Okay price but not the lowest it’s ever been. Not sure how well it works but have been taking it as precaution and have not had a flu or cold this winter.
Mod Update: OP is associated with Amazon AU
Okay price but not the lowest it’s ever been. Not sure how well it works but have been taking it as precaution and have not had a flu or cold this winter.
Mod Update: OP is associated with Amazon AU
No stock for semi rural areas
Just get powder. Much cheaper and easy to mix with fav juice
Do you have a link for comparison?
I got this before from catch 2 for $8
And then i ordered one from vitacost 270 doses of 1g for $8 (on discount) with my latest order Olympian Labs Vitamin C Powder — 1000 mg - 275 Servings
Ive been on high dose vit C for 2 years and really boosts the immune system. Summer 1g and winter 1.5 to 2g
As a heads up, a number of reviews mention that it contains Saccharin. For more on Saccharin Sodium, refer to: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-saccharin-bad-f…
It does contain saccharin and there's nothing in that link to suggest it causes harm to humans.
Not that I think that website is credible to begin with.
It does towards the end of the article. The same issues are highlighted here as well: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/artificial-sweeteners-g… Anyway, just thought I'd mention it
Following a controversial history, most health authorities agree that saccharin is safe for human consumption
Sounds about right.
Garlic C I find are very good
Or just down a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice a day…
About a litre of orange juice to match the content of vitamin C in one tablet.
With the fibreless sugar that goes with it. Notwithstanding that the sugar (glucose) and Vit. C. both compete for absorption within the intestines.
Woolworths and Coles are both doing something with their lines/shelves of vitamins etc , but especially Coles .
Have scooped up a lot o vitC+ immunity mix $4 .
A lot of different stuff from magnesium chewable for $2 vitB $3 probiotics $3.30 and lots of stuff selling at 5-10% of rrp .
Started about 2weeks ago but individual stores are discounting at different times ,
still stock out there to be had if you keen to look around and hunt .
I always get sick on holidays and I take vitamin C.
No slow release no buy for me.
Good price, currently $18.50 from ColesWorths:
Meanwhile ol mate CW doesn't have a clue @ $18.99 but advertising it as $12.50 off RRP lols: https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/47377/cenovis-sugarl…