Samsung Galaxy S24 PreOrder Promo Savings - Debt Collector

Hi All,

Wasn't sure how to name this one but I'm just putting the feelers out there to see if anyone else is being chased for money by Samsung debt collectors due to the number of savings tactics offered and used during the preorder period.

Long story short, I got the S24 Ultra 512GB down to $1215 after using the $300 worth of accessories deal and then later cancelling the accessories to get the refund for them. The refund never came through, meaning that the total amount paid was approx $1515 even though my new invoice would show $1215. I contacted Samsung multiple times to get the refund and was told it was being processed.

After a few weeks I contacted my credit card company and showed proof of invoice and payment. They chased Samsung and I received a refund within a few days (not a chargeback). Samsung also sent me a remittance showing they'd processed a refund (remittance showed full purchase amount even though they refunded the correct amount of approx $300)

Skip ahead to a few weeks ago, I received and email from Commercial Credit Services claiming that I owe Samsung $300. I've sent them proof of payments/refunds etc and after having to reiterate a second time im still waiting to hear from them again.

Has anyone else ended up in this situation?

I wont be paying any money too them. I actually think the phone isn't even worth $1200 moving from a Note 10 Plus.

I would've commented in the original deal post but I couldn't find the right one.

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  • +3

    Ask them to provide details on the $300 debt with dates

    • Thanks for the tip. They provided the invoice showing the $1515 worth of products and then a POD showing that the $300 worth were not delivered lol. I've emailed them regarding this a week ago tomorrow. Absolutely crap service.

  • -5

    think the phone isn't even worth $1200 moving from a Note 10 Plus.

    Yeah man they are phone. As long they can make a call and browse tiktok thats it why spending over $1k

    • +1

      Honestly I wanted it for the camera considering all the marketing material and pre release reviews. They make the preorder very attractive with all the discounts. I've learned my lesson with Samsung now.

      • +2

        Tbh I did exactly what you did too and I got my refund in a few weeks, all seamlessly. No issues.

        Just a case of misfortune for you. Although, Samsung Australia’s operations are clunky as hell. I have had plenty issues in the past.

    • So you have the following apps:

      • Phone
      • Contacts
      • an internet browser
      • TikTok

      It makes sense why don't need a phone over $1000 dollars. But I have over 300 apps. I do a lot more on my phone than you do. For some of it, I need high end specs. For some it, large screen sizes are very helpful. I also like having a great camera for when I need it. If I was to purchase a current model phone to ensure I could keep it for the longest time, my choices would be limited to:

      • iPhone 15 Pro Max
      • Galaxy S24 Ultra
      • Pixel 8 Pro

      All of which are currently over $1000 dollars. People have different use cases. I can justify expensive phones for myself, while you can't and that's fine. I'm sure there could be things that you spend on that I wouldn't. For example, I don't have a high end laptop nor do I have a TV - which some OzBargainers spend quite a lot on.

      • Cool story, I don't use TikTok. As me tioned I purchased the phone believing the Camera was the best. It's good but not quite the jump I was sold.

        • Umm I never said you did? I was replying to CyberMurning, not you.

  • +1

    O.P. FAFO.

  • +1

    Samsung is the worst company I have dealt with. I had an issue with a online order and attempted to contact Samsung through multiple channels - no response from anyone with the power to fix anything.

    Dealing with Samsung directly has seriously made me reconsider sticking with Samsung in the future.

    OOI, What do the T&C say about cancellation regarding cancellation of accessories?

    • I definitely won't be dealing with Samsung again. I've also seem some recent dodgy tactics to skip out on warranty repairs but haven't had first hand experience on that.
      I don't think it was mentioned in the T&C's. I think that's why alot of us were doing it.

      • Are you able to find the T&C and confirm?

        Regardless, in my opinion, Samsung have awful online services. In this case, you shouldn't have been able to cancel the item if it violated the terms and conditions.

        • I haven't tried to find the T&C's since making the purchase. If the debt collectors go any further I'll have to do some due diligence. You'd think there online store would be bulletproof to prevent the deal from working if it was against the terms.

  • Checks CCR

  • Did you buy $300 worth of accessories without any discount? Or did Samsung have a promo which gives you $300 discount on accessories with your phone purchase?

    • They offered $300 to spend on accessories which would actually discount the phone rather than show the accessories as being free. If the phone had have stayed as the purchase price and the accessories showed as $0 then I believe it'd be a different story.

  • What did the terms say?

    Sounds like you used a specific promotion to drop the price then refunded that promotional items?

    • I cant recall the terms.
      They offered $300 to spend on accessories which would actually discount the phone rather than show the accessories as being free. If the phone had have stayed as the purchase price and the accessories showed as $0 then I believe it'd be a different story.

      • Hmmm true! They probably do it that way so their reporting shows $$ in the accessories.

        Weird either way, would be interesting to know what the terms said.

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