a copy, they had around 10 copies on their shelves. Pity, I bought a sealed U.S. version of eBay for $40 a couple of months ago.

    An aside, JB Hi-fi had a display copy of Front Mission on hand. They priced matched EB Games current sale of $28.00. Two Switch games for $52.00 is a score in my books.

    Also the Aegis Rim game and the various cheap games at BigW, it might be a good way to get a positive trade-in value at EB Games.

    • +1

      Another plus for the physical version is checking out the gorgeous character art on the inside of the case and the little "surprise" when you take the cartridge out of its holder

      • +1

        It's been a while since I've finished the game and saw your comment about the "surprise".

        I was like what surprised and got my copy out and oh! Hello! And I could hear the voice.

        Ah, to play it blind again

      • Guess this confirms it's a reprint because the inside of the case is absolutely nothing. Cheap reprint.

        • That's a pity.. so no double sided printing on the cover piece of paper?

        • +1

          I bought it when it initially released. The inside cover is plain, it just has repeating reticle pattern, a giant warranty disclaimer and the cat behind the cartridge; there's no other character art.

    • +2

      $36 trade in level 4

      • +1

        Trade in value will decrease somehow when they start to receive a lot of trade-ins for this game.

        I hope the current trade-in value stands in September when I receive the 50% extra trade-in credit for my Birthday.


        • -2

          That is godlike but it caps out at 80 games per trade in :( guy told me there was no limit then I hit it half way -_- bastards! I legit could of went from bottom level 4 to number 1 in their top 10k carrots stash if I had an extra 2 days of planning ><

    • I just received mine and can confirm that I've received a physical cartridge.

  • +5

    Seeing a lot of people here saying they nabbed without even knowing what it is; I can't help but feel there might be a lot of regretful buyers here since if you don't like wordy ~40hr Sci Fi Visual Novel Anime's you're probably in for a bad time.

    (If you do, then you're in for a wild ride and what was considered a sleeper GOTY contender by many)

    • +2

      I loved FFVII as a kid, and Diablo 2, Baldurs Gate 2. But don't have time for video games anymore. Currently playing Warframe but it's so grindy and I struggle to keep up and have no time.
      Hoping this is something I can just relax into and take at my own pace slowly…

      • +4

        Sure, just don't take too much time.

        There's a lot of characters (some of which have multiple names for… reasons..) and loads of twists from start to finish. It's a game I wouldn't recommend trying to juggle with other backlog over too long of a period of time for fear of forgetting details.

        • Yeah it’s overall good as a relaxing game (no time pressure and simple controls for the story part, while the strategy part is low-difficulty and can be paused at any time), but trying to piece together all the insanity that’s going on in the (excellent) non-linear story can take substantial effort.

      • +3

        This game is a slow burn but it's worth it. The strength of the game is gradually piecing together and figuring out the story, it's a really unique experience that I feel you can only do in a game.

  • Does this version have Japanese text? Neutral against the localisation, I just want to know if I can play in Japanese or not.

    • +4

      English text, Japanese or English Audio

  • +1

    Thanks OP

    i bought the digital version last time, and double dip on the physical one here.. either keep it for collection sake or it's good for trade-in value at EB games.

  • thanks, bought 100

    • Just make sure u join the other high buyers to sort out a set price like Woolies and coles do on their products ;)

  • hope you like big stupid annoying stickers on your game cases, refuse to buy from BigW as a result, they're very annoying and do it games and Lego sets

    • Yeah, that's a problem with Big W unfortunately,

      I always ask them to lightly press the sticker onto game case, to avoid getting that residue on the cases. And I always take it the sticker off as soon I am outside the store before the glue on the stickers actually sets and cures.

    • Price match at JB?

    • +1

      They had sealed copies

    • Mine has the Big W Sticker on the plastic sealed wrap…

  • Bought click and collect.
    Now to watch a review to figure out what I bought

  • +2

    Very good price!!! I ended up with a US copy and paid $80 to import it back then. First VN game and quite liked it.

    • I got a UK copy for $60, this is a steal at $24.

  • Bought it when it came out for a really stupid price, kind of expected it to be hard to find in a years time like a lot of other switch games are but apparently not.

  • Not available online it seems.

  • Has anyone got the email to pick up yet? I placed my order around 3pm, but only received a confirmation email for the order. Not sure is it because the global blue screen issue causing the delay.

    • same here

    • I placed my order at around 3pm too, but received the "Ready for Pick Up" email at 6:30pm (in South Australia).

    • Placed my order around the same time yesterday. Got the sms this morning at 10.30am.

    • I ordered around the same time as you and got the pickup SMS just after 9am this morning

    • Ordered around 5pm yesterday and received the pickup order at 10:00am this morning

  • +1

    My order got refunded :(

    • +1

      Same. No reason was given. It was a waste of time

  • Got one for myself and one as a gift for my friend who has been looking for this game. Bit of a drive to go get it though Lol

  • Damn getting ozbargained, sold out online and now only available in whoop whoop

  • +1

    Nice. Paid $99 on release.
    ENjoyed it and worth it.

  • +1

    Was too lazy to do a 30min drive for click and collect. Now kinda regret it lol.

  • +1

    My order got cancelled :(

  • -1

    Is this a good game?

  • placed an order on the 19th and just received ready to pick up email.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, received mine today and it came sealed in plastic without the Big W sticker

    • Mine was unsealed and had the sticker which I managed to remove nicely.

      I wonder if you have inside artwork?

      • Unfortunately no, nothing inside besides the cartridge

      • Same unsealed with Big W sticky tape over. Inside no visible artwork but when you remove the cartridge you should see something hiding there.

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