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Cashews 750g (Salted and Unsalted) $10 @ Woolworths & Coles

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It's back again, at the usual "on-special" price.

Woolworths have roasted and salted, and roasted and unsalted.

Coles have roasted and salted, and dry roasted. Link to Coles:
Roasted and Salted: https://www.coles.com.au/product/coles-roasted-and-salted-ca…
Dry Roasted (and unsalted): https://www.coles.com.au/product/coles-dry-roasted-cashews-7…

Great as a snack, the high protein content (about 20%) will quickly make you feel full.

Don't forget to read the allergen warnings, if you are in danger of an allergic reaction. May contain traces of quite a few other ingredients.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Coles have no sunflower oil on them which I prefer. Fingers don't get as greasy.

    • +7

      Only the dry-roasted ones. The salted ones have added sunflower oil, according to the ingredients list.

      • +2

        Nice thanks I didn't look at the salted ones

      • +7

        I've vowed to never buy the salted ones again. Always felt a bit ill eating those (apart from simple cashew overconsumption). I washed the salt off them only to realise they were cooked in oil.
        Dry roasted is a much better option in my opinion.

        • How long ago did you have the salted ones? About a year or two ago, Coles apparently changed suppliers. The previous ones were heavily salted, and came in 800g quantity. The current ones are 750g, and are quite reasonable for their level of salt.

          I agree with you though, the dry-roasted ones are still the best IMO.

        • Use a sieve next time, should be able to get rid of most of the salt

          • +2

            @Craze: The salt isn't the issue, it's the seed oils they're cooked in

            • @mickeyjuiceman: Salt on nuts is a huge issue for overconsumption, which can make them go from a healthy snack to an unhealthy snack :)

        • Oil roasted nuts have negligible extra fat content, as they're already full of fat (look at the macros on the label). I agree that excessive seed oils aren't good, but roasted nuts aren't a significant source.

          On another note, why are the roasted cashews always cheaper than raw?

          • +6


            why are the roasted cashews always cheaper than raw?

            You can't actually buy raw cashews, and the ones described as raw aren't actually raw.

            Cashews contain a toxin called urushiol, and it is inactivated by high heat - usually roasting, probably on a conveyer belt going through an oven. The "raw" cashews have been "roasted" in high-temperature steam, which inactivates the toxin, without browning them.

            Steam roasting, being a more complex process, is probably the reason for the higher price.

            I'm not in the industry, but I did read about it quite a while ago, and I found it interesting.

            • @Russ: Oh thanks for this. I was aware of the whole 'raw' cashew toxicity, but didn't consider that the processing could be more expensive.

        • we transfer ours into a container. shake the container b4 eating to move the salt to the bottom, n once u get to the bottom, use them as cooking salt :) ozbargained ✓

          • +1

            @Tomato: It wasn't the salt that was the issue, it was the oil. Didn't agree with my stomach in the amounts that I eat them.

    • +3

      Can't wait to drench them in leftover oven grease from the latest rounds of KFC 9 for $9.95.

      • +10

        Kentucky Fried Cashews

  • Not really a special when this is a “special” practically every second or third week at Woolies and Coles, just like the majority of other products they advertise as being on special.

    • +23

      Quite a few of the deals on OzBargain recur regularly. I post about cashews, because judging from the number of up votes, a lot of people find such posts helpful.

      • +8

        True, cashews are well liked, and people want to know when they are ok special. Keep up the good work 🙂

        • Good to know to stockpile with the Flybuys 25% offers

  • +9

    Always chuckle at the legal obligation they have to state on the packet "Caution, may contain traces of nuts."

    • +6

      Aww $20. I wanted a peanut

    • +4

      Cashews are not technically nuts

      • +5

        Even Coles and Woolies weren't sure about that, hence the "May contain nuts" label.

  • +1

    Anyone tried popping them in an air fryer for a few minutes? Does it make them nicer?

    • +10

      I like to warm my nuts in the airfryer.

      • -1

        Instructions unclear. Got testicles snagged in oven.

  • +2

    Schrödinger's cashews
    Simultaneously salted and unsalted

  • +2

    was $9 a few month ago

    • I wish time machines were sold on OzBargain…

  • How do these compare to cashews from Coles? The ones from coles are pretty good

    • I recall in previous cashew deals, people have compared the flavours. Can't remember which deal.

    • I know my local Coles (small one) only carries salted cashews so I've never tried them.

  • +1

    Unless I'm mistaken, cashews have not increased in price since before covid.
    How is it possible that so much primary produce has increased by huge percentages, yet this product, presumably subject to many of the same increased production costs has been immune to price gouging, errr, increases… yeah, not gouging, just unavoidable increases?

    • +2

      Possibly because they're 100% imported, and the Australian dollar has been going up compared to the currency of the country they're grown in, likely Vietnam.

      Historical chart is half-way down this webpage, the conversion rate has indeed been improving over the last year: https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=AUD&to=VND&view=1Y

  • +2

    After tasting costco salted cashews never buying these again, even at half price.

    • +1

      How much and how many grams are Costco cashews?

    • +3

      Maybe so, but for a lot of people Costco is too far away, and of course the membership fee is discouraging unless you can visit at least monthly.

      I used to have Costco membership, bought purely so I could get the tyres on my car replaced. Even after including the membership fee, I saved money on the tyres. But for the remaining 11 months of the membership, I recall I went twice, and then stopped bothering.

      • I dont have any membership though its nearby. i piggy back with my cousin occasionally to buy some of these nuts. Since everything there is oversized, buying anything from there wont workout for us.

    • are costco nuts saltier?

      • Probably and more crunchier too. Also it depends on how cashews are extracted. Some extraction method removes a bit of oil from them making them less tastier.

        • sold, i will give them a try. thanks mate.

    • yep Coles and Woolworths sell only low quality batches, barely worth the "special" price

  • -1

    DEEZ NUTZ are yummy

  • Rancid no doubt, like most nuts from supermarkets

  • Chinese crap

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